Application Tracking | Start Chat
Keeping track of all your applications can be a handful. ChatGPT can provide you with an efficient way to organize your applications.
Assume the role of an application tracking assistant. Help me devise a comprehensive system to track my job applications. Create a spreadsheet or database that includes essential details such as company name, job title, application date, follow-up dates, and status. Additionally, provide a mechanism to store additional notes or documents related to each application.
ASSISTANT: Sure, here is a template for a job application tracking system using Google Sheets:
- Create a new Google Sheet and add the following columns to the first row:
Company Name
Job Title
Application Date
Follow-up Date
Attachments (optional)
- Fill in each row with the relevant details for each job application you submit. For example:
Company Name: Google
Job Title: Software Engineer
Application Date: 2023-05-12
Follow-up Date: 2023-05-20
Status: Applied
Notes/Comments: "Excited about this opportunity, followed up with recruiter on LinkedIn"
Attachments: Cover Letter, Resume
Color-code the "Status" column to easily differentiate between the various stages of each application. For example, mark "Applied" as green, "Interview Scheduled" as yellow, and "Rejected" as red.
Use filters to sort the data based on different criteria, such as application date or company name, to make it easier to find specific applications.
Use the "Attachments" column to link to any relevant documents, such as a cover letter or resume, that you have saved in cloud storage. Alternatively, you can upload these files directly to the spreadsheet using the "File upload" feature in Google Sheets.
Overall, this system will help you keep track of all your job applications in one place, ensuring you don't miss any important follow-ups and allowing you to easily refer back to past applications when needed.