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Privado ID Flutter SDK

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Breaking change

The content of the QR code provided by the Issuer or Verifier will change with the actual release of the Issuer node. Please check the file for more information on how to parse the new QR code content.


This is a Flutter plugin for the Privado ID SDK, which allows you to integrate Privado ID identity system into your Flutter apps.

Please see the example app included in the repository and follow the Privado ID Wallet SDK Documentation.


To use this plugin, add polygonid_flutter_sdk as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file like this

  polygonid_flutter_sdk: ^x.y.z

This will get you the latest version.

If you want to test a specific branch of the repository, pull polygonid_flutter_sdk like this

        url: ssh://
        ref: branchPathName


To integrate Privado ID Flutter SDK into your Flutter app, follow these steps:

  1. Import the polygonid_flutter_sdk package:
import 'package:polygonid_flutter_sdk/sdk/polygon_id_sdk.dart';
  1. Initialize the Privado ID Flutter SDK with your environment:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:polygonid_flutter_sdk/sdk/polygon_id_sdk.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  await PolygonIdSdk.init(
    env: EnvEntity(
      pushUrl: '',
      chainConfigs: {
        "80002": ChainConfigEntity(
          blockchain: 'polygon',
          network: 'amoy',
          rpcUrl: '',
          stateContractAddr: '0x1a4cC30f2aA0377b0c3bc9848766D90cb4404124',
      didMethods: [],
  runApp(const App());

See below for details about setting up the environment.

  1. To be able to authenticate with issuers or verifiers, fetch credentials and generate proofs, you need to download the proof circuit files.
Stream<DownloadInfo> stream =
        await PolygonIdSdk.I.proof.initCircuitsDownloadAndGetInfoStream;

For more information on how to use the Privado ID Flutter SDK, please check the example app included in the repository and follow the Privado ID Wallet SDK Documentation


App side

You need to set the environment you are working on in the SDK.

You can either set the environment during initialization (with env parameter) or later with PolygonIdSdk.setEnv().

The environment object is EnvEntity with:

  final String blockchain; # The name of the blockchain (eg: polygon)
  final String network; # The network of the blockchain (eg: amoy)
  final String web3Url; # URL of the blockchain (eg:
  final String web3ApiKey; # The API key of the web3 URL service (eg: YOUR-INFURA-API-KEY)
  final String idStateContract; # The ID state contract (eg: 0x134B1BE34911E39A8397ec6289782989729807a4)
  final String pushUrl; # The push notification URL (eg:
  final String ipfsUrl; # The ipfs API URL (eg: https://[YOUR-IPFS-API-KEY]:[YOUR-IPFS-API-KEY-SECRET]

Supported Environments

Environment Polygon Amoy Polygon Main
blockchain polygon polygon
network amoy main
idStateContract 0x1a4cC30f2aA0377b0c3bc9848766D90cb4404124 0x624ce98D2d27b20b8f8d521723Df8fC4db71D79D

If you want to deploy your own State Contract, please check the contract documentation.

You can get the current env using PolygonIdSdk.I.getEnv().

  1. Circuits download

You can use PolygonIdSdk.I.proof.initCircuitsDownloadAndGetInfoStream to init circuits download and PolygonIdSdk.I.proof.proofGenerationStepsStream to track progress. It expects the downloaded file to .zip format. It will download the circuits from the server and extract them to the app's internal storage. getApplicationDocumentsDirectory is used to get the path to the internal storage. To check if the circuits are downloaded, you can use PolygonIdSdk.I.proof.isAlreadyDownloadedCircuitsFromServer.

Witness calculation

To generate proofs, you need to use witness calculation data (.wcd) files. Common .wcd files are provided in the assets folder. Place them under the assets folder in your project.

Deploy and check


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run build_runner to generate .g.dart files:
dart run build_runner build lib test example --delete-conflicting-outputs

For iOS only:

  1. Add to your app's Podfile the following post_install code:
post_install do |installer|  
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    # polygonid-setup
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      cflags = config.build_settings['OTHER_CFLAGS'] || ['$(inherited)']
      cflags << '-fembed-bitcode'
      config.build_settings['OTHER_CFLAGS'] = cflags
      config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '5.0'
      config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'
      config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '14.0'
      config.build_settings['STRIP_STYLE'] = 'non-global'

Issues and Contributions

If you encounter any issues with this SDK, please file an issue. Contributions are also welcome - simply fork this repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
