During the course you learned about grammar, lexers and parsers. The exercise is split up into three parts:
- Implement a lexer to extract tokens from a boolean expression
- Implement a parser to build an Abstract Syntax Tree and to evaluate the expression
- Implement both the lexer and the parser using Antlr
If you do not finish during the lecture period, please try this at home.
Write a lexer for boolean expressions inclusive braces. Use the following grammar definition:
<expression> ::= <term> { <or> <term> }
<term> ::= <factor> { <and> <factor> }
<factor> ::= <var> | <not> <factor> | (<expression>)
<or> ::= '|'
<and> ::= '&'
<not> ::= '!'
<var> ::= '[a-zA-Z0-9]+'
Note: A lexer only uses the lexer rules from the grammar.
The lexer has a method
func splitTokens(input string) []string {
to split the expression into tokens and a further method
func (l *Lexer) NextToken() string
that iterates over the tokens.
Disclaimer: Feel free you use your very own software design.
🤥 Write tests! Otherwise it does not happen! 🤥
The parser is split up into two parts:
- Define and implement an Abstract Syntax Tree
- Token parsing and Abstract Syntax Tree building
Reminder: Use the following grammar definition:
<expression> ::= <term> { <or> <term> }
<term> ::= <factor> { <and> <factor> }
<factor> ::= <var> | <not> <factor> | (<expression>)
<or> ::= '|'
<and> ::= '&'
<not> ::= '!'
<var> ::= '[a-zA-Z0-9]+'
Write a program which builds an AST with nodes to evaluate logical expressions with (And, Not, Or with variables).
Sample Expression: `A AND B OR C`
| OR |
/ \
--------- ----------
| AND | | Var:C |
--------- ----------
/ \
--------- ---------
| Var:A | | Var:B |
--------- ---------
The tree should be evaluated with a evaluation methods which supports named variables:
eval(vars map[string]bool) bool
Why named variables: This allows us to build the AST once and use it for multiple variable values.
Notes that might help:
- Interfaces and Polymorphism
- Nodes are different but what are the commonalities?
- Simply follow the rules
🤥 Write tests! Otherwise it does not happen! 🤥
Write a unit test which builds the AST and evaluate the expression with given boolean values for the variables A, B, C.
Write a recursive descent parser. The parser must implement the grammar rules (that was enough hint).
🤥 Write tests! Otherwise it does not happen! 🤥
We now use Antlr to generate a lexer and a parser for a given grammar definition.
Follow the go Antlr quick-start: https://github.com/antlr/antlr4/blob/master/doc/go-target.md
You need to do the following things:
- Antlr Setup (see above)
- Define an Antlr grammar file (
) - Generate lexer and parser source code
- Use the generated files to parse boolean expressions
Should be not to hard 🤙