Note: screenshots already leaked here:
- A library for gamepad and keyboard input assignment and remapping, including UI
- Allow early inputs where appropriate
Press down to land on platforms easier
- Head towards zero velocity in air
- Don't fall off ledges
- Maybe holding left and right could do this too, or... would that just be confusing?
- Maybe course-correct towards platforms within some margin too?
Going down walls
- Remove wall-slipping (just stick to walls)
- Add friction when wall-dropping (or it would be "descending", rather; and would it be necessary then?)
Ledge grabbing (you can climb up a ledge but it's easy to overshoot the platform)
Clash outcomes
- one player fails to attack or block
- one player wins the power contest
- a player successfully blocks
- both players block
- both players attack with (approximately) the same hit power
- both players block and BOTH swords break
Special match outcomes
- a player falls into an abyss
- time runs out
- both players fall into an abyss
If the match is a draw, there can be a sudden death final standoff/JUMPoff more like it HEH, with the jumping and the slice-a-dicing and not so much of the blocking.
Blocking should damage your sword based on how well you blocked vs their attack, with a minimum damage, and blocking should simply always work as long as you don't miss and your sword is intact.
Maybe you should be able to hold down block beforehand rather than timing it, which would be more reliable but would damage your sword by the full amount.
Maybe the timing for blocking could be based on when the other player attacks?
Make outcomes more predictable at close range
- by weighting the height advantage less at closer range
- or maybe making the height advantage more linear or exponential or logarithmic instead of angular
Use rendered player for hit detection, or at least have a better hitbox
Scarves/hair/capes/cloaks/whatever get cut off, and then five seconds later... shloomp, off goes the head
Indicate 50% & 25% sword health audio-visually AND ALSO 0% because that's kind of important
Like Lethal League does really well, the characters might seem aesthetic at first, but as you play with them you start to notice significant differences.
- eh, maybe no characters
- two hit wonder
- two swords
- average power higher for two successful hits, lower for one
- due to delay, you generally have to hit on both sides of the circle of attack to be effective
- Braggro - Mesas & cliffs of red clay
- bamboozler
- wields reed staff (not bamboo)
- staff can be cut off at one or two points, so very little durability
- could be dynamic, being cut off based on the attacker's distance, which should encourage... keeping a distance?
- low damage probably
- Yeccalio - cold icy miserable salt marsh
- knife guy
- really shit swing radius
- is there any reason this should exist?
- yes
- to show how pro u are
- can block indefinitely
- Yeccalio - warm open field
- bird guy
- can slow himself down in the air (very well)
- does he glide when he does that?
- just better air control in general
- bird motif, not part bird
- thin sharp razor sword
- Seslo - island nation, coastal, steep cliffs
- big guy
- big sword
- good block, long delay?
character packs
- lethal league crossover
- dank memes collection
Global timescale
- For development, seeing animations and behavior in detail
- Option for custom matches
Round timer
Dissuade/limit strategy of running out the clock (esp. for best-of matches)
- Title
- Pause
- Settings
- Controls
- SFX volume
- Music volume
- Credits
Anticipate collision with wall for animation