# Russian Roulette
This is a game of chance where the player tries to guess a number from 1 to 6. If the player guesses correctly, they win. If the player guesses incorrectly, the computer restarts.
$ ./games
Enter a number (1-6): 3
Congratulations! You have won!
$ ./games
Enter a number (1-6): 5
You've lost! The computer's shutting down...
## Game Rules
**At the Start of the Game**
* The game begins with the message "Welcome to the game of Russian roulette!"
* The player is prompted to guess a number between 1 and 6.
**During the Game**
* If the player's guess is correct, the game ends and the player wins.
* If the player's guess is incorrect, the game ends and the computer restarts.
## Warning
This game is dangerous because it simulates a real gun. Be careful when playing this game.