A LizMap custom JavaScript to display time series as a video or a GIF.
The tool uses two JavaScript libraries to work:
- html2canvas (http://html2canvas.hertzen.com/), an API to capture the canvas of a DOM element.
- gif.js (https://jnordberg.github.io/gif.js/), a GIF encoder which has to be downloaded here. The files contained in the dist folder have to be place in a folder named gif.js-0.2.0.
The source code is available in the src folder while the images are disponible in the images folder. The tool is integrated in the LizMap project by following the below tree structure:
|__ projectName.qgs
|__ projectName.qgs.cfg
|__ media/
|__ images/
|__ timetool20.png
|__ js/
|__ projectName/
|__ grouptimetool.js
|__ timetool.html
|__ gif.js-0.2.0/
|__ gif.js
|__ gif.js.map
|__ gif.worker.js
|__ gif.worker.js.map
For more details, consult the documentation available here
Data source: OpenCOVID19-fr