1.2.0 (2024-11-12)
- coverm++ (4b170ac)
- demand snakemake 8 (5cec580)
- disable crams in prerpocessing (f329758)
- disable crams in quantify (c618038)
- group jobs by sample, update profile (658ae38)
- import helpers. insert reads into prerpocess. remove per library report (af3f230)
- insert hosts into preprocess (4c285c0)
- multqc handles more files (4d44cad)
- point to base env and clean other (b1b34e0)
- refactor fastp. use wrappers (da1a88d)
- refactor quantify (e63eca6)
- refactor quantify (d59ce09)
- refactor ribodetector (cee57ef)
- refactor ribodetector (bc4f921)
- remove fastp fastqcs from report (9323aec)
- remove fastp functions (5eda525)
- separate bowtie2 env from quant (71a54a6)
- update quantify rule names, fix multiqc output (96cb3e8)
- fastp: correct group name (2751414)
- remove mention to ram (e009781)
- star: point to u1, u2 (f6344f1)
- star: point to u1, u2 .fq (fb68d67)
- add fastq to group (ee27676)
- disable group in bowtie2 (e3a26e1)
- fastp: default extra string (1c9dfc4)
- profile: increase ram for star index (06bc617)
1.1.2 (2024-10-04)
- decompress mag gtf (db32655)
1.1.1 (2024-10-01)
- preprocess/index: make params.prefix str so caching works (2a8a205)
1.1.0 (2024-08-06)
- pin dependencies (1d39136)
1.0.1 (2024-06-17)
- raise ram for aggregators (258ec0f)
1.0.0 (2024-06-14)
- release 1.0.0
- add gha updater (6dd2b43)
- add per gene counts with featureCount (3f8fd05)
- bowtie2: write index within the rule (f171f0c)
- bowtie2: write index within the rule (5f17b3f)
- compress all count data (72e9a9e)
- compute counts over genes (a222296)
- coverm: coverm + cram (dbe1b09)
- coverm: coverm + cram (869df57)
- coverm: delete dead code. -F 4 (0661d62)
- coverm: delete dead code. -F 4 (dea6a0a)
- fastp: remove process substitution and use level 9 compression (7a685dd)
- fastp: remove process substitution and use level 9 compression (a45a22f)
- fastp: remove process substitution and use level 9 compression (6834cc5)
- fastp: use process substituttion and pigz -11 (9b956cb)
- fastp: use process substituttion and pigz -11 (4f3b0b9)
- fastp: use process substituttion and pigz -11 (c49b538)
- features: add the usual suspects (a2ec8c4)
- features: move databases and mag catalogue. @ in mag mock (f9c5f54)
- get gene quantifications with htseq (1a461e0)
- ignore rstudio stuff (651d20e)
- ignore rstudio stuff (39767ac)
- params: add @ as the default mag-contig separator (e33b82d)
- params: add common coverm params (47f0caf)
- params: add common coverm params (7a00763)
- pre-commit: add conventional-pre-commit (b6df867)
- pre-commit: add R linters (b31ddec)
- pre-commit: autoupgrade (99ec679)
- pre-commit: autoupgrade (e156263)
- pre-commit: update all hooks (e7cf184)
- preprocess: set adaptors in samples. refactor. Update readme (649d019)
- quantify: refactor (be70cab)
- quantify: refactor coverm functions (6a33bc0)
- README: update repo name (d516776)
- README: update repo name (c62c2be)
- reads: refactor file and adaptor functions (ba42fec)
- reads: split into subworkflows (d6bc3ba)
- reads: split into subworkflows (1616a6f)
- report: add the definitive report rule (a708af3)
- report: raise ram (f1aaf9d)
- report: raise ram (ae130be)
- ribodetector: remove temp (86c5ac2)
- ribodetector: remove temp (0617fd3)
- star: compress within the rule, raise compression level (eca2288)
- star: compress within the rule, raise compression level (d93087b)
- star: refactor functions (6258c9b)
- star: refactor functions (85b0467)
- the big rename (0d9833f)
- update github actions (2e9d284)
- Update readme (11d0942)
- Update readme (19c9962)
- Update readme (a6e5095)
- add prefixes to htseq and subread outputs to prevent a prefix loop (974402a)
- add user and permissions to rsync (b52d0fd)
- folder: consistent folder names (89603a6)
- folder: consistent folder names (22f9066)
- folder: consistent folder names (15ba09b)
- folder: consistent folder names (446d25b)
- gha: add temporary snakemake-action (78945ad)
- kraken2: use for loop over mapfile (7a6afbf)
- kraken2: use for loop over mapfile (25faa7b)
- point to the correct branch in the badge (aa9c2b6)
- pre-commit: update hooks (b04c596)
- remove unused code (8f1b473)
- report: raise preprocess report ram (80c84bc)
- report: raise preprocess report ram (4a7f1b7)
- report: rename rules (0a2197b)
- release 1.0.0 (0a18829)