We aspire to create a welcoming environment for collaboration on this project. To that end, we follow the 18F Code of Conduct and ask that all contributors do the same.
Issues that are ready for contributions are tagged with help wanted.
Comment on the issue you're working on so we all know who is working on what.
If you're thinking about working on a feature unrelated to an existing issue, consider creating an issue before you start work to get feedback from the team. We are always happy to receive pull requests but don't want anyone to feel like they wasted time if a pull request is submitted but not merged.
To contribute to this project, people internal to 18F can create a branch and submit a pull request. If you are external to 18F, you can fork the repository and submit a pull request that way.
We are minimizing commits on the master
branch by rebasing and squashing
commits on branches before merging them into master
. This will require you to
force push on your branch (but not to master
...please don't force push
For a more detailed walk through on how to do this, you can read thoughtbot's Git Protocol document.
18F-ers can merge their changes into develop
after getting approval from
another contributor. After a PR has been merged into develop
, it is
automatically deployed to staging by Travis. After changes have been verified on
staging, the commits can be merged into master
and Travis will deploy the
changes to production.
PRs can be merged manually by merging the branch locally and pushing or by using the merge button on GitHub.
Each message created will send a specified number of business days after an
employee joins 18F. What constitutes a business day is managed by the gem
and is configured here
and here. To add days that dolores will skip, add
that date to the holidays
field in this yaml config
A Vagrant configuration is available that creates a local server preconfigured with all the dependencies required by this project.
To use vagrant for development:
# Provision a new virtual server in VirtualBox (installs postgres, other
# dependencies, and sets up the project's database)
vagrant up
# connect to the server to run foreman, run tests, etc:
vagrant ssh
# Vagrant shares your project's directory with the virtual server in the
# /vagrant directory:
cd /vagrant
# run tests
# Vagrant maps port 5000 of the virtual server to localhost:5000, so it seems
# like you are running the project locally:
foreman start
To get started, run bin/setup
Prior to running bin/setup
, it may be necessary to launch the postgres server using
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
You can also use the Postgres OSX app.
If bin/setup fails with the following error message:
fe_sendauth: no password supplied
Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"postgresql", "database"=>"postgres", "encoding"=>"utf8", "host"=>"localhost", "min_messages"=>"warning", "pool"=>5, "reaping_frequency"=>10, "timeout"=>5000}
rake aborted!
check your database.yml file. You might need to set database credentials (i.e.,username:, password:)
After setting up, you can run the application using foreman:
foreman start
The application will run locally at http://localhost:5000/.
If you have previously run a project on a different port, a .foreman
may be generated at the root of your directory. If so, make sure that this
file is set to port 5000
or you will be unable to authenticate locally with MyUSA.
If your server isn't defaulting to Port 5000, you may have to add a .foreman
file to root directory. In the file, add port: 5000
Testing is done using capybara-poltergeist
, which requires a local install of
You can run the entire test suite using:
The setup script creates a .env
file with a dummy environment configuration
variables. If you are internal to 18F and would like access to these configs,
you can contact Jessie Young. Otherwise, you can create a Slack bot
We are using OmniAuth GitHub Team Auth for authentication.
- Create a GitHub OAuth application for development with the following:
For Homepage url:
Authorization callback URL:
Save the client id and client secret from your new application in the
file in the app directory asGITHUB_CLIENT_ID
(see .sample.env for formatting help) -
Edit the
in your local.env
file to match the id of a GitHub team that you belong to.
The easiest way to find a Team ID on GitHub is to generate an access token and then curl with it:
curl https://api.github.com/user/teams?access_token=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
If you do not belong to a GitHub team or would like to set up the app without doing the above, an alternative is to comment out the line in the controller that confirms you are a member of the correct team:
# app/controllers/auth_controller
def oauth_callback
# if team_member?
dev_test_email = "your_email@example.com"
user = User.find_or_create_by(email: dev_test_email)
flash[:success] = "You successfully signed in"
redirect_to root_path
# end
Once you've logged in locally, open the Rails console and change your admin status to "true".
rails c
user = User.last
user.update(admin: true)
This will allow you to create and schedule messages.
Note: scheduled messages may not send if you're using over the weekend, which is due to the business_time gem referenced above.
Dolores is configured to be deployed automatically via Travis.
When code is merged and pushed to the develop
branch and the tests pass,
Travis will deploy the changes to staging. When code is merged and pushed to
and the tests pass, Travis will deploy the changes to production. It is
for this reason that you should verify that changes have taken place and behave
as expected on staging before merging them to master.
If for some reason you need to deploy manually, Dolores can be deployed with Cloud Foundry by an 18f-er.
Refer to docs.cloud.gov for getting set up with Cloud Foundry.
The Dolores Landingham bot is deployed within the gsa-18f-dolores
Cloud Foundry org. To
see if you have access to the gsa-18f-dolores
do the following in the root of your repo:
cf orgs
If gsa-18f-dolores
does not show up as an available org, you can request access by asking a
org-manager to invite you as a SpaceDeveloper
the prod
and staging
spaces of that org.
Once you have access to the org, you can target the Cloud Foundry organization and space for this project:
# To target the production space
cf target -o gsa-18f-dolores -s prod
# To target the staging space
cf target -o gsa-18f-dolores -s staging
Once your target is set, you can push the application. We have two Cloud Foundry
instances: dolores-app
and dolores-staging
. Test your changes by pushing to
in the staging
space before pushing to the dolores-app
instance to the prod
# Pushing the production app while targeting the "prod" space.
cf push -f manifest.yml
# Pushing the staging app while targeting the "staging" space.
cf push -f manifest_staging.yml
New migrations will be run automatically. See the manifest files for more details on the Cloud Foundry setup.
To see existing environment variables:
cf env <app-instance-name>
To set or change the value of an environment variable:
cf set-env <app-instance-name> <env-name> <env-value>
You may have to set these environment variables manually as they contain secrets.