- Pointer, Arrays, Maps, Object Oriented Programming
- Reasons for Go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kj5ApnhPAE
- Swap, Index, Rational Numbers, Containers
- Structs, Interfaces, Embedding, Polymorphism
- Functional Programming
- Lambda Calculus
- Streams in Go
- What is a Parser?
- Functional Parsers and Parser Combinators
- Building a Parser in Go
- Why concurrent programming matters!
- Go routines and channels
- Go concurrency patterns
- The dining philosophers problem
- Deadlocks and Detection
- The Resource Access Graph
- Building a Resource Manager
- Introduction
- Sockets and low level programming
- RPC and GRPC
- ID generator with GRPC
- Introduction into Consensus Protocols
- Raft
- Implementing Raft with Go
- Introduction into Go 1.11 Modules
- Implementing Modules
- What is System Programming?
- Calling C
- Implementing Docker