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Snakemake workflow: hg_genotype

Snakemake Tests

A Snakemake workflow for Short Variant Discovery in Host Genomes


  • Test that it works:

    • Make sure you have installed snakemake>=8
    • Run the pipeline: snakemake --use-conda --profile profile/default --jobs 100. It will download all the necesary software through conda. It should take less than 5 minutes.
  • Run it with your own data:

    • Edit config/samples.tsv and add your samples and where are they located.
    • Edit config/features.tsv with information regarding the reference you are using.
    • Run the pipeline: snakemake --use-conda --profile profile/default --jobs 8 all.
    • If you are in a cluster with slurm, add --executor slurm.


  • FASTQ processing with fastp.
  • Mapping with bwa-mem2
  • SAM/BAM/CRAM processing with samtools and GATK.
  • SNP calling with GATK4.
  • SNP annotation with SNPEff and VEP
  • Sample swap detection with somalier.
  • Reporting with MultiQC.


