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Show some statistics on the selected features for some fields

The script will show a small window on the right side of the map with computed statistics on the current layers selected features.

Show statistics on selection GIF demo

You should add both the CSS file show_statistics_on_selection.css and the JS file show_statistics_on_selection.js in your media/js/project_name folder, as described in Lizmap Web Client documentation

You can configure the layers, fields and aggregate functions by updating the statistics_config variable.

    // Aggregate functions can be:
    // count, sum, average, minimum, maximum
    var statistics_config = {
        'layers': {
            'Parcelles': {
                fields: {
                    'geo_parcelle': ['count'],
                    'surface_geo': ['sum', 'minimum', 'maximum']
            'Sections': {
                fields: {
                    'geo_section': ['count'],
                    'ogc_fid': ['minimum', 'maximum']

The layers keys can contains one or several layers objects.

  • For each layer, you should add a new key with its name (as written in QGIS layers panel), for example Parcelles.
  • This key contains an object with a fields key listing the fields for which to calculate the stats.
  • For each field, you can have an array of one or several aggregate functions, among count, sum, average, minimum, maximum

In the example above, the statistics window shows:

  • the number of the geo_parcelle field, which is the primary key of the table: this will show the number of selected features
  • the sum of the parcels area taken from the field surface_geo, and the minimum and maximum area.

and the statistics for the other Sections layer: number of selected features (count of geo_section), and minimum/maximum of the ogc_fid field

You can also adapt the locales for the aggregated functions labels. At present, only one translation is possible:

    var aggregate_function_locales = {
        'count': 'Count',
        'sum': 'Sum',
        'average': 'Average',
        'minimum': 'Minimum',
        'maximum': 'Maximum'