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wS woS woaS woahSwoah Soah tSah thSh thaS thatSthat'Shat'sSat's St's sS's skSs skiS skibSskibiSkibidSibidiSbidi Sidi tSdi toSi toiS toilStoileSoiletSilet!Slet! Set! ySt! yeS! yeaS yea Syea ySea yiSa yipS yippSyippeSippeeSppee Spee wSee weSe we S we hSwe haSe hadS had Shad oSad onSd oneS one Sone jSne juSe jusS justSjust Sust sSst siSt sitS sittSsittiSittinSttingSting Sing iSng inSg in S in oSin ouSn ourS our Sour wSur wiSr winS wingSwing Sing fSng frSg froSrom aSom a Sm a gS a grSa graS gradSgraduSraduaSaduatSduateSuatedSated Sted sSed seSd senS seniSsenioSeniorSnior Sior hSor hoSr hopS hopeShope Sope tSpe thSe thaS thatSthat Shat hSat haSt hapS happShappeSappenSppensSpens Sens tSns toSs to S to mSto meSo me S me sSme seSe serS sereSserenSerenaSrenadSenadeSnade Sade uSde usSe us S us tSus trSs truS trusStrustSrust Sust iSst i St i cS i caSi canS can Scan pSan plSn plaS playSplay Slay tSay twSy twiS twinStwinkSwinklSinkleSnkle Skle tSle twSe twiS twinStwinkSwinklSinkleSnkle Skle lSle liSe litS littSlittlSittleSttle Stle sSle stSe staS starSstar Star wSar weSr welS wellSwell Sell nSll noSl nowS now Snow iSow itSw it’S it’sSit’s St’s gS’s goSs gonS so sSso saSo sadS sad Ssad bSad buSd butSut heSt he’S he’dShe’d Se’d pS’d plSd plaS playSplay Slay sSay soSy somS someSsome Some sSme soSe sonS songSsongsSongs Sngs aSgs anSs andSnd siSd sinS singSsing Sing pSng plSg plaS playSplay Slay aSay alSy allS all Sall 1Sll 12Sl 12 S 12 vS12 vaS2 varS variSvariaSariatSriatiSiatioSationStionsSions Sons <Sns <@Ss <@1S <@10S<@104S@1043S10430S04300S43007S30074S00742S07425S74253S42535S25357S53572S35729S57291S72915S29156S91560S1560>S560> S60> lS0> leS> letS let Slet mSet meSknow Snow wSow whSw whaSwhat Shat ySat yoSt youSyou eSou enSu endS end Send uSnd upSd up S up dSup doSp doiS doinSdoingSoing Sing pSng plSg plsS pls Spls oSls onSs on S on aSon a Sn a gS a guSa guiS guitSguitaSuitarSitar Star oSar ohSr oh S oh pSoh plSh ploS plotSplot Slot tSot twSt twiS twisStwistSwist:Sist: Sst: tSt: thS: thaS thatSthat'Shat'sSat's St's tS's thSs theSthe iShe imSe imaS imagSimageSmage;Sage; Sge; tSe; thS; theSthe oShe otSe othS otheSotherSther Sher iSer isSr is S is aSis a Ss a pS a paSa paiS painSpaintSaintiSintinSntingSting Sing Sng ∈Sg ∈rS ∈r S ∈r S∈r <Sr <@S <@1S <@11S<@110S@1102S11029S10293S02939S29392S93924S39243S92439S24395S43954S39548S95484S54847S48477S84774S47745S7745>S745> S45> uS5> unS> unvS unveSunveiSnveilSveil Seil ySil yoSl youS yourSyoursSourseSurselSrselfSself Self nSlf nuSf nuhS nuh Snuh uSuh uhSh uh S uh Suh pSh peS perS perfSperfeSerfecSrfectSfectiSectioStion Sion 🤓Son 🤓 Sn 🤓 hS 🤓 htS🤓 httS httpShttpsSttps:Stps:/Sps://Ss://tS://teS//tenS/tenoStenorSenor.Snor.cSor.coSr.comS.com/Scom/vSom/viSm/vieS/viewSview/Siew/bSew/blSw/bliS/blinSblinkSlinkiSinkinSnkingSking-Sing-eSng-eySg-eyeS-eyesSeyes-Syes-wSes-whSs-whiS-whitSwhiteShite-Site-gSte-guSe-guyS-guy-Sguy-bSuy-blSy-bliS-blinSblinkSlinkiSinkinSnkingSking-Sing-mSng-meSg-memS-memeSmeme-Seme-wSme-whSe-whaS-whatSwhat-Shat-hSat-huSt-huhS-huh-Shuh-gSuh-giSh-gifS-gif-Sgif-2Sif-26Sf-263S-2633S26334S63343S33432S34322S4322 S322 iS22 isS2 is S is tSis thSs thaS thatSthat Shat dSat deSt dexS dextSdexteSexterSxter Ster tSthe rShe raSe racS raciSraciaSacialScial Sial sSal slSl sluS slurSslur Slur dSur daSr datS dataSdatabSatabaStabasSabaseSbase Sase nSse neSe neaS neatSneat Seat tSat thSt theSthe rShe riSe rioS riotSriotsSiots Sots wSts weSs werS wereSwere Sere tSre thSe theSthe lShe leSe leaS leasSleastSeast Sast wSst woSt worS worsSworstSorst Srst tSst thSt thiSthingShing Sing tSng thSg thaS thatSthat Shat oSat ocSt occS occuSoccurSccureScuredSured Sred aSed asSd as S as aSas a Ss a rS a reSa resS resuSresulSesultSsultbSultboSltbofStbof Sbof iSof imSf immS immiSimmigSmmigrSmigraSigratSgratiSratioSationStion Sion Son Sn iS itS it S it rSit raSt raiS rainSrainsSains Sins vSns vaSs vapS vapeSvapesSapes Spes hSes heSs herS hereShere Sere Sre ySe yaS yapS yappSyappiSappiuSppiusSpius Sius mSus maSs maxS maxiSmaximSaximuSximusSimus Smus ySus yoSs youSyou rSou rnSu rn S rn iSrn itSn it S it lSit leSt leaS learSlearnSearnsSarns Srns fSns frSs froSom whSm whaSwhat Shat ySat yoSt youSyou sSou saSu sayS say,Ssay, Say, sSy, soS, so S so iSso ifSo if S if ySif yoSyou wSou waSu wanS wantSwant Sant iSnt itSt it S it tSit toSt to S to sSto saSo sayS say Ssay sSay slSy sluS slurSslursSlurs Surs sSrs stSs staS starSstartStart Sart sSrt spSt spaS spamSspammSpammiSamminSmmingSming Sing sSng slSg sluS slurSslursSlurs Surs (Srs (sSs (suS (sugS(suggSsuggeSuggesSggestSgestiSestioSstionSon) (Sn) (aS) (asS (as S(as aSas a Ss a jS a joSa jokS jokeSjoke)Soke) Ske) (Se) (bS) (buS (butS(but Sbut iSut itSt it S it wSit woSt wouS woulSwouldSould Suld wSld woSd worS workSwork)Sork) Srk) Sk) S) fS f-S f-1S f-11Sf-111S-111 S111 :S11 :3S1 :3 S :3 2S:3 2 S3 2 dS 2 daS2 dayS daysSdays.Says. 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Sou? ySu? yoS? youSyou Sou <Su <@S <@4S <@48S<@486S@4868S48681S86816S68164S81647S16471S64711S47113S71134S11341S13410S34109S41096S10969S09699S9699>S699> S99> sS9> siS> sigS sigmSsigmaSigma Sgma Sma sSa siS sigS sigmSsigmaSigma Sgma mSma maSa manS man,Sman, San, iSn, i S, i sS i stSi stuS studSstudiStudieSudiedSdied Sied iSed itSd it S it sSit siSt sinS sincSsinceSince Se theSthey'Shey'rSey'reSy're S're sSre soS so lSso liSo litS littSlittlSittleSttle Stle hSle heSe he'S he'sShe's Se's kS's kiSs kicS kickSkickiSickinSckingSking Sing ySng yoSg youSyou sSou soSu so S by pSby peSy peoS peopSpeoplSeopleSople Sple jSle joSe joiS joinSjoin Soin cSin chSn chuS chudSchudjShudjaSudjakSdjak Sjak lSak loSk lowS loweSlowerSowercSwercaSercasSrcaseScase Sase sSse siSe sigS sigmSsigmaSigma Sgma Sma sSa stS stoS stopSstop Stop sSop saSp sayS sayiSsayinSayingSying Sing sSng slSg sluS slurSslursSlurs Surs iSrs i Ss i hS i haSi havShavenSaven'Sven'tSen't Sn't fS't fiSt fixS fixeSfixedSixed Sxed iSed itSd it S it ySit yeSt yetS yet Syet Set sSt shS shuS shutSshut Shut iSut itSt it Sit neSt nerS nerdSnerd Serd Srd iSd itS it S it cSit caSt calS callScalleSalledSlled Sled mSed meSd me S me oSme ouSe outS out Sout iSut itSt it S it uSit unSt unvS unviSunvieSnvielSvieleSieledSeled Sled mSed meSd me S me aSme asSe as S as aSas a Ss a S a 😭Sa 😭 S 😭 S 😭 bS😭 beS besS besiSbesidSesideSsidesSides Sdes tSes thSs thaS thatSthat Shat sSat saSt saiS saidSsaid Said mSid muSd mutS muteSmutedSuted Sted rSed roSd rolS roleSrole Sole tSle toSe to S to rSto reSo remS remoSremovSemoveSmove Sove vSve viSe vioS vio Svio tSio tbSo tbhS tbh Stbh lSbh lmSh lmaS lmaoSlmao Smao ySao yoSo youS you’Syou’rSou’reSu’re S’re nSre noSe notSnot ySot yoSt youS you’Syou’rSou’reSu’re S’re jSre juSe jusS justSjust Sust aSst a St a sS a stSa stoS stopSstop Stop hSop haSp hatS hatiShatinSatingSting Sing Sng bSg brS broSbro ?Sro ??So ?? 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intrSintroSntro Stro tSro toSo to S to pSto prSo proSoofs
modeSmoderSodernSdern Sern gSrn geSn geoS geomSgeomeSeometSometrSmetriSetrieStriesSries
statSstatiStatisSatistStistiSisticSsticaSticalSical Scal eSal exSl expS explSexploSxplorSploraSloratSoratiSratioSationStion Sion &Son & Sn & dS & deS& desS descSdescrSescriSscripScriptSriptiSiptioSptionStion
statSstatiStatisSatistStistiSisticSsticaSticalSical Scal eSal exSl expS expiSexpieSxpierSpiereSieremSeremeSremenSementSmentaSentatSntatiStatioSationStion Sion &Son & Sn & iS & inS& infS infeSinferSnfereSnce (Sce (nSe (neS (neeS(needSneed Seed aSed abSd aboS abovSaboveSbove)Sove)
numbSnumbeSumberSmber Sber tS theoStheorSheorySeory
probSproblSrobleSoblemSblem Slem sSem soSm solS solvSsolviSolvinSlvingSving
discSdiscrSiscreSscretScreteSrete Sete mSte maSe matS mathSmatheSathemSthemaShematSematiSmaticSaticsStics
mvc Smvc (Svc (dSc (deS (defS(defiSdefinSefiniSfinitSinitlSnitlySitly Stly tSly taSy takS takiStakinSakingSking)Sing)
theoStheorSheorySeory Sory oSry ofSy of S of aSof anSf anaS analSanalySnalysSalysiSlysisSysis Ssis (Sis (nSs (neS (neeS(needSneed Seed mSed mvSd mvcS mvc/Smvc/lSvc/liSc/linS/lineSlineaSinearSnear Sear aSar alSr algS algeSalgebSlgebrSgebraSebra/Sbra/iSra/inSa/intS/intrSintroSntro Stro tSro toSo to S to pSto prSo proSerentSrentiSentiaSntialStial Sial eSal eqSl equS equaSequatSquatiSuatioSationStionsSions
lineSlineaSinearSnear Sear aSar alSr algS algeSalgebSlgebrSgebraSebra
abstSabstrSbstraSstracStractSract Sact aSct alSt algS algeSalgebSlgebrSgebraSebra
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bS33 brS3 bruS bruhSbruh Sruh mSuh mySh my S my rSmy reSy redS reddSreddiSedditSddit-Sdit-aSit-ahSt-ahhS-ahh Sahh aShh auSh autS autoSautocSutocoStocorSocorrScorreSorrecSrrectSrect Sect bSct baSt basS baseSbasedSased Ssed iSed i’Sd i’mS i’m Si’m jS’m juSm jusS justSjust Sust aSst a St a rS a reSa regS reguSregulSegulaSgularSular Slar cSar ciSr cisS cisgScisgeSisgenSsgendSgendeSenderSnder Sder hSer heSr hetS heteSheterSeteroSterosSeroseSrosexSosexuSual mSal maSl manS man Sman sSan soSn sorS sorrSsorrySorry Srry bSry brSy broSbro ySro yoSo youS you’Syou’rSou’reSu’re S’re cSre coSe cooS cookScookeSookedSoked Sked bSed baSd basS baseSbasedSased Ssed mSed miSd migS mighSmightSight Sght aSht asSt as S as wSas weSs welS wellSwell Sell bSll beSl becS becoSbecomSecomeScome Some aSme a Se a pS a poSa poeS poetSpoet Soet 💀Set 💀 St 💀 oS 💀 okS💀 ok S ok ySok yoSk youSyou gSou goSu gotS got Sgot tSot thSt thiS thisSthis Shis mSis maSs manS man,Sman, San, tSn, thS, theS therSthereShere Sere aSre arSe areS are Sare mSre moSe morS moreSmore Sore nSre noSe norS normSnormaSormalSrmal Smal gSal geSl genS geniSgeniuSeniusSniuseSiusesSuses Sses tSes thSs thaS thanSthan Shan nSan noSn notSnot iSot imSt im S im aSim abSm abnS abnoSabnorSbnormSnormaSormalSrmal Smal eSal enSl engS engiSenginSngineSgineeSineerSneersSeers Sers aSrs arSs areS are Sare kSre kiSe kinS kindSkindaSinda Snda mSda maSa matS mathSmatheSathemSthemaShematSematiSmaticSaticaSticalSical Scal pSal poSl poeS poetSpoetsSoets Sets hSts htSs httS httpShttpsSttps:Stps:/Sps://Ss://tS://teS//tenS/tenoStenorSenor.Snor.cSor.coSr.comS.com/Scom/vSom/viSm/vieS/viewSview/Siew/eSew/enSw/engS/engiSenginSngineSgine-Sine-eSne-enSe-engS-engiSenginSngineSgineeSineerSneer-Seer-tSer-tfSr-tf2S-tf2-Stf2-dSf2-daS2-danS-dancSdanceSance-Snce-gSce-giSe-gifS-gif-Sgif-9Sif-97Sf-973S-9730S97302S73027S30278S0278 S278 eS78 enS8 engS engeSengenSngeneSgenerSener Sner σSer σ Sr σ yS σ yeSσ yeyS yeyeSyeye Seye jSye jkSe jkjS jkjkSjkjk Skjk iSjk i Sk i mS i meSi metS met Smet tSet thSt thiS thisSthis Shis oSis onSs oneS one Sone aSne abSe absS absoSabsolSbsoluSsolutSoluteSlute Sute gSte geSe genS geniSgeniuSeniusSnius Sius 1Sus 17Ss 17yS 17yoS17yo S7yo aSyo anSo andSand iSnd i Sd i tS i thSi thoS thouSthougShoughSoughtSught Sght wSht weSt we S we cSwe coSe couS coulScouldSould Suld bSld beSd be S be fSbe frSe friS frieSfrienSriendSiendsSends Snds bSds buSs butSbut tSut thSt theS thenSthen Shen iSen i Sn i rS i reSi reaS realSrealiSealizSalizeSlizedSized Szed hSed heSd he’S he’sShe’s Se’s sS’s soSs somS someSsomehSomehoSmehowSehow Show tSow thSw theSthe mShe moSe mosS mostSmost Sost nSst noSt norS normSnormiSormieSrmie Smie aSie asSe as S as bSas biSs bitS bitcSbitchSitch Stch iSch i’Sh i’vS i’veSi’ve S’ve eSve evSe eveS everSever Sver mSer meSr metS met Smet tSet thSt thiS thisSthis Shis gSis guSs guyS guy Sguy hSuy haSy hadS had Shad aSad a Sd a fS a fuSa fucS fuckSfuckiSuckinSckingSking Sing sSng soSg socS sociSsociaSocialScial Sial lSal liSl lifS lifeSlife Sife iSfe irSe irlS irl Sirl wSrl waSl waiS waitSwait Sait aSit arSt areS are Sare ySre yoSe youSyou iSou inSu in S in cSin coSn colS collScolleSollegSllegeSlege Sege ySge yeSe ye S ye iSye i’Se i’mS i’m Si’m 1S’m 16Sm 16 S 16 tS16 thS6 thoS tho Stho wSho w So w iS w imSw im S im 6Sim 69Sm 69 S 69 (S69 (tS9 (trS (truS(trusStrustSrust)Sust) Sst) tSt) thS) thaS thatSthat Shat gSat guSt guyS guy Sguy wSuy waSy wasS wasnSwasn’Sasn’tSsn’t Sn’t fS’t frSt froSrom mSom mySm my S my uSmy unSy uniS univSuniveSniverSiversSversiSersitSrsitySsity Sity tSty thSy thoS tho Stho dSho deSo defS defiSdefinSefineSfine Sine sSe socS sociSsociaSocialScial Sial lSal liSl lifS lifeSlife Sife sSfe skSe skiS skipSskip Skip aSip a Sp a gS a grSa graS gradSgradeSrade?Sade? Sde? aSe? a S? a pS a prSa proS profSprofeSrofesSofessSfessoSessorSssor Ssor fSrom aSom a Sm a rS a raSa ranS randSrandoSandomSndom Sdom uSom unSm uniS univSuniveSniverSiversSversiSersitSrsitySsity Sity tSty toSy tolS toldStold Sold mSld meSd me S me tSme toSe to S to gSto goSo go S go tSgo toSo to S to tSto thSo thiS thisSthis Shis mSis maSs matS mathSmath Sath sSth sySh symS sympSsympoSymposSmposiSposiuSosiumSsium Sium tSum toSm to S to mSto meSo meeS meetSmeet Seet tSet thSt thaS thatSthat Shat gSat geSt genS geniSgeniuSeniusSnius Sius kSus kiSs kidS kid Skid tSid thSd thiS thisSthis Shis iSis isSs is S is tSis thSs theSthe sShe seSe secS secoSseconSecondScond Sond tSnd tiSd timS timeStime Sime eSme evSe eveS everSever Sver iSer i'Sr i'vS i'veSi've S've sSve seSe seeS seenSseen Seen "Sen "sSn "syS "symS"sympSsympoSymposSmposiSposiuSosiumSsium"Sium" Sum" aSm" anS" andSand tSnd thSd theSthe fShe fiSe firS firsSfirstSirst Srst tSst tiSt timS timeStime Sime wSme waSe wasS was Swas tSas toSs todS todaStodaySoday Sday 😭Say 😭 Sy 😭 6S 😭 6.S😭 6.5S 6.5 S6.5 aS.5 acS5 actS actuSactuaSctualStuallSuallySally Slly 💀Sly 💀 Sy 💀 bS 💀 brS💀 broSbro sSro smSo smoS smokSsmokeSmokedSoked Sked mSed meSd me S me wSme weSe welS wellSwell Sell aSll acSl actS actuSactuaSctualStuallSuallySally Slly pSly prSy proS prolSprollSrollySolly Slly cSly clSy cloSer toSr to S to 5Sto 5 So 5 bS 5 beS5 becS becaSbecauSecausScauseSause Suse iSse i Se i dS i diSi didS did Sdid aSid a Sd a lS a loSa lotS lot Slot oSot ofSt of S of cSof clSf claS clasSclassSlasseSassesSsses Sses eSes eqSs equS equiSequivSquivaSuivalSivaleSvalenSalentSlent Sent tSnt toSt to S to hSto hiSo higSool iSol inSl in S in cSin coSn colS collScolleSollegSllegeSlege Sege tSge thSe thaS thatSthat Shat wSat weSt werS wereSwere Sere jSre juSe jusS justSjust Sust sSst suSt supS supeSsuperSuper Sper aSer acSr accS acceSaccelScceleScelerSeleraSleratSerateSratedSated Sted iSed i Sd i wS i wiSi wisS wishSwish Sish iSsh i Sh i cS i coSi couS coulScouldSould Suld hSld haSd havSave sSve skSe skiS skipSskippSkippeSippedSpped Sped mSed moSd morS moreSmore Sore bSre buSbut sSut soSt socS sociSsociaSocialScial Sial lSal liSl lifS lifeSlife Sife aSfe anSe andSand wSnd whSd whaSwhat Shat nSat noSnot lSot leSt letS let Slet tSet thSt theS themSthem Shem iSem isSm is S is fSis foSs fonS fondSfondaSondamSndameSdamenSamentSmentaSentalSntallStallySally Slly cSly coSy cooS cookScookeSookedSoked Sked ySed yoSd youSyou tSou thSu thaS thatSthat,Shat, Sat, nSt, noS, norS nor Snor cSor caSr canS can Scan dSan doSn do S do wSdo weSo we S we tSwe toSe to S to sSto seSo seeS see Ssee fSee faSe facS faceSface Sace rSce reSe revS reveSreveaSevealSveal Seal pSal plSl plxS plx Splx nSlx neSx nerS nerdSnerd Serd hSrd htSd httS httpShttpsSttps:Stps:/Sps://Ss://tS://teS//tenS/tenoStenorSenor.Snor.cSor.coSr.comS.com/Scom/vSom/viSm/vieS/viewSview/Siew/pSew/poSw/ponS/pon-Spon-gSon-giSn-gifS-gif-Sgif-1Sif-15Sf-150S-1509S15097S50973S09737S97379S73790S37909S79091S90911S09117S91171S11716S17162S71620S16204S62046S20462S0462 S462 fS62 foS2 forS for Sfor eSor exSr exaS examSexampSxamplSampleSmple Sple aSle alSe allS all Sall oSll ofSl of S of hSof hiSf higSool bSol biSl bioS biolSbioloSiologSologySlogy Sogy cSgy coSy comS compScomprSompreSmpresSpressSresseSessedSssed Ssed iSed inSd intS intoSinto Snto oSto onSo oneS one Sne seSe semS semeSsemesSemestSmesteSesterSster Ster aSer anSr andSike tSke thSe thaS thatSthat Shat bSat buSbut tSut thSt theShey wSey weSy werS wereSwere Sere mSre miSe mixS mixeSmixedSixed Sxed fSed foSd forS for Sfor eSor exSr exaS examSexampSxamplSampleSmple Sple mSle mySe my S my fSmy fiSy firS firsSfirstSirst Srst cSst coSt colS collScolleSollegSllegeSlege Sege sSge seSe semS semeSsemesSemestSmesteSesterSster Ster wSer waSr wasS was Swas cSas coSs colS collScolleSollegSllegeSlege Sege eSge enSe engS englSengliSnglisSglishSlish Sish iSsh i Sh i aS i anSi andSand aSnd a Sd a cS a clSa claS clasSclassSlass Sass eSss eqSs equS equiSequivSquivaSuivalSivaleSvalenSalentSlent Sent tSnt toSt to S to 1Sto 11So 11tS 11thS11th S1th gSth grSh graS gradSgradeSrade Sade mSde maSe matS mathSmath Sath tSth thSh theSthe fShe fuSe furS furtSfurthSurtheSrthesSthestShest Sest aSst adSt advS advaSadvanSdvancSvanceSancemSncemeScemenSementSment Sent iSnt i St i hS i haSi havSave sSve seSe seeS seenSseen Seen iSen isSn is S is iSis i Ss i mS i meSi metS met Smet aSet a St a 1S a 13Sa 13 S 13 yS13 yeS3 yeaS yearSyear Sear oSar olSr oldS old Sold wSld whSd whoS who Swho iSho isSo is S is gSis goSs goiS goinSgoingSoing Sing tSng toSg to S to bSto beSo be S be aSbe a Sool sSol soSl sopS sophSsophoSophomSphomoShomorSomoreSmore Sore tSre thS thisSthis Shis ySis yeSs yeaS yearSyear Sear 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