Releases: 3liz/qgis-lizsync-plugin
Releases · 3liz/qgis-lizsync-plugin
- Add SQL functions to edit the lizsync tables for roles which do not own the tables
- Update documentation:
- QGIS - Add QGIS 3.16 compatibility: plugin is now only compatible for QGIS >= 3.10
- Synchronization - Manage conflicts for UPDATE at the same second
- Create & Upgrade database structure - use QGIS native db functions instead of DbManager functions
- Build mobile project - Fix datasource change for layers with a username containing integers
- Logs - Add the second bool parameter to the reportError method
- Install - Remove search_path from SQL files
- Tests - Add tests for UPDATE on the same object & the same column
- Docs - Update SchemaSpy database & processing doc
- Audit - All the auditing tables and functions have been move into the lizsync schema. This allows to use the original audit tool independently of lizsync.
- Package central database - the PostgreSQL data is now only exported for the chosen PostgreSQL layers of the opened QGIS project, not for the full schema(s)
- Let the user add UID columns and audit triggers only for the chosen PostgreSQL layers when creating a package from the central database
- New algorithm which helps to create a mobile version of a QGIS project, by exporting the other vector layers to a Geopackage file, and by modifying the QGIS project PostgreSQL layers to target the clone database
- Send files and project to the clone: add the possibility to use SFTP (file transfer over SSH)
- Remove useless algorithms (fetch from central FTP server, synchronise media subfolders)
- QGIS - Adapt some algorithm for QGIS >= 3.14
- Continuous integration - Move from Travis to Github Actions
- Documentation - Many improvements, such as a new documentation engine (Mkdoc) and style, and more information given in the user guide. See:
- Tested with a clone database installed inside Android tablet by using Termux:
- Other minor improvements and code refactoring
- Prepare the central database - Allow to not add automatically the audit triggers
- Create a package - Do not block the creation if some tables of the synchronized schemas are not audited.
- Deploy a package - Apply the audit triggers only on tables audited in the central database
- Deploy a package - Add a checkbox to force the re-creation of the clone server ID in the metadata table (usefull to start fresh)
- Add unit tests for database synchronization with scenarios
- Autodocumentation of the algorithms
- Interface - Dock: simplify button labels & add tooltips
- Documentation - Publish database schema & user manual (in French):
- Continuous integration - improve CI scripts