- Pages: Fix non god users not being able to save pages #3163
- Core: Add missing use statement to Theme.php #3162
- Core: Update vendors #3153 #3154 #3155 #3156 #3161
- MediaLibrary: Fix rotation of images based on exif and strip metadata #3152
- MediaLibrary: Skip default photo cropping if unchecked #3151
- Core: Add GDPR concent dialog #3048
- Core: Add Google Tag Manager #3047
- Core: Add Portuguese locale #2431
- Pages: Add css class to a menu link #3116
- Pages: Cross language link overview #3117
- Core: Change CSV implementation #3160
- Profiles: Make max amount of display name changes dynamic #3102
- Core: Optimise vendor images #3143
- Core: Show the correct error when adding invalid custom slugs #3145
- Core: Stop hard caching redirects #3094
- Core: Update vendors #3136 #3111 #3119
- DX: Fix docker build #3121
- DX: Fix typo in pull request templates #3140
- MediaGalleries: Fix text being truncated #3139
- MediaLibrary: Fix uploading big files #3146
- Core: Fix xss bugs in the backend #3093 #3137
- Core: Improve csrf checks in the backend #3123 #3138 #3124 #3132 #3135
- Core: Fix upscale cropping #3079
- Core: Remove last slash in url after hreflang #3080
- Core: Update composer packages #3078 #3077 #3076
- Docs: Fix MailChimp Url #3083
- Docs: Typo in Headline #3082
- Docs: Update old docs link, with the new one #3085
- Pages: Fix notice when deleting page #3074
- Pages: Use single quotes for background images #3067
- Core: Bump jquery from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 #3089
- Core: Cast the data value to string #3055
- Core: Update composer packages #3057 #3060 #3072 #3071 #3064 #3060
- Docs: Change Transmit to FileZilla #3069
- Users: Don't use profiels password encrypting for backend users #3054
- Core: Allow get parameters to be set when creating an action for the DeleteType #2973
- Core: Backport tests from Fork 6 to Fork 5 #3025
- Core: Improve testsuite simplify testing #3027
- FormBuilder: Formbuilder confirmation mail message #2959
- MediaGallery: Add select-all checkbox to MediaGallery connect datagrid #2965
- MediaLibrary: Add documentation about the SingleMediaGroupType #3004
- Core: Reduce file size of included images #3020
- Core: Update composer packages #3015 #3022 #3023 #3024 #3051
- Core: Fix timestamps for caching incorrect #3006
- Core: Remove deprecated disableMagicQuotes method #3021
- Core: Upgrade travis distribution #3019
- Core: We should use a multibyte save version of ucfirst for translations #3030
- FormBuilder: Add missing label for sending confirmation mail #
- Pages: Fix page update error for an array offset on boolean value #3031
- Profiles: Fix error when expiration date is null #3033
- Profiles: Only filter profiles when a value is provided #3046
- Core: Update vendors #2993 #2988 #2970 #2979 #2981 #2995 #2999
- Location: fix coordinates being saved as integers instead of floats #3001
- FormBuilder: Fixed the method toggle, remove e-mail options if database is selected as method #2958
- FormBuilder: Fixed submission layout #2956
- Profiles: Fix redirect after login/logout profile on different language in multi lingual site #2955
- Core: Open links to Google documentation in new tab #2954
- Pages: Fix broken alert on add page #2940
- Core: Fix cropping images with height lower than requested height #2997
- Core: Allow anything as default setting #2968
- MediaLibrary: Make modal scrollable #2960
- DX: Fix false errors on code style tests #2957
- Core: Symfony security update #2994
- Core: Show session timeout warning in the backend #2858
- Profiles: Added about field for profiles #2914
- Core: Add codemirror to CKEditor for improved source edits #2906
- Core: Twig extension include once #2918
- Core: Require ext-json in composer.json #2925
- MediaLibrary: Single media group type and media count validation #2924
- Core: Update vendors #2917 #2889 #2907 #2887 #2881 #2884 #2886 #2922 #2923
- Blog: Fix order of comment form fieldss and their error messages #2885
- Users: Add an error instead of an editor when bruteforcing the backend #2883
- Pages: Fix authentication checkboxes not saving when adding a page #2882
- MediaLibrary: Fix broken links in docs #2898
- Extensions: Use smaller thumbnail for the fork theme #2899
- Github: Improve issue and PR templates #2905
- FAQ: Fix publish button colour #2902
- Profiles: Password is only required when the profile doesn't get a notification email #2892
- Docker: Fix dockerfile #2891
- Locale: Fix building English backend translation cache from the console #2910
- MediaLibrary: Fix dropzone triggered multiple times #2903
- Pages: Fix whitespace not being trimmed from text fields #2901
- MediaLibrary: Show session timeout warning 15min after page load #2897 #2931
- Extensions: Fix English translation for template image checkbox #2916
- Profiles: Reset login attempts on unblock #2921
- MediaGallery: Add missing default status #2919
- MediaLibrary: Fix wrong tab content shown when first tab is disabled in media library #2926
- Core: Fix env variables loading in test mode #2928
- Extensions: Add missing translation #2929
- Core: Fix adding timestamp form php to css and js not working #2930
- Core: Add rel=noopener nofeferrer to all the _blank links #2908
- Core: Make sure that cookies are flagged as secure on https #2909 #2920
- Core: Improve the default headers #2912
- Core: Update vendors #2879
- Core: Make the PageContextDataCollector ignore all errors #2878
- Core: Convert + to %20 in mailto urls #2874
- Blog: Fix blog post comments rss action #2870
- MediaGallery: Status didn't have a default state #2869
- Core: Fix arrow function breaking Fork CMS in IE #2873
- Core: Fix broken translation in pagination template #2871
- ContentBlock: Use the correct icon for deleting a ContentBlock #2875
- FormBuilder: Fix typo in Dutch RecaptchaKeyMissing translation #2876
- Core: Update composer packages #2867 #2868
- Blog: Fix unrealistic example data #2862
- Core: Fix error in debug toolbar when the templatePath isn't set on the object #2863
- Pages: Update spoon library to fix the image upload on pages #2864
- FormBuilder: Fix adding checkboxes #2861
- Blog: Related blogposts widget based on tags #2736
- DX: Add page context to symfony debug bar #2852
- DX: Add Symfony's Dotenv #2841
- FormBuilder: Autocomplete attributes on Formbuilder input fields #2745
- FormBuilder: Subscribe to mailmotor checkbox #2781
- Pages: Create a copy of a page #2732
- Tags: Add the current tag to the page title on the detail action #2819
- Core: Fix add button not showing in collections #2807
- Core: Fix input date in IE by adding a fallback for the native datepicker #2840
- Core: Fix required tooltip not showing when tabbing #2813
- Core: Show the correct maximum size for uploads #2759
- Core: Update composer packages #2794 #2798 #2799 #2812 #2792 #2815 #2818 #2821 #2822 #2826 #2827 #2831 #2832 #2849 #2848
- Blog: Fix double page title on category detail page #2845
- Blog: Fix error when the category slug is missing #2784
- Blog: Fix missing macro import on import wordpress action #2839
- Blog: Fix wrong date in archive breadcrumb #2854
- ForkTheme: Fix bad value for time element #2788
- Groups: Fix notice array to string conversation on EditGroup #2790
- Installer: Fix languages not disabling when they are not possible #2843
- Locale: Fix js locale on pageload #2850
- MediaGalleries: Fix youtube and vimeo integration #2816
- Pages: Fix invalid locale.xml #2837
- Pages: Fix page tree cache always rebuilding #2829
- Pages: Fix preferred editor in user templates #2853
- Pages: Fix seo navigation title validation #2844
- Core: Improve checking the use of SSL #2783
- Core: Update composer packages #2809 #2835
- Blog: Move summary field to the top of the form #2797
- Extensions: Don't allow the last remaining position to be removed instead of the first one #2856
- ForkTheme: Don't use a link for the last item of a breadcrumb #2846
- MediaGalleries: Use a radio button instead of a select for the status #2847
- Pages: Insert all blocks in one query #2828
- Pages: Show the user template that is used in the dialog to edit it #2855
- Core: Fix tagsBox and multipleTextbox validation and patch xss issue in multipleTextbox #2857
- Core: Update composer packages #2805 #2804
- Core: Update jQuery #2814
- Pages: Remove remove_image on pages add #2779
- Core: Capitalize action button values in collections #2742
- Core: Capitalize action buttons in the datagrid #2740
- Core: Cleanup and minor bugfixes based on scrutinizer #2731
- Core: Delete space between asterisk and label #2761
- Core: Dont show empty divs when there is no content #2756
- Core: Fix BackendModel::getExtrasForData #2730
- Core: Fix double breadcrumb in backend #2734
- Core: Fix Form validation : Deprecated .context #2763
- Core: Fix image link in ckeditor #2771
- Core: Give a max width to the image thumbnail to respect the quality and ratio #2754
- Core: Prevent the whole panel from getting focused when clicking on an item within #2744
- Blog: Fix saving a draft of an existing blog post #2729
- ContentBlocks: Dont show hidden content blocks #2755
- FAQ: Fix overview page #2767
- MediaLibrary: Fix the media url when adding link to file #2750
- Profiles: Get the display name from the profile array #2753
- Installer: Fix mod_rewrite check for php-fpm #2776
- Core: Add integrity to yarn.lock #2775
- Core: Check only for the existence of the Facebook API ID #2738
- Core: Restyle image upload #2757
- Blog: Use the default avatar path as default for gravatar instead of a 404 #2770
- Core: Updated composer dependencies
- Core: Updated composer yarn
- Core: Added option to change the sequence of a collection type #2624
- Core: Added Phpstan integration #2639
- Core: Added to the breadcrumbs #2702
- Core: Added validator for unique data transfer objects #2634
- Core: Automatically sequence when enabling drag and drop #2662
- Core: Better breadcrumb support #2663
- Core: The image preview is now updated when an image is selected #2695
- Core: TitleType for easy titles with SymfonyForm #2625
- Blog: Make the blog image clickable on the overview #2706
- Location: Translate google maps to the interface and site language instead of the browser language #2727
- MediaLibrary: Create directories on the overview page #2692
- MediaLibrary: Mass action delete #2644
- Core: Update the form layout #2626
- Core: Use the jquery version defined in package.json #2628
- Console: Improve the thumbnail generation console command #2703
- Docs: Fixed typos #2667
- Extensions: Prevent installation of a theme if it contains .tpl files #2653
- MediaLibrary: Use find method instead of magic method #2674
- Pages: Only build the navigation cache if vital information has changed #2649
- Profiles: New profiles won't be automatically logged in anymore #2690
- Core: Fix DateTime class casing #2673
- Core: Fix method to check if cookies are allowed #2720
- Core: Fix phpunit #2688
- Core: Fix track cookie #2719
- Core: Remove role on nav list #2665
- Authentication: Prevent logging out 40 times on backend login #2705
- Blog: Correctly translate comment and comments as ids in the theme #2726
- Blog: Fix blog posts not getting indexed by search engines #2696
- Blog: Fix twitter card url #2706
- Blog: Use a valid date format for the item props #2666
- FAQ: Fix sequencing categories #2689
- FormBuilder: Fix showing the wrong errors #2700
- FormBuilder: Fix unreadable errors #2699
- Locale: Fix export #2672
- Mailmotor: Catch spam errors #2670
- MediaGallery: Fix delete button #2694
- MediaLibrary: Fix image urls in editors #2701
- Pages: Toggle all submenus when clicking the button #2698
- Tags: Fix casing errors #2669
- Tags: Fix related tags widget #2664
- MediaLibrary: Remove buggy cleanup functionality #2693
- Core: Fix 404's in default theme #2655
- Core: Fix assertions that use transchoice not translating #2652
- Core: Fix cropping square images #2659
- Core: Fix including source directory when getting image directories #2660
- Core: Fixed thumbnail resize #2641
- Core: Make the backend navigation scrollable #2654
- Core: Update cronjob description since the cli is the only way to run them #2638
- Blog: Fix check if the coeds to be moderated #2656
- Blog: Fix double escaping of comments #2637
- FAQ: Fix asking for feedback #2661
- Install: Fix https detection #2651
- Install: The install when module settings service is autowired #2636
- Location: Fix directions #2643
- MediaLibrary: Media folders were still being encoded on edit #2632
- Search: Fix autosuggest containing html #2658
- Search: Fix search settings error #2650
- Core: Add way to display a collection in a symfony form as a tab #2597
- Core: Added the twig debug extention to the backend when debug is enabled #2593
- Core: Load tagged twig extensions in the backend #2594
- Extensions: Add option to include translations in a theme #2064
- MediaLibrary: Add options to control the amount of linked items #2607
- Core: Update jQuery to the latest feature version in frontend #2615
- Groups: Sort action rights alphabetically #2592
- Locale: Improve error message when adding locale #2603
- MediaLibrary: Changed the label for adding a folder to the root #2608
- MediaLibrary: Improved the flow of adding new media #2612
- MediaLibrary: Prevent deleting of folders that have subfolders #2606
- MediaLibrary: Stop urlising the folder names #2605
- Core: Updated composer and npm packages #2621
- Core: Deprecated SpoonThumbnail in favour of the new Thumbnail service that works with imagine #2492
- Core: Fix ck editors not working in collections #2596
- Core: Fix labels not being translated #2595
- Core: Fix not being able to empty the datepicker field #2617
- Core: Fix readability of the general symfony form errors #2583
- Core: Make Dutch translation to open the tree navigation more consistent #2581
- Core: Place the log files in the environment directories #2609
- Core: Removed obsolete stylesheet #2579
- Faq: Fix adding category #2577
- FormBuilder: Fix malformed xml in FormBuilder locale #2576#2588
- FormBuilder: Fix time field #2600
- Locale: Fix glitch in translations inline edit #2599
- MediaLibrary: Fix missing styling of the lightbox widget #2598
- MediaLibrary: Fix validation #2601
- Tests: Fix tests not working in non-multilingual websites that aren't in English #2585
- Profiles: Add brute force protection for profiles #2584
- Profiles: Make sure the login action is correct #2616
- Profiles: Sanitize querystring before redirect after profile login #2613
- Profiles: Sanitize redirect url after profile login #2620
- Users: Removed old unused files directory #2618
- Core: Fix building the css directory from scratch #2551
- Core: Fix language not set in frontend templates #2530
- Core: Fix the ck editor custom icons #2557
- Extensions: Fix upload module #2571
- Mailmotor: Update composer version to get mailchimp fixes #2568
- MediaLibrary: Fix media browse images and videos js errors #2572
- Core: Optimize fetching the page extras #2555
- Core: Re-add some lost functionality of the ckeditor link plugin #2539
- Core: Re-add internal pages to the ckeditor link plugin #2499
- Blog: Set a label and for attribute for each form field in blog add/edit action #2505
- Core: Set aria label on subnavigation based on the active page #2501
- Locale: Polish language #2520
- Location: Service for geolocation #2525
- Core: Add screen readers only guiding text for the breadcrumbs #2542
- Core: Increase log level for the dockerstdout since the logs are showing up in the console commands #2548
- Core: updated the included composer packages #2547
- Core: updated the included javascript packages #2549
- Core: Use type button on buttons that trigger modals #2523
- Blog: Add the tags to the blogpost in the frontend in the model instead of the action #2486
- Dashboard: Make the links bolder for accessibility reasons #2536
- FormBuilder: Use CurlPost for Google Recaptcha #2532
- Pages: Improve accessibility of the block buttons #2500
- Pages: Simplify PageBlock title and description #2518
- Tags: Improve accessibility of the tags input field #2506
- Tests: Disable console debug logging when running tests #2511
- Core: Increase z-index of the alerts #2550
- Analytics: Fix for Backend Analytics Charts #2526
- Docker: Fix docker image not building because libpng12-dev changed its name to libpng-dev #2543
- Docs: Update 06. #2531
- FormBuilder: Fix error when we don't store the responses in the database #2535
- Groups: Fix tabbing to the permissions pannels #2537
- Location: Only copy the location widgets to an other locale if the Location module is installed #2522
- Mailmotor: Add missing import for the macro's on the settings page #2538
- Mailmotor: Fix errors showing up in the logs after installing #2545
- Core: Add referrer security header #2483
- Core: Add missing toggle navigation label in the frontend #2493
- Core: Don't add the language to the home url if it is a single language site #2516
- Core: Remove role tree that prevent screenreaders to use the page #2504
- Analytics: Track mailto links as external links #2513
- Blog: Dont ask to comment if commenting is not allowed #2496
- Blog: Fix overview pages in blog module showing 404's when there are no blog posts #2481
- Blog: Make it possible to add extra blog image sizes #2467
- Blog: Update Category.html.twig if article with image too short #2498
- Extensions: Fix button colour to save the theme template #2487
- Groups: Delete entries linked to a deleted group #2507
- Groups: Fix check if user belongs to a certain group #2508
- Mailmotor: Use the symfony form in the template instead of plain html #2468
- MediaLibrary: Fix sorting media widgets alphabetically #2472
- Pages: Don't load images that don't exist #2515
- Profiles: Ensure getRandomString() returns a string with the requested length #2503
- Profiles: Use the correct macro for the buttons #2502
- Tags: Tags should be case insensitive unique #2479
- Core: Drag and drop handler fix #2455
- Core: Fix a11y css file not found #2451
- Core: Fix alert colours #2463
- Core: Fix delete buttons saving the form #2462
- Core: Fix method #2466
- Core: Fix nesting collectionType #2449
- MediaGalleries: Fix add button #2454
- MediaLibrary: Add missing ActionRights in MediaLibrary installer #2456
- Pages: Fix action buttons floating over text #2464
- Pages: Use correct labels for the add/edit blocks #2450
- Pages: Add missing comma in buttonIcon macro call #2448
- Core: Catch Doctrine's DBALException if the database connection fails #2447
- Core: Fix button macro with icons #2412
- Core: Remove annoying whitespace in the datagrid #2419
- Blog: Add the default fallback for the rss feedback on all the usecases not just a few #2413
- Blog: Don't publish blogposts created as draft #2443
- MediaLibrary: Media Library in CKEditor - uploaded video has no selection button #2420
- Pages: Fix data-ft-block-optional can also be false of removed #2409
- Pages: The edit buttons of blocks in the page edit should be anchors, not buttons #2427
- Profiles: Show all groups linked to a profile but fade the ones that have expired #2416
- Tags: Fix tag edit action #2414
- Tags: Make sure the id data attribute of tags in the datagrid contains valid JSON #2418
- Core: A11y cancel buttons #2415
- Core: Use macro for button buttons #2438
- Core: WCAG audit feedback #2428
- MediaLibrary: CKEditor media library movies #2421
- MediaLibrary: Make the cropper more accessible #2425
- Pages: Better default values for the moving page via settings dropdowns #2430
- Pages: Make it possible to access all items in navigation tree with keyboard #2429
- Profiles: Improve the layout of the form to add/edit profile groups #2417
- Core: Make it possible to disable ck editor #2424
- Core: Added subscriber to make it more simple to configure the meta tab in a symfony form #2398
- Core: CKEditor plugin for media library #2261
- Core: Added ajax UpdateSequence base action to make it more simple to implement those #2400
- Core: Skip rewriting and enabling https on localhost (thank you google…) #2389
- Core: Accessibility improvements #2287 #2351 #2338 #2320
- Core: Enable monolog rotating log file feature #2346
- Core: Added bootstrap 4 validation classes #2334
- Core: Add method to remove the last element from a breadcrumb #2282
- Core: Added standard js #2212
- Core: Added help text to form field template #2205
- Core: Added accessible way to change the order of items in a datagrid #2229
- Location: copy location widgets when copying pages to an other language #2342
- Mailmotor: Add option to have a different list for all languages #2237
- MediaLibrary: Make it possible to count the number of connected items so we can use contraints on them #2243
- Pages: Add HREFLang dropdowns in seo tab #2298
- Pages: Make it possible to change the page order in the page settings form #2230
- Search: Added short term search for terms of less than 3 chars #2327
- Core: Upgraded symfony to 3.4 and updated the outdated composer packages #2406
- Core: Load ckeditor with yarn #2314
- Blog: Extend core templates instead of overwriting them #2312
- Blog: Make the module templates more extendable #2303
- Docker: Multiple improvements #2168
- Faq: Make the module templates more extendable #2304
- FormBuilder: Make the module templates more extendable #2305
- Github: Turn PR hints into comments #2386
- Installer: Visual update and added progressbar #2404
- Mailmotor: Make the module templates more extendable #2302
- MediaGalleries: Make the module templates more extendable #2308
- MediaLibrary: Make the module templates more extendable #2309
- MediaLibrary: Updated documentation #2390
- Pages: Improved the handling of 404 and formbidden pages #2278
- Pages: Make the module templates more extendable #2310
- Profiles: Make the module templates more extendable #2311
- Search: Make the module templates more extendable #2306
- Tags: Make the module templates more extendable #2307
- Core: Fix edge case where the getAction method returned null instead of the default action #2405
- Core: Fix slow external url check plus it didn't work inside docker containers #2402
- Core: Fix variable horizontal does not exist in form templates #2397
- Core: Add correct error class with html5 validation #2366
- Core: Fix stdClass casing #2374
- Analytics: Fix charts #2379
- Docs: Add missing queries for v5 migration #2391
- Docs: Use proper relative links to docs pages #2385
- FAQ: Fix url in spam message #2371
- Locale: Fix locale analyse action #2387
- MediaLibrary: Documentation fixes #2393
- MediaLibrary: Fix absolute width/height crop #2299
- MediaLibrary: Fix getConnectedMediaItems returning false instead of null #2401
- Profiles: Fix js error on the groups checkboxes #2382
- Search: Fix get cached results when a cacheFile is found #2384
- Search: Fix live suggest not using the theme templates #2392
- Core: removed some old IE6-IE9 fallbacks #2357
- Core: CKFinder is deprecated in favour of the media library, more info can be found here #2408
- Core: Update symfony 042b032
- Core: Fix gulp serve backend #2339
- Core: meta viewport added to make the mobile version work #2345
- Core: Only attempt to get the request if the request is available #2347
- Core: Fix in "truncate" Twig modifier #2354
- Core: Fix active breadcrumb state #2356
- Blog: Specify form ID to avoid deleting all entries. #2363
- Mailmotor: Show subscribe/unsubscribe form errors #2348
- Mailmotor: Fix in mailmotor email validation #2353
- MediaLibrary: Fixed some incorrect locales #2358
- Pages: Update disclaimer nl #2344
- Core: Fix tests when site.multilanguage is false #2322
- Core: Fix bootstrap tabs html5 form validation #2319
- Core: Fix sessions in the console #2301
- Core: Set a minimum font size on the body for the backend editors #2326
- Core: Fix labels in seo tab #2325
- Analytics: Fix google analytics #2317
- Blog: Fix preview url blog categories #2330
- Installer: Properly fix the form template in the installer #2323
- Mailmotor: Mailmotor SubscribeType/UnsubscribeType: ucfirst was missing in label #2321
- Pages: Fetch the page data from the database and assign it to the pages in navigation #2313
- Pages: Fix dropdown styling when adding a page block #2333
- Search: Bad url on livesuggest paging numbers #2328
- Core: Add a comment to clarify where custom Symfony routes should be placed #2315
- Locale: Translations for the Media Library #2223
- Core: Removed the licence info blocks in the php files #2289
- Core: Removed the obsolete and deprecated choices_as_values option in the MetaType #2267
- Core: Fix errors when trying to minify external assets by stopping to try #2264
- Core: Fix exception message when a css or js file isn't found in the theme and core #2258
- Core: Fix typo in htaccess comment #2284
- Core: Fix wrong response from ajax calls when the call wasn't authenticated or the authentication had expired #2263
- Core: Fixed the alt text of the Fork logo in the backend #2292
- Core: Make the modals accessible to screen readers etc #2272
- Analytics: Fix broken link to add api keys #2275
- Analytics: Fix check to see if the cookie bar should be shown #2281
- Extensions: Fix the validation of the layout settings of a template #2293
- FAQ: Fix adding the default category widget on install #2279
- Location: Add missing address to markers #2257
- Location: Fix showing data in the marker #2295
- Mailmotor: Pull in latest bugfixes for mailchimp #2276
- MediaLibrary: Fix issues with symlinks #2265
- MediaLibrary: Fix media group attributes not being parsed in the template #2271
- MediaLibrary: Fix wrong return type when using the media_library_widget lightbox #2274
- MediaLibrary: Removed the use of the target attribute since that could result in unwanted behaviour when clicking on links #2277
- Pages: Codestyle fixes #2300
- Pages: Don't redirect on empty pages #2270
- Pages: Show page icon on pages tree for subpage elements with "module action" #2297
- Profiles: Add missing new password button on the settings page #2290
- Profiles: Fix adding a new profile in the backend #2285
- Profiles: Fix checking if email or display name exists without excluding a profile #2286
- Search: Content of pages with a redirect no longer shows up in the search results #2296
- Search: Fix live suggest #2291
- Tags: Fix tag cloud widget not showing the most used tags #2283
- Users: Fix initialisation of the csv settings during installation #2262
- Core: Https error when header module not installed #2235
- Core: Fix type errors when trying to get the uploaded file when there is non #2234
- Core: Fix gitignore users files avatars #2239
- Core: Multiple RSS Fixes #2241
- Core: Fix cookiebar hidden check always resulted in a hidden cookiebar #2253
- Core: PHPDoc improvements #2252
- Core: Fix dump in twig templates and related issues when debug sometimes isn't enabled when it should #2255
- ContentBlocks: Fix Pages copy action sets content blocks of from language archived #2249
- Extensions: Throw error when template syntax is faulty #2246
- FormBuilder: Fix formbuilder data action #2238
- FormBuilder: Fix error when saving form builder fields #2240
- Mailmotor: Add missing translated error messages for list id and api key #2250
- MediaLibrary: Fix media-group errors not showing up properly #2244
- MediaLibrary: The label is already inside the media group widget #2242
- Pages: Fix clicking "save draft" deleted the page instead of saving it as draft #2251
- Tags: Fix tagsinput #2232
- Core: Fixed wrong namespace in the upgrade guide for DataGridDatabase #2201
- Core: Add missing entries for gulp and npm/yarn to htaccess #2202
- Core: Fix twig cache issues in debug #2208
- Core: Fix template modifier for getnavigation rendering child navigation as escaped html #2216
- Core: Pimple should also be installed on production and not only dev for CKFinder #2224
- Docs: Update media library documentation #2198
- FAQ: Fix default value for hidden radio button #2220
- FAQ: Fix sorting categories #2225
- FormBuilder: Fix wrong typehint on callback in FormBuilderSubmittedMailSubscriber #2211
- Locale: Updated and corrected translations into Russian #2206
- Locale: Fix static translation analysers /private/locale/analyse #2210
- Locale: Add missing translations #2222
- MediaLibrary: Fix cropper flashing when uploading multiple images with the cropper disabled #2167
- Pages: Fix has_children and has_extra still using enum bools #2226
- Pages: Fix redirect dropdown missing letters in the options #2215
- Users: Js password strength checker now returns the same result als the php version #2213
- Core: Switch the upload and download icons to match the import button #2174
- Core: Make custom for meta not required for update method #2177
- Core: Fix active languages array #2171
- Core: Fix casing of the private method addFrontendPathsToTheTemplateLoader #2184
- Core: Use the correct vendor versions as stated by yarn.lock and use jquery3 #2183
- Core: Add missing fork settings to the frontend twig template service #2173
- Core: Fix page title not set correctly #2190
- Core: Fix loading the meta entity from the database #2197
- Core: Fix CKFinder not working in php7, upgrade to 3.4.1 #2193
- Extensions: Fix old check on enum instead of bool #2179
- FormBuilder: Fix js not running #2172
- Locale: Fix update via ajax in datagrid #2187
- Locale: Fix some Russian translations #2196
- Location: Specifically state the widget action should be 'Location' #2176
- Mailmotor: Cache interests instead of calling the api on each pageload #2175
- Pages: Fix errors with user templates after deleting a block #2180
- Pages: Fix user templates #2194
- Profiles: Fix import #2185
Hotfix number one is a fact!
- Installer: Fixes installer when you want mailmotor + example data #2165
- Installer: Install script fix #2169
Since this is a major update we also provided an upgrade guide
Some pull requests fixed bugs that were introduced during the development of fork 5 and won't be listed here
- Analytics: Removed extra whitespace in template #2160
- Analytics: Fixed typos and improved explanation in the translatiosn #2159
- Extensions: Add missing translations #2100
- FormBuilder: Fix encoded htmlspecial chars in the email #2017
- Core: Bump minimal php version #1923
- Core: Remove deprecated code #1941
- Core: Add macro for datagrids #1969
- Core: Add a cache clearing button to the backend #1993
- Core: Added console command to generate the thumbnails #1988
- Core: Added a datepicker #2112
- Core: Added docker config #2038
- Core: Cookies now need to be set with the
service - Triton: After many years of service the triton theme has been retired and replaced with a bootstrap theme #1930
- FormBuilder: Added possibility to send a confirmation mail from the form builder #1602
- FormBuilder: Add reCAPTCHA field to formbuilder #2008
- MediaLibrary: A new core module to help you manage media across modules #1986
- MediaGalleries: A new core module to help you create sliders etc from media in the media library #1986
- Pages: Adding content in a preformatted way to a page has been made easier with the addition of user templates #1958
- Core: Moved scripts into console commands #1942
- Core: Enable the cookie bar by default when the timezone is in europe #1957
- Core: Improve the breadcrumb in the backend #1968
- Core: Move from PSR-0 to PSR-4 #1975
- Core: Improve the https htaccess entries #1979
- Core: Change meta table to InnoDB #1980
- Core: Move the docs from a separate repo to the docs directory #1985
- Core: Style form elements in fork style by default #1967
- Core: Fixed wrong documentation about installation zip #2007
- Core: Added php 7.1 typehints and cleaned up some legacy code #2001
- Core: Replace & by & as parameter query divider #2095
- Core: Use post requests instead of get requests to delete items #2090
- Core: Use symfony http code constants #2123
- Core: Added test command to composer #2141
- Core: Moved some symfony form types to the common namespace #2142
- Core: File folder names now match the casing of the modules they belong to #2143
- Core: Upgraded to symfony 3.3. #2151
- Core: Cleaned up the fork installer code #2153
- Travis: Add code style checks to travis #1972
- Github: Add header image to #2117
- Blog: Cleaned up the installer #2070
- ContentBlocks: Cleaned up the installer #2068
- ContendBlocks: Updated the module structure to the domain model #2096
- Extensions: You can now switch themes using your keyboard #2144
- Extensions: Cleaned up the installer #2071
- FAQ: Cleaned up the installer #2072
- FormBuilder: Cleaned up the installer #2073
- Groups: Cleaned up the installer #2074
- Locale: Cleaned up the installer #2085
- Location: Cleaned up the installer #2076
- Mailmotor: Updated documentation #1987
- Mailmotor: Added double opt-in setting #2005
- Mailmotor: Updated the module structure to the domain model #2145
- Pages: Cleaned up the installer #2079
- Pages: Pages are grouped in a nicer way when installing with demo data #2150
- Search: Cleaned up the installer #2081
- Profiles: Cleaned up the installer #2080
- Settings: Cleaned up the installer #2082
- Tags: Cleaned up the installer #2083
- Users: Cleaned up the installer #2084
- Core: The api has been removed from fork, it is now recommended to use a symfony bundle #1981
- Spoon: SpoonFilter::getGetValue and SpoonFilter::getPostValue have been removed #2051
- Spoon: The things that have been removed from spoon library can be found in its changelog
- Mailmotor: Removed old library for campaignmonotor since we are using one via composer atm #1973
- Core: Add missing generated_url_selector in the form type for the meta #2116
- Core: Add debouncer to generatedUrl to prevent spamming the server and catch events like copy/paste in addition to keystrokes #2115
- Core: Fix deletion of uploaded images not working for file and image types #2126
- Analytics: Hide analytics widgets when no internet connection is found #2119
- Composer: Update php requirements since fork 4 won't work on php 7.2 #2140
- FormBuilder: Fix required indication missing in form builder #2156
- Mailmotor: Fix mailmotor when no mail engine is chosen #2134
- Profiles: Fix avatar path in installer #2124
- Profiles: Fix profile settings missing in toArray when the settings haven't been loaded previously #2147
- Github: Add mention of what to do when a security issue is found to the readme #2030
- Github: Fixed typo in the readme #2035
- Core: Fixed some typos in the analytics locale #2028
- Core: Fix html5 file input revalidation not working #2043
- Pages: Fix blog images path casing #2104
- Pages: Fix auth tab not working correctly #2037
- Triton: Fixed clicking on label in search widget didn't focus input field #2048
- Core: Fix the htaccess so ckfinder works again #2025
- Core: Make sure SpoonSession is initialised before starting symfony session #2023
- Blog: Fix unpublished posts showing up in the pager of blog detail #2024
- FormBuilder: Fix formbuilder problem with label and checkbox #2026
- Core: XSS and direct access to certain php files fixed #2013
- Extensions: Install after uploading a doctrine module has been fixed #2014
- ContentBlocks: Fix content block revision issue with time and user #2012
- Core: updated swiftmailer to include security patch #2011
- Core: Fix redirect exception not working inside parsewidget template modifier #1996
- Core: Remove action pages from children navigation #2009
- Core: Fix meta id comparison with null #2010
- Core: Move the raw conversion to the macro itself #2006
- Core: Fixes for travis #2003 and #2002
- Core: Fix image/file prefix for certain characters #1995
- Core: Replace http with https in url #1998
- Core: frontend.js is now also minified #1990
- Core: Fixed icon button layout issues #1991
- Core: Removed usages of the deprecated Language class #1983
- MailMotor: Add fixes from mailmotor/campaignmonitor-bundle #1982
- Installer: Nicer installer requirements page #1992
- Core: Fixed exception when using Common\Language\Language in a console command
- Core: Fixed https mixed content warnings
- Core: Create relations when installing a module with doctrine
- Core: Removed annotations from documentation of AbstractFile and Image type because it gave errors when validating
- Core: Fix timezone issues with doctrine date
- Core: Meta entity no longer shows none in the meta tag for SEOFollow and SEOIndex
- Core: Fix stylesheetparser in ckeditor
- Installer: Removed stray code
- Search: Fixed live-suggest
- FormBuilder: Fixed errors when non required radio button wasn't filled in
- FormBuilder: Fix numeric html5 validation translation not working
- Pages: Fix redirect icon applied to sub pages of a page that is redirected
- Pages: Fix sitemap widget template
- Triton: Fix html not parsed in search results
- Profiles: Typo fixes in locale
- Mailmotor: Fix errors when list is empty or has no users in it
- Core: Added a basic implementation of the symfony form collection class with working add and delete buttons
- Core: Status fields with the value hidden are now grayed out in the data grids
- Core: Replaced bower with yarn
- Core: Updated ckeditor to 4.6
- Core: Added eps,svg,webp to the allowedExtensions of ckfinder
- Core: Added FileType for symfony form that will handle everything for you
- Core: Added ImageType for symfony form that will handle everything for you
- Profiles: Redirect back to the page you came from when logging in with the loginBox widget
- Pages: Page image is now also available in the subPages widget
- Pages: Dont index content for search if authentication for the page is true
- Pages: You can now add a subpage to a page directly instead of creating it in the root and then dragging it to the correct place
- MailMotor: The subscribe widget is now a standalone action instead of a redirect to the full form
- Tags: Tags that have no items in this language are no longer shown
- Tags: Blog image is now available when displaying blogpost with a tag
- Github: Clarification about what people need to fill in under: Resolves the following issues
- Core: Doctrine DBAL Type for date's timezone issues where fixed
- Core: Avoid duplicate slash in canonical URL
- Core: Fix ajax calls in the frontend using GET
- Core: Add missing alternate meta tags when multi language is enabled
- Core: Fix redirect loop on the 404 page that was triggered when the cache wasn't loaded.
- Pages: Fix saving pages when the profiles module is not installed
- Pages: Check if auth_groups is set
- Pages: Check if there are any auth groups
- MailMotor: Fix languages not passed correctly in events
- MailMotor: Add missing translations
- MailMotor: Fix wrong directory casing
- FormBuilder: Fix html in inputlist
- Core: Fix styling when page detail buttons stand on two lines
- Core: Change "showModuleAction" variables to "allowModuleAction"
- Core: Prevent scroll to top after click a cookievar button
- Core: Add missing createForm method in the frontend
- Core: Get url for block fixes when checking with data
- Core: Also use UTCDateTimeType for date
- Core: Serialize bug in meta entity SEOFollow and SEOIndex
- Core: Add missing implementation of the tolabel filter to the frontend
- Core: The variable cookieBarHide should be global
- Core: Fix errors when clear text was passed to the translator
- Core: Fix abstractImage thumbnails not generating
- Core: Fix pagination last and first url and label
- Core: Format template modifiers
- FormBuilder: Fix mailing form shows html
- Pages: Fix previous/next navigation for hidden pages
- FAQ: Fix faq category detail link in backend
- Locale: Remove old classes on the textarea of locale edit
- Core: Add redirect method to widgets
- Core: Custom html5 validation
- Page: Authentication options with the profiles module
- MailMotor: Completely revamped module. Now also with MailChimp
- Api: Fully deprecated
- Core: Allow html in the alerts in the backend
- Core: Removed duplicate for "SITE_MULTILANGUAGE"
- Core: Tabs to spaces
- Core: Improve https support
- Core: Abstract file and image updates
- Core: Code style
- ContentBlocks: Renaming "getName()" to "getBlockPrefix()"
- FormBuilder: Make the language available in the frontend for formbuilder
- Core: FIX send mail by a Cronjob / URL object not available
- Core: Remove devtools plugin from CKEditor
- Core: Remove updating the schema when it already exists
- Core: Fix web path of images if they are in a subdirectory
- Core: Fix ck plugin errors
- Core: https port fix
- Authentication: Fix Authentication::isAllowedAction
- Blog: Fix error's not showing when adding categories on the blog add or edit action
- Extensions: Fix themes from github couldn't be uploaded
- FAQ: Correct order in the index action for categories
- Location: Fix incorrect use of $this->header->addJS
- Core: Remove server root from loading dirs for templates
- Core: Fix twig issues with latest bugfix release of symfony 2.8
- Installer: Validate the backend credentials
- Core: Make it possible to define other values for the headers X-Frame-Options, X-XSS-Protection and X-Content-Type-Options
- Core: The jquery function doMeta is now configurable
- Core: Locale ValueObject is now serializable
- Core: Add method to compare Locale
- Core: Set meta settings on module action by passing the meta entity to the method setMeta
- Core: Entity for the Metadata
- Core: Symfony form type for meta
- Core: Module Extra type value object
- Core: Make our translations available in the translator service
- Core: Base ValueObject and symfony form type for the uploading of files and images
- Console: Added a command to enable a locale
- Location: Integrated Street View
- Location: Integrated google map styles
- Core: The service entity.create_schema is now deprecated in favour of fork.entity.create_schema
- Core: Deprecated our own event system in favour of symfony events
- Tools: Deprecated tools/spoon2twig in favour of using external tools
- Tools: Deprecated tools/install_locale in favour of app/console forkcms:locale:import
- Core: Use FrontendModel everywhere in the Frontend TemplateModifiers instead of mixing it with Model
- Core: Remove the usage of deprecated code
- Core: Update outdated composer packages
- Core: Refactor out exit statements
- Core: Replaced dirname(__FILE__) with __DIR__
- Core: Remove unused code found by scrutinizer
- Core: Use font awesome as ajax spinner
- Core: Use margin instead of padding to space the icon from the text in a button
- Core: Update the schema instead of ignoring when the schema for the table already exists
- Core: Replaced the deprecated twig comparator sameas with same as
- Core: Updated CKEditor to 4.5.10
- Mailmotor: Don't show the debug toolbar in the edit email iframe
- Installer: Use font awesome as ajax spinner
- Analytics: Update the explanation to link a google analytics account since google has revamped the interface (again...)
- Core: Fix Symfony form errors font colour
- Core: Fix loading external css files in the frontend with the addCss method
- Blog: Fix add link on the blog index page when filtering on a category
- Tools: prepare_for_reinstall : Ignore foreign keys when deleting the tables
- Triton: Fix the minimum version
- Doctrine: Fix timezone issues
- Extensions: Fix install button not hiding on the detail page of a theme
- Mailmotor: Fix example templates (they weren't converted to twig yet)
- Mailmotor: Fix template not loading in iframe
- Mailmotor: Catch the CampaignMonitor exceptions so the ajax save returns nice error messages
- Tags: Hide the published blog posts on the tag detail if the publish date hasn't passed yet
- FormBuilder: Fix editing a form of the FormBuilder removes the edit_link on the page editor
- FormBuilder: use the new instead of the deprecated language class
- Core: Common\Language didn't use the new language class yet
- ContentBlocks: When copying pages from one to another locale all the new content blocks got the same id
- Tools: spoon2twig : fix conversion spoon_date
- Tools: spoon2twig : fix conversion substring
- Tools: spoon2twig : fix geturlforblock
- Tools: spoon2twig : fix getnavigation
- Tools: spoon2twig : fix getsubnavigation
- Tools: spoon2twig : fix words like contact being detected as an action
- Tools: spoon2twig : fix Mail subdirectory not converting
- Tools: spoon2twig : fix converting positions
- Tools: spoon2twig : ucfirst is no longer replaced with capitalize since it is not the same and has been added to fork
- Tools: spoon2twig : fix multiple translations on the same line messing things up
- Github: point to slack instead of irc for support
- Extensions: fix install link on detail page of a module
- Core: Fix word-wrap problem in tooltips
- Api: fixed the build in client
- Console: fix using backend language
- FormBuilder: prevent editing multiple fields at the same time
- FormBuilder: submit the field when hitting enter
- FormBuilder: fix classes not applied to form fields
- Core: fix button detection of datagrid columns was case sensitive
- Installer: fix extensions module not installed as first module
- Twig: fix hide page title
- SpoonLibrary: updated to fix price check on text field
- Core: made the explanation better when the info.xml is missing
- Core: updated matthiasmullie/scrapbook to fix errors with redis
- Core: Fix ckeditor in bootstrap modal
- Core: Add simple-bus/doctrine-orm-bridge to fix assetic errors
- Core: Bugfix phpcs failing module tests
- Locale: Make sure the names of the translations start with a capital letter
- ContentBlocks: Make sure that extra things added to the data of a content block aren't lost when updating
- ContentBlocks: Remove the tightly coupling between authentication and content blocks
- Twig: Show warning that cookies are required in the backend
- Twig: Make sure the real data is loaded when using the template modifier parsewidget
- Installer: Fix deselecting modules during installation
- Installer: Make sure we can return in the installer
- Core: Style fixes
- Blog: dashboard widget link fixed
- Core: fix duplicate use statements
- Core: added Doctrine
- Core: added Symfony Form
- Core: added SimpleBus as command bus
- Core: updated CK Finder to 2.6.2
- Pages: added option to set a banner image on a page
- Profiles: added check when setting new password that it is typed correctly
- Profiles: generated pages on install are now translated
- Core: deprecated the push notifications
- Core: clean up phpdoc
- Core: code quality improvements
- Faq: added missing locale
- Core: missing use statement in FormFile
- Location: fix fetching coordinates.
- Core: make sure our vendor folder can't be accessed.
- Core: show file size when uploadeded file size is too big.
- Core: remove useless variable assignement.
- Core: change some exit statements to exceptions.
- Core: update symfony to 2.8.9 (to include security fixes).
- Core: remove obsolete validation.
- Installer: remove non existent mailer service.
- Profiles: replace spoon directory with the filesystem component.
- Core: improve some UI issues.
- Core: improve cache handling (during both installation and other places).
- Core: add the translation for German.
- Core: protected some more files using htaccess.
- Search: show "add synonym" link when there are no synonyms yet.
- Core: fix incorrect language variable.
- Core: fix pagination labels.
- MailMotor: Mailmotor was broken when it wasn't configured yet
- Core: When switching languages you no longer get Item not found messages
- Core: Fork CMS now works on mysql 5.7, some queries broke on the default configuration
- Add extra key-words to composer.json
- Composer: irc has been removed as support option and slack has been added
- Location: added Google Maps API key
- Core: multiple og:image:width and :height
- Core: change urlencoding from RFC 1738 to RFC 3986
- FormBuilder: Anchor added to form widget
- Location: added zoom-leven 1 and 2
- Github: added issue and pull request templates
- Core: added TemplateModifier showBool alias to DataGridFunctions
- Profiles: added SecurePage widget
- Core: getUrlForBlock now takes data into account
- Core: page parameter can now be changed in the pagination query
- Twig: added a macro for the required asterisk and tooltip
- CK Finder: fix non existent service session.handler
- Profiles: make sure the settings are loaded in cache before a new setting is set
- Location: fix settings not loading correctly because twig escaped the html
- Pages: fix casing issue.
- Core: add missing yaml config to the editorconfig file.
- Core: make the backend more anysurfer compliant.
- Pages: make filesystem checks more robust for og:image tags.
- Faq: use label instead of hardcoded text after sequence success.
- FormBuilder: only show the success message for the submitted form.
- Core: fix cache sharing between environments.
- Core: fix issues on PHP 7.1.
- Core: fix issues when widgets mixed up content.
- Core: fix double encoded ampersand in pagination urls.
- Pages: fix bad contrast when showing hidden page blocks.
- FormBuilder: fix paragraph and heading that weren't editable.
- Core: fix template bug in pagination.
- Core: make sure emails can be themed.
- Core: make sure diactrics will be showd correctly in twig.
- Groups: make sure we can hide dashboard widgets for groups.
- Location: show google maps key when Location is installed.
- Core: add needed swiftmailer monolog configuration.
- Core: make the formatCurrency modifier respect the number format.
- Core: fix deletion of cookies.
- Core: fix case error.
- Core: fix "exists" instead of "exist" in exceptions and comments.
- Core: fix wrong order of twig filters.
- Core: fix wrong css class on help-blocks.
- Core: fix link in cookie bar text in the triton theme.
- Core: use php.ini's default session location.
- Extensions: fix install button for installed modules.
- Core: minify module JavaScript files.
- Analytics: fixes for tracking.
- Locale: fix removing entries.
- Core: fix camelcase instead of ucfirst.
- Installer: fix unreadable text.
- Core: also use browser cache on files with uppercased extensions.
- Analytics: refactor to avoid some bugs.
- Core: small layout fixes.
- Core: fix image delete with a subfolder.
- Core: use non breaking spaces in format currency.
- Core: fix the showBool template modifier.
- Core: cleanup fallbacks for legacy browsers.
- Core: remove @author tags in favor of git history.
- Core: remove twig generation notices.
- Analytics: fix widgets when there is no data yet.
- FormBuilder: fix placeholders.
- Core: fix a lot of emails and template issues.
- Core: fix navigation with deeper levels.
- Core: fix multiple widgets with different content on one page.
- Core: make sure modules folder isn't required in a theme.
- Core: fix page titles containing html entities.
- Core: fix overflowing logs in production mode.
- Core: fix unsupported date formats.
- Core: fix double slash in the url causing 404's.
- Core: fix wrongly placed form errors.
- Core: fix usage of deprecated sprintf filter.
- Core: fix reference to the deprecated forum.
- Core: fix an issue when navigation didn't contain pages.
- Core: hide the navigation after the animation.
- Profiles: show the profiles filter titles again.
- Groups: fix javascript issues with the group rights.
- Groups: fix shown tabs when a user has no rights to it.
- Groups: fix some coding styles.
- Core: fix the sub navigation with too many entries overflowing the page.
- Core: translate labels in the backend menu
- Extensions: fix deletion of modules extras
- Core: fix limit on key length of 1000 bytes during installation
- Core: fix breadcrumb on single language sites
- Core: fix resequencing in Safari
- Core: remove duplicate swiftmailer config.
- Core: cleanup unused use statements.
- Core: fix some phpdocs.
- Search: fix the livesuggest action.
- Core: fix typo: UT8 instead of UTF8.
- Core: remove obsolete parameters on the getContent method of templates.
- Core: fix editorconfig for twig files.
- Core: fix indentation in twig files.
- Extensions: fix styling of "new themes".
- Core: fix references to tpl files in triton's info.xml file.
- Faq: make sure the feedback works in Safari.
- Core: include bower components in this repository.
- Core: take the language into account when fetching the 404 url.
- Core: Fixes date field with empty date.
- Core: Fix lost ucfirst template modifier.
- Installer: Make "same language" not required.
- Core: Fix the THEME_URL constant referencing the backend.
- Core: Fix the hasColumn function of datagrids.
- Core: Fix the not-matching color of the fork logo.
- Core: avoid in favor of spaces.
- Extensions: improve icons.
- Blog: Fix preview url in edit action.
- Core: Fix asterisk changed by # in the frontend.
- Users: Never use the (not created) source file of avatars.
- Core: Improve the gitignore file.
- Core: Twig is now used everywhere
- Core: Backend is now using bootstrap
- Core: new backend device
- ...
- Blog: Fixed saving Blog articles as draft.
- Core: Fix incorrect path for theme OpenGraphImage.
- Core: Fixed when deploying, that /src/Frontend/Cache/Navigation/editor_link_list_x.js is now created if not exists.
- Faq: fixes faq-category sequence reordering not being saved.
- Pages: removed single quotes converter in CacheBuilder. This fixes page titles with single quotes.
- Pages: Fixes "Notice: Undefined index: parent_id" when viewing a page revision where the page is located in the root of the pages tree.
- Pages: Fixes "Error: Call to a member function addMetaData() on null" when viewing an existing revision page.
- Core: BackendDataGridFunctions::showImage updated with url, with and height.
- Core: Adds a function to get checkbox enum values easier.
- Core: use mod gzip on json files.
- Settings: add start of body scripts.
- Profiles: add missing labels.
- Locale: speed up index and analyse actions.
- Core: use PSR-6 compatible caching (with an external package: scrapbook).
- Core: use Flysystem as the cache backend.
- Core: replace jquery ui with typeahead & bloodhound.
- Console: make the Symfony container available.
- Core: update Spoon Library.
- Analytics: improve coupling your analytics account.
- Core: make the url of the last breadcrumb item available.
- Installer: only load installer when Fork is not installed (and in test environment).
- Location: use https for Google maps by default.
- Locale: create a Symfony command to install locale.
- Locale: allow us to install locale for a module.
- Core: add the language to the canonical url.
- Core: upgrade Symfony to version 2.8.
- Core: bump the minimum php version to 5.5 and allow php 7 too.
- Ajax: add testcases for invalid ajax requests.
- Pages: Don't get hidden pages with getUrlForBlock.
- Pages: Fix 500 error when accessing hidden pages.
- Console: use constants correctly.
- MailMotor: avoid catching redirect exceptions.
- Pages: fix array to string conversion.
- Profiles: fix the import action.
- Core: don't allow access to the .git folder.
- Ajax: fix exceptions that should be handled.
- Core: fix case mismatch in DataGrid classes.
- FormBuilder: fix default value containing a space.
- Extensions: fixed UX-error where "add-theme button" was not aligned on the right side.
- Travis: run on new container based infrastructure
- Frontend: no more duplicate JS-files.
- Analytics: Don't load dashboard widgets when not configured yet.
- Core: Fix return types for addImage methods in forms.
- Core: remove safe_mode directive.
- Pages: only escape single quotes in the cache files
- Core: check authentication before showing user links
- Core: Moved startProcessingHooks from Backend/Frontend to Common/Core/Model.php
- Core: Save logs in an environment specific log file.
- Extensions: allow more different zip formats for module uploads.
- Locale: add a cli tool to import locale.
- Core: move phpunit to the root of the project.
- Core: save logs in environment specific files.
- Analytics: improve usability + add functionality
- Core: improve exception messages.
- Core: remove the unused timezones table.
- Core: remove unneeded require statements.
- Core: add a datagrid modifier to display boolean types.
- Core: bump minimum PHP version to 5.4
- Core: Fixed exporting .csv files.
- Analytics: Don't let Google_Client save files in the /tmp/Google_Client directory
- Core: Fixed CamelCasing issues with Spoon classes SpoonDatagridSourceArray, SpoonDatagridPaging & iSpoonDatagridPaging.
- Core: fix composer install on windows.
- Blog: fix image deletion for revisions.
- Core: fix exporting csv files
- Improve the inheritance of code and avoid duplicate code.
- FormImage has now mime type hinting so only images will be visible in the file-dialog.
is now the default way of installing fork.- Added some headers to increase the security.
- Only inject the modulesSettings in the configurator.
- Some minor updates on the PHP documentation.
- Refactored the modules settings to live in a service.
- Indicate the default action when doing a prepare to reinstall.
- Analytics: Auth config content saved in databse, because capistrano deployments didn't work with BACKEND_CACHE_PATH.
- Api: increasing security when user is GOD.
- Core: fix generating meta url with special characters.
- Core: fix some authentication issues.
- Core: year, month and day are now passed to the datepickers
- Core: Frontend input date fields reformats date incorrect
- Core: fix issue with the pagination-urls
- Api: Fixed namespaces
- Formbuilder: Fix "Illegal offset type" error on setReplyTo method
- Core: Fixed parse method compatibility with Spoon library release 1.3.17
- Core: Fix exception handlers by using "self" instead "this"
- Core: every template can now check if it has a certain parent id with {option:isChildOfPageX}
- Locale: improve performance of the index page
- Core: reduced database queries in BackendDataGridFunctions::getUser().
- Core: Replace SITE_MULTILANGUAGE with $container->getParameter('site.multilanguage')
- Core: Replace SPOON_DEBUG_EMAIL with $container->getParameter('fork.debug_email')
- Core: Replace SPOON_CHARSET with $container->getParameter('kernel.charset')
- FormBuilder: use the event dispatcher from Symfony to send the email
- Core: allow installed modules to subscribe their own configuration/services
- Core: enable gzip compression on svg files
- Core: rename BlockIsHTML to BlockIsEditor
- Core: Fixed bug with decoding in truncate modifier
- Core: Fixed encoding ampersand for action url
- Groups: Fix (in add/edit) for executing widgets for which the module doesn't exists.
- Mailmotor: Fix wrongly cased classname
- Blog: make sure images can get reverted together with their revision
- Formbuilder: Fix reply option
- Core: Replace SPOON_DEBUG with $container->getParameter('kernel.debug')
- Formbuilder: Add placeholders to textbox and textarea elements
- Mailmotor: add missing "SubscribedOn" label
- Core: Fix undefined variable $message
- Core: Fix the mailer transport to get instantiated correctly
- Installer: Fix checked paths in first step
- Settings: test email connection with SwiftMailer.
- Formbuilder: added the possibility to add date & time fields.
- Settings: test email connection with SwiftMailer
- Core: refactor out SELF constant
- Core: removed the Facebook-class-dependency
- Core: added an option to truncate a string without breaking words
- Blog: add functional tests for the frontend.
- Faq: add functional tests for the frontend.
- Search: add functional tests for the frontend.
- Authentication: add functional tests for the backend.
- API: add functional tests.
- Core: add unit tests for some template modifiers
- Core: build Fork using continious integration with Travis CI.
- Core: upgrade jQuery to version 1.11.3
- Locale: load all cache from json
- FormBuilder: reply to email can now only be put on an email field
- Tags: improve the alt text for the "remove tag" button by including the tag name
- Core: redirect using an exception instead of an exit statement
- Core: update the included Facebook SDK to v4
- Core: refactor out BACKEND_MODULE_PATH constant
- Core: use the swiftmailerbundle instead of our custom implementation
- Core: fix not correctly thrown exception
- Formbuilder: quotes and special chars are now allowed in values for radiobuttons.
- Core: the hash is now included when it is used in a form, so on submit it should automagically go to the form.
- Core: make sure mails with encryption can be send trough SMTP
- Core: add a .htaccess in the app dir to block all access
- Locale: fix updating locale trough ajax when no application is set
- Core: make sure bugemails work again
- Mailer: use SwiftMailer to send messages (see <>)
- FormBuilder: jump to location of form after submission.
- Core: Update CKFinder to version 2.4
- Locale: Avoid "Using $this when not in object context" when using php 5.3.
- Core: Refactor the mailer to use SwiftMailer
- Users: Fixed error in backend user edit, when updating your own account.
- Core: Fix some wrong template names
- Dashboard: Fix casing issue in alter sequence
- Pages: Redirects are now available in the pages cache file
- Translations: Fix an SQL Injection vulnerability
- Core: use Symfony Intl component instead of Spoon to fetch countries.
- Core: implement Google's sitelinks searchbox
- Core: Make sure logs aren't publically accessible
- Core: Make sure PHP 5.5+'s opcode cache is now cleared after updating code
- Core: Make sure setDebugMessage is only called once.
- Pages: Fix missing variable.
- Blog: Capitalize module and detail names to fix URLs.
- Security: Avoid XSS by not directly injecting $_GET parameters in html.
- Core: BackendModel::deleteModuleSetting() added.
- Pages: add has_children variable to page array.
- Location: when routing from A to B, has to change also, fixes #741.
- Core: Integrated addRssLink() function, fixes #841.
- Blog: making use of the new $this->header->addRssLink() function, fixes #841.
- Core: minifier updated to a newer version.
- Core: remove unneeded kernel.charset parameter from the parameters.yml file.
- Core: refactor the URL classes to use the Symfony Request object.
- Core: update the PHPDocs for some methods.
- Pages: add a has_children variable to pages.
- Core: add priority groups to add JavaScript in a certain order.
- Blog: implement Twitter cards.
- Extensions: check if a template file exists when adding/editing templates.
- Locale: improve the filtering and export for translations.
- Tags: fix wrong variable name.
- Core: fix installation with different interface langauge(s).
- Core: fix for dashboard ajax functions.
- Core: make sure emails can be send from the backend.
- Core: make setting cookies work on a domain with a custom port (not port 80).
- Users: when a user becomes "non-active" remove his sessions so he gets logged out.
- Faq: fix the highlighted row after adding or updating a question.
- Faq: update edited_on date after processing feedback.
- Core: small fix for mail template style on very small screens.
- FormBuilder: reduced database querying while getting form fields in Form widget.
- Faq: Categories widget added.
- Core: update minify library.
- Core: update CKFinder.
- Install: refactor installer to a Symfony Bundle.
- Core: add assetic to Fork
- Core: add Twig to Fork
- Analytics: fixed CSS on servers which listens to Capital A in Analytics.css
- Core: moved KernelLoader.php to autoload.php because doctrine from CLI had problems.
- Faq: fixed deleteCategoryAllowed
- Profiles: profiles.js not exists, so don't load it in.
- Core: Twitter username from settings gets parsed to template as TWITTER_SITE_NAME
- The sequence field for the extra's is now respected, see #828.
- Blog: remove the FeedBurner integration as FeedBurner is no longer active, fixes #693.
- Authentication: make the isLoggedIn function more efficient.
- Location: correct item is highlighted after updating the map, fixes #798.
- Installer: avoid duplicate headers in the installer
- Profiles: mass import for profiles using a .csv added.
- Core: BackendModel::insertExtra() added to allow inserting homepage/widgets/blocks.
- Core: insertExtra Integrated in the modules: "ContentBlocks, Faq, FormBuilder and Location"
- Core: Restyled mail templates, simple fluid design (looks good on small and wide screens).
- Debug mode and environment are set earlier in the response.
You can set debug mode with
You can set dev environment withSetEnv FORK_ENV dev
- Core: when in debug mode and in dev environment, the SymfonyWebProfiler is shown in the bottom of the page.
- Core: handle errors in debug mode by the symfony error handler.
- Analytics: implement event tracking for universal analytics
- Faq: BackendFaqModel now uses BackendModel::deleteExtraById() and BackendModel::updateExtra().
- ContentBlocks: BackendContentBlocksModel now uses BackendModel::deleteExtraById() and BackendModel::updateExtra().
- Location: BackendLocationModel now uses BackendModel::deleteExtraById() and BackendModel::updateExtra().
- Core: event subscriptions did not get fired in the frontend.
- Authentication: avoid unnecessary dabase calls for unauthenticated users.
- Tags: make sure the same tag can't exist with and without a capital letter.
- Installer: make sure our database is initalized as utf8
- Installer: remove the cached container after installation
- Profiles: LoginLink widget added.
- Profiles: Added password verification field, see #695.
- Location: BackendLocationModel::getCoordinates() added.
- Extensions: you can upload a module from a zip with an extra directory
- Ajax: endpoint has been changed to not contain an extension. /src/Backend/Ajax.php is now /backend/ajax and /src/Frontend/Ajax.php is now /frontend/ajax
- Cronjob: endpoint has been changed to not contain an extension. /src/Backend/Cronjob.php is now /backend/cronjob.
- Routing: use the Symfony routing component to replace routing.yml
- Core: implement the SymfonyFrameworkBundle to handle routing.
- Core: make the AppKernel more similar to Symfony's kernel.
- Core: add the Symfony console component.
- Faq: deleting a faq question now also deletes the meta record.
- Analytics: Cronjob now throws exception instead of trying to redirect.
- BackendModel: createURLForAction now works in a Cronjob, fixed #513.
- Core: Fix generation of url's containing non-ascii characters
- Core: BackendModel::updateExtra() now has a serialization check when key === 'data'.
- Blog: show image on preview
- Core: add .editorconfig file
- Locale: problem when saving Frontend locale fixed #744.
- Core: Mailer uses \Exception.
- Core: Frontend.js ajax url fixed
- Core: Loading editor templates fixed, see #747
- Analytics: Fixes action names to get data from Google Analytics, see #755
- Extensions: you can now install custom themes again.
- Pages: widget previous-next fixed.
- Extensions: using 'Core' instead of 'core'.
- Core: Spoon registry has been refactored out in favor of the Symfony DI container. See for more info.
- Core: Don't throw exceptions in production mode on non-existing files.
- Core: Implemented a cookie-bar, see for more information.
- Core: use correct/new Facebook-js-snippet.
- Users: more logical way of handling user-permissions, see #684.
- Content blocks: only grab needed fields, see #669.
- Core: better description for CKFinder maximum image size settings.
- Core: used namespaces, see for more info
- API: use isAuthorized() instead of authorize(), see for more info.
- Core: CommonCookie and CommonUri are now in the src/Common folder
- Core: unused function BackendModel::imageSave is removed in favor of generateThumbnails().
- Core: removed duplicate mailer code and make the mailer a service
- Correct amount of sample comments in blog
- msgSequenceSaved was missing from core installer.
- Core: Modified misleading text about CKFinder maximum image size setting.
- Share with linkedin, fixed double url encoding.
- Faq: getByTags did not work in backend.
- Blog: fixes an issue where an incorrect revision could be used instead of the most recent one, see #680.
- API: use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR instead of hardcoded /, fixes #682.
- Blog: Import wordpress action added.
- Profiles: event ‚after_logged_in’ triggered when profile has logged in.
- Users: event ‚after_undelete’ triggered when a deleted user was restored.
- Core: Don't expose the path when calling ajax.php directly in non-debug-mode.
- Core: Better error handling for module rights.
- Various dutch translations updated.
- Extensions: add export of theme templates (XML).
- BackendModel: getURLForBlock can now return the url when locale is not yet activated.
- Urls containing md threw a 403 forbidden error.
- Syntax error in FrontendBlockWidget fixed.
- Some ajax files gave a syntax error as a result of merge conflicts.
- Mailmotor: Form token for widget fixed.
- Form builder: Reply-To field flag was not saved
- Tags: Auto completing has to take language into account
- Pages: During page copy, the tags were not created in the target language.
- Couldn't use terminate function not yet.
- CamelCased API functions for Apple and Microsoft.
- Simplified getting backend settings
- Only show tagbox when users has rights
- Terminal event triggered after response
- Composer: Readme suggests using the optimise option now
- Google Tracking: Don't ignore target on outbound links
- Mailmotor: Export of selected addresses fixed
- Locale: Added Greek as supported language
- Locale: Several language updates
- Analytics: Better event tracking
- FAQ: Category questions widget added
- Mailmotor: Subscribe widget uses form token
- Location: Creating a new location gave an exception
- Form-builder: Reply-to checkbox added
- Blog: hide navigation when there are no items to show.
- Profiles: a user can now upload his avatar in Frontend and we can also integrate the avatar in a Backend DataGrid. Fallback for avatar is Gravatar.
- Speed enhancements
- Don't throw exceptions in production mode on non-existing files.
- Check if .htaccess file is properly uploaded
- Do not expose composer and markdown files to the outside.
- Output should be last command in ajax requests.
- Mailmotor: invalid HTTP status codes were used causing the AppKernel to throw exceptions.
- Authentication: do not allow God users to access uninstalled modules.
- Analytics: Tracking code wasn't set.
- Users: do not wrap delimiters in an array.
- Duplicated header 'content-type' fixed
- Core: introduction of the Filesystem component, see
- Core: introduction of the Finder component, see
- Removed "thx to" from; changelog is for change announcements, attributions are in git log.
- Analytics: let the user chose between GA & DC for tracking-code.
- Analytics: added the possibility to choose Universal analytics, which is also the new default.
- The backend in Internet Explorer doesn't need to be emulated anymore.
- Core: Upgraded Highcharts to 3.0.2
- Core: jQuery-plugins should escape data when using the raw data.
- Security: prevent CSRF.
- Mailmotor: fixed linking your account.
- Core: remove all entities instead of just the special chars before truncating a string. Fixes #386.
- Groups: double usage of variable cause unexpected behavior.
- Core: don't reassign values when passing them to Akismet.
- Blog: getRelated now listens to $limit.
- Symfony: upgrade components to 2.2.
- Core: isInstalledModule() added in BackendModel.
- Core: use remote html5-shiv.
- Core: mailer supports SSL/TLS from now on.
- Analytics: better grouping for Google Analytics profiles.
- Core: deleteThumbnails() added in BackendModel.
- Core: Minify is now installed with Composer.
- Core: faulty Chinese translations fixed.
- Extensions: removed deprecated getDB().
- FormBuilder: removed deprecated getDB().
- MailMotor: CampaignMonitor wrapper class could not be loaded due to a faulty include path.
- Installer: after removing the install folder an errors was throw when accessing the /install url.
- Installer: after sending Location headers we need to exit to prevent further execution of the application.
- Core: do not add headers set by Spoon to Response. Otherwise they will be send twice.
- Core: removed line of code from frontend pagination.
- Spoon: SPOON_DEBUG level did not reflect the parameters.yml settings.
- Email: allow null as plain_text value to prevent MySQL errors to be thrown. Fixes #429.
- Share-widget: fixed the whitespace added by Pinterest. Fixes #392.
- Core: CKEditor is nov available in Chinese. Fixed #381
- Extensions: Removed html entities out of header.
- Installer: used correct path for checking if Fork is installed.
- Core: Login sql error on wrong email fixed.
- Location: Address in widget fixed.
- Core: CommonUri added so we can generate a safe filename and url. Tx to Jeroen Desloovere
- Core: Upgraded to CKEditor 3.6.6
- Core: Upgraded to CKFinder 2.3.1
- Core: added utils.string.sprintf to backend and frontend.
- With the 3.5.0 release, Fork CMS will be available under the MIT-license.
- Core: allow people to define their own error handler.
- Core: switched to the official Facebook SDK, inspired on the pull request of Jeroen.
- Start using Composer to handle dependencies. See more info in the
- Core: Akismet and CssToinlineStyles are now installed with Composer.
- Core: Upgraded Highcharts to 2.3.3
- Core: Upgraded to jQuery UI 1.8.24
- FormBuilder: do not prefix the site URL to the form action to prevent submitting to another domain.
- Core: starting to use namespaces for the external classes that use namespaces.
- Core: upgraded Spoon
- Core: new CKFinder license, see:
- Core: merged all autoloaders in to one autoload.php.
- Core: added the Symfony HttpFoundation and HttpKernel components via an AppKernel.
- Core: added the Symfony DependencyInjection component to handle our services and config.
- Core: the AppKernel is passed to all actions/models which contains the DI container.
- Core: one frontcontroller which routes all requests (actions, ajax, cronjobs, ...)
- Core: replaced globals*.php config files with app/config/config.yml.
- Core: removed js.php
- Spoon: Spoon dependency is now handled via composer.
- Core: Include a non-official patch for CKeditor to fix an issue with the stylesheet-parser on FF/Safari on Macs.
- Blog: enabled Flip ahead for blog-posts.
- Core: enabled Flip ahead for paginated pages.
- Core: Pagination can now use an anchor.
- Core: Added validation for module and action in the frontend ajax.
- Core: added $action to BackendModel::getExtrasForData + deleteExtrasForData.
- Core: getUTCTimestamp() added in FrontendModel.
- Core: Replace getDB() in the models with getContainer()->get('database')
- Core: Pagination can now use an anchor.
- Core: added $action to BackendModel::getExtrasForData + deleteExtrasForData.
- Core: Added validation for module and action in the frontend ajax.
- Core: getUTCTimestamp() added in FrontendModel.
- Core: Pagination for 6 pages showed 7 instead.
- Tags: FrontendTagsModel::get() should use FRONTEND_LANGUAGE.
- Pages: Widget had invalid parent url
- Blog: Show always Open Graph Tags
- Pages: BackendPagesModel::copy() added, so it can be called from elsewhere.
- Users: Added fix so users can't edit other profiles.
- SpoonDate: only replace full matches of date abbreviations, otherwise Montag becomes Mo.tag.
- DataGrid: do not overwrite existing row attributes when greying out a row.
- Form: encode html entities in hidden field values to prevent XSS.
- Mailmotor: add jsData to iframe template.
- Location: Google Maps JS needs to be loaded before location.js.
- Core: when fetching parameters take the index in account when computing the differences.
- Blog: Use full links for the navigation below the blog-posts.
- FormBuilder: validation (email, numeric) was inherited from previously added fields causing errors on checkboxes.
- Blog: Ticket 294: Next and previous don't work when blog-items has same publish_on date
- TagBox: Ticket 333: Tags should be handled as strings
- Extensions: Ticket 316: Link to default action
- API: Fix bug in form_builder.entriesGet where limit/offset would be applied to fields instead of the form submissions.
- Locale: Fix jsBackend.locale.get() so the {$loc...} labels get fetched correctly.
- Core: A search term should only be saved when it's not empty
- Core: BackendModel::invalidateFrontendCache() should listen to the given language.
- Location: Fixed location widget. When debug = false, google wasn't loaded correctly.
- Users: User can't change its own rights when not allowed to view the index.
- Core: Upgraded Highcharts to 2.3.2
- Core: Upgraded CKFinder to 2.3.0
- Form builder: added API-methods.
- FAQ: Setting for "one category" added, so user only has 1 category in the website + the category title is hidden in the frontend (for smaller websites).
- Core: removed ini_set's. Let the server handle this.
- Mailer: The names are now decoded, so bugs with apostrophes in names are fixed.
- Analytics: all calls now require an API key as is described in the migration to Gdata v2.4 on
- Themes: templates extras_data from other languages was overwritten.
- Themes: incorrect block index was set when deleting a position causing all default blocks to be unlinked.
- Core: exceptions were not displayed on CLI when SPOON_DEBUG was off. A minimal debug message was added.
- Core: Added functions to manage modules_extras, can be used for custom widgets.
- Core: Upgraded to jQuery 1.8
- Core: Upgraded to jQuery UI 1.8.23
- Blog: Added blog.comments.delete in the API.
- Core: return-format for the API can be specified through Accept-header, GET or POST.
- Core: jQuery sharing widget will now merge options recursively (deep copy).
- Core: fixed some issues related to PHP 5.4.
- Locale: fixed locale.js conflict with backend.js.
- Core: use language parameter when rebuilding cache, instead of unavailable constant.
- Pages: issue when changing themes, as reported on
- Pages: hidden pages weren't visible in the tree.
- Core: backend used working language instead of interface language for javascript translations.
- Core: editor-templates weren't loaded because the language wasn't set at the point the default config is defined.
- Core: Upgraded to jQuery UI 1.8.22
- Core: Upgraded to CKEditor 3.6.4
- Profiles: rewrote method for inserting/multiple settings.
- Profiles: ask a display name in the register-step.
- Profiles: redirect to login if the profile isn't logged in on a settings-page.
- Profiles: added a modifier for fetching a profile setting.
- Core: applied to the stylesheet-parses because CKEditor triggered an JS-error in FF14.
- Core: extra validation for jsBackend.locale.get.
- Analytics: collecting live data wasn't working on iOS-devices, as reported on
- Blog: feedburner-url wasn't used in the widget, as reported on
- Core: JS messages were triggered before the document was ready.
- Core: Upgraded CKFinder to 2.2.2
- Core: new way of passing data/locale into javascript, see:
- Mailmotor: couldn't select a template in IE7/IE8 because hidden elements can't be targeted.
- Pages: fix a bug where draft versions couldn't be deleted.
- Core: Use the title of the active page record in the editor link list.
- Core: share-plugin wasn't using the correct URL for LinkedIn-shares.
- Analytics: remove GA webproperty id when unlinking your GA account. This caused a tracking code to be set even if the account was unlinked.
- Core: Upgraded to jQuery UI 1.8.21
- Core: Upgraded Highcharts to 2.2.5
- Mailmotor: don't use array_unshift to get the campaigns since this will create a new array and thus new keys.
- Mailmotor: don't use the send_on column, use sent instead (send_on is renamed to sent).
- Core: Generate thumbnails based on the folders in the given path, see
- Blog: better layout for the image-box.
- Core: upgraded Highcharts to 2.2.4
- Profiles: base the URL on the display-name instead of the id.
- Core: default extension and mime-type-validation for image-field.
- Core: made it possible to set cookies with the utils.js (Remark: not compatible with SpoonCookie)
- Core: minifier will always include svg & woff as raw data.
- Minify: first convert images to base64, then remove all whitespaces. Otherwise some image urls are not converted.
- Form builder: date start & date end were wrong after sorting, as mention on
- Core: fixed typo in locale which failed the import of the initial labels
- Sitemap: include the meta navigation.
- Bugfix: FAQ: syntax error in variable name.
- Core: added a method to subscribe to events from within the installer.
- Profiles: added a widget that shows a login-box.
- Core: upgraded CKFinder to 2.2
- Core: upgraded CKEditor to 3.6.3
- Core: wrong application in the virtual applications, such as backend_ajax, as mentioned on
- Pages: fixed an issue where pages that were dropped on an empty footer-tree disappeared, as mentioned on
- Search: don't add utm_* parameters when a search is performed.
- Core: detecting the browser language now use the weight.
- Mailmotor: the url-parameter in the pagination should be encoded.
- Location: if no markers were available an JS-error was thrown.
- Core: upgraded Highcharts to 2.2.3
- Mailmotor: show subscriptions for all groups.
- Mailmotor: show unsubscriptions for all groups.
- Pages: made it possible to delete drafts.
- Blog: fixed the blog archive, which redirected to a false (or non-existent) url if the parameters were invalid
- Core: upgraded jQueryUI to 1.8.20
- Pages: child pages of footer pages had the wrong type when dropped on a footer page.
- Form builder: it is now possible to use an inactive frontend language.
- Core: upgraded jQueryUI to 1.8.19
- Core: SELECT 1 ... LIMIT 1 in favor of SELECT COUNT(*), more optimised queries.
- Spoon: merged changes.
- Core: create minify cache folders if they do not exist.
- Spoon: session should be started before we can access the session.
- Mailmotor: set action and module when initializing an AJAX action.
- Form Builder: sort submissions by insert sequence. Reported on builder-submissions-view-bug/
- Core: added template-modifier to parse widgets.
- Spoon: Multi-checkboxes and radio buttons could have ids with spaces in them. Fixed thx to Anysurfer.
- Core: when using Fork in non-multi-language-mode the links for the internal pages weren't generated correctly, as mentioned on
- Spoon: The selected element for a multiple drop-down were forgotten when the form failed.
- Core: upgraded the Akismet class, which fixes an error of double encoding, as mentioned on!/tellyworth/status/180138255340142592.
- Core: upgraded jQuery to 1.7.2
- Pages: added a timestamp after the linklist-file so it won't get cached by the browser.
- Core: upgraded Highcharts to 2.2.1
- Core: don't shorten hex codes surrounded by quotes in minifier; in some cases IE can't handle short hex codes.
- Location: invalid usage of getModuleSettings()
- Core: Fix issue with multiple editor warnings.
- Profiles: made it possible to add a profile.
- Core: Escape the input on ajax searches.
- Core: Escaped weird input in Locale-module.
- Core: added some JS to automatically add a .filled class on all form fields that are being filled out.
- Core: only images that are smaller then 5kb will be included in the CSS-file.
- Core: save cookies httponly by default & automatically secure when browsing over https.
- Core: make cache-files inaccessible over http.
- Locale: improved existing translations.
- Locale: added translations for Spanish (by Yéred Zabdiel)
- Locale: added translations for Swedish (by Erik Holmquist - & Peter Mayertz -
- Locale: added translations for Ukrainian (by Манжела Борис)
- Locale: added translations for Lithuanian (by Rolanda Naujasdizainas -
- Location: revised Location-module, added some functionality.
- Pages: added widget for previous/parent/next navigation.
- Users: show user account statistics on dashboard (last login, last failed login, last password change & password strength).
- API: Added a client to the API, useful for general API development and working with third parties.
- Core: sharing widget now uses the latest LinkedIn sharing button.
- Core: sharing widget now also supports Google Plus.
- Search: removed deprecated addIndex/editIndex from BackendSearchModel.
- Core: module validation did not take the special core module in account.
- Core: JS module validation has been fixed.
- Core: fix XSS vulnerability on ajax searches.
- Core: upgraded jQueryUI to 1.8.18
- Core: fixed XSS vulnerabilities.
- Core: refactored code to unify setting/getting module/action and added additional checks for validity.
- Core: fixed issue where media-embed would always embed the media in the last editor, not the selected one.
- Tags: fixed call to deprecated (removed) method, which caused "related" widget to malfunction.
- Core: it is now possible to use positions inside modules' templates.
- Backend: first page after login will always be dashboard (if allowed).
- Core: application specific config files are now optional.
- Pages: blocks in fallback positions are now drag-and-droppable again.
- Core: minifier now also works on PHP <5.2.2.
- Core: fixed bug in minifier where @import url("xxx") would fail.
- Core: fixed LFI vulnerability.
- Core: you can now override the template for sub navigation and the navigation: {$var|getnavigation:'page':{$}:2:null:null:'/Core/Layout/Templates/subnavigation.tpl'}
- Extensions: installing a pre-uploaded theme from the themes overview now installs the selected theme instead of the last theme.
- Mailmotor: fix CSV address imports.
- Pages: include footer/meta subpages in the linkedlist.
- Core: integrated new CSS minifier (combine imports, import images to inline data URIs, shorten hex colors, strip whitespace, strip comments)
- Core: integrated new JS minifier (strip whitespace, strip comments)
- Core: replaced both different frontend & backend minifiers, by this new minifier.
- Share: Twitter now uses title instead of description + language attribute added
- Core: When a user doesn't have sufficient rights to access a page, he will now be redirected with the proper error code (307).
- Extensions: Modules with warnings will now be greyed out so they can be spotted easily.
- Location: fixed a javascript error with jquery.
- Location: fix vertical scrollbar inside info window.
- CSS: fixed Safari bug for DataGrid in Tabs #212
- Pages: subpages in the footer are now visible in the backend.
- Pages: default template wasn't used when adding a page.
- Core: added a property 'hideHelpTxt' to the BackendFormImage and BackendFormFile classes to prevent the helpTxt span from appearing (handy for such form fields in a data grid for instance).
- Core: breadcrumb: added a count method.
- Core: snippets: made the languages to get the templates for dynamic.
- Blog: fixed improper redirect that caused blog archive pagination to malfunction.
- Core: added an isPrice filter, also for text fields.
- Core: added the text color for the hover states of buttons.
- Core: when a data grid column has a certain column title(hidden, visible, published, active), the data grid will now automatically detect non-visible rows and mark them this way.
- Core: init Facebook for its JS SDK when an admin or app id is set.
- API: Added API::isValidRequestMethod($method) that checks if the request method of an incoming API call is valid for a given API method'.
- Analytics: Fixed the cronjobs execution time, should only run once a day.
- Blog, content blocks, pages: replaced the buttons for the use of versions or drafts by links with icons for consistency.
- Blog: API methods are now limited to their correct request methods.
- Extensions: improved the validation of the positions, as mention on by Dieter W.
- Form builder: altered the splitchar, so "," can be used in values for drop-downs, checkboxes or radio buttons.
- Pages: editor will be larger by default.
- Search: use a saveIndex function instead of addIndex and editIndex.
- Core: module specific locale are now parsed in the templates when used in cronjobs.
- Core: Click To Edit above the editor should behave from now on.
- Core: added the options for the theme-specific editor_content.css and and screen.css that will be loaded in the editor.
- Analytics: Fixed the labels for keywords and referrers when updating through ajax.
- Extensions: Made clear in cronjob info text that cronjob execution times have to be spread on servers with multiple fork installations.
- Extensions: a notice was triggered when using invalid template syntax, as mentioned on
- Mailmotor: improve visibility of ckeditor in mailmotor.
- Core: upgraded jQueryUI to 1.8.17
- Core: added a generic method to output CSV-files, which uses the user-settings for splitchar and line-ending.
- Core: it is now possible to set an empty string as recipient name in the mailers.
- Extensions: only modules with a valid name will be included in the list of installable modules.
- Blog: added an option for the god user to enable or disable the upload image functionality for the blog module.
- Installer: added a check for subfolders.
- All: template-options for available actions are now available for all modules and thus also prefixed with the module name.
- Core: added missing locale for ckeditor & ckfinder.
- Core: when not in debug mode the dialog-patch wasn't included in the minified JS-file.
- Pages: fixed reset previous value when editing editor block.
- Spoon: when deleting a cookie we now set the expiration date far in the past to prevent that users with an incorrect system time can still use deleted cookies.
- API: all illegal characters are now wrapped with CDATA tags.
- Blog: API calls now show the most recent version of a blog title.
- Core: integrated CKEditor into Fork CMS.
- Core: added an extra check (parent has to be td.checkbox) for the row selection within tables in the backend.
- Core: added cookie containing unique visitor id.
- Core: add a class 'noSelectedState' to the table of a dataGrid to prevent the selected state to show for every row in the data grid with a checked checkbox.
- Core: added maxItems and afterAdd options for the multipleSelectbox.
- Core: added a possibility to add an extra to all pages when installing Fork CMS with the installer function addDefaultExtra. The extra will be added to all pages without this extra.
- Core: you can now add items to the search index in the installer of your module.
- Core: fixed core engine url notice in frontend/ and backend/ (Notice: Undefined offset: 1) by removing an unused $get var.
- Pages: when adding an editor field, the editor will immediately open.
- Pages: the sitemap now correctly displays subpages.
- Extensions: modules may now also include files in /library/external.
- All: actions where the user has no rights for, are no longer shown.
- Core: fixed core template override from within module action.
- Core: added #xfbml=1 to the Facebook connect URL so Facebook plugins also work when there's no Facebook app id given in the settings tab.
- ContentBlocks: Fixed a bug where a hidden content block assigned to a page would trigger a PHP Notice.
- Extensions: fixed module-warnings system.
- Extensions: fixed module upload.
- Users: Fixed a bug that was triggered when editing a user that was not the logged in user and when the logged in user was not a god user.
- Spoon: drop-down opt-group's values were reset by the array_merge function.
- Core: the frontend CSS-minifier supports @import-statements from now on.
- Core: you can't select redirect-languages that aren't active.
- Blog: meta should be deleted before the items are deleted.
- Core: added public methods to FrontendPage to fetch page id & page record.
- Core: split instantiation & execution of extras, allowing extras to be aware of other extras on a page.
- All: fixed a lot of -tags, which improves the accessibility.
- All: added some hidden labels for form-elements that doesn't have a -tag linked, which improves the accessibility.
- Authentication: don't mention which field is required separately.
- Core: no more need to use the addslashes-modifier in JS-files, it will be handled by Fork. Introduced while fixing the bug mentioned by Tristan Charbonnier on
- Core: added a generic class that will enable you to use iCal-feeds.
- Core: confirm messages weren't working anymore, mentioned on
- Extensions: when a templates was edited and an form-error was shown the added blocks weren't shown correctly again.
- Tags: related widget wasn't using the current language, patch provided on
- Tags: the url for a tag that contains spaces wasn't calculated correctly, mentioned on
- Mailmotor: also replace https while linking the account
- Form builder: changing the value of the submit-button wasn't working, mentioned on
- Installer: show the warning when library/external is not readable.
- Core: tableSequenceByDragAndDrop allows the module to be chosen, so sequences from other modules might be used.
- Tags: tag-pages don't have any SEO-value, so don't index them.
- Core: created multibyte-safe ucfirst variant and applied it throughout Fork CMS.
- Core: fixed XSS vulnerability (as mentioned on:
- Core: fixed page-unload warning on IE.
- Core: it is now possible to use translations that don't exist in English.
- Core: when not in debug mode non-existing files or faulty urls shouldn't trigger an exception but a 404.
- Core: added an getModules method to FrontendModule, analog to the backend method.
- Core: the direct actions are no longer shown in the navigation.
- Core: don't add a timestamp to the urls of well known libraries in the backend.
- Core: automagic canonical-urls.
- Core: added a new modifier stripnewlines which will remove all newlines in a string, so JS can handle it.
- Core: added properties in the default HTML and in the Triton-theme.
- Locale: added some missing locale, see
- Locale: the missing items are now sorted by application, type, module and name.
- Locale: added translations for Spanish (by Alberto Aguayo -
- Location: rewrote most of the JS, because the map wasn't showing the markers correctly, as mentioned on
- Pages: default blocks now apply correctly on new pages.
- Pages: removed extras still linked to page now no longer trigger an error.
- Core: settings exclude & checked values on setMassActionCheckboxes now works again.
- Form builder: fixed a typo, as mentioned on
- Core: when adding a JS-file with a ? in it the timestamp was appended with a ?.
- Locale: improved translations for German (by Philipp Kruft -
- Analytics: when refreshing the traffic sources a parse-error was thrown, as reported on
- Core: upgraded jQuery to 1.7.1
- Core: upgraded jQuery Tools to 1.2.6
- Core: direct action pages get prefilled meta information again.
- Users: when adding a user and there is only one group it will be checked by default.
- Profiles: display name was not being urlized.
- Tags: it is no longer impossible to fetch related items with the same id as your source item.
- Core: fixed js issue in triton.
- Core: fixed a typo.
- Extensions: when using spaces in the format-part of the template XML, the templates weren't build correctly.
- Added the possibility to easily adjust detailed page settings when you are a god user.
- SVN folders will now be skipped when running the remove_cache script.
- Core: fixed an issue with the checkboxTextfieldCombo function.
- Core: fixed minified media queries in the backend CSS manually, the minify script itself has to be adjusted though.
- Core: fixed inputCheckbox positioning inside data grids.
- Core: fixed the row selected state in the data grid when the selectAll checkbox was clicked.
- Core: fixed the layout dataFilter function since it scoped the wrong, lowercased class of the dataFilter.
- Extensions: prevented PHP warnings when no info.xml is available.
- Core: fixed an issue with drag and drop in the backend.
- Locale: importing other languages then EN is possible again.
- Core: fixed an issue with the user-drop-down.
- Form builder: fixed an issues with the default error messages.
- Blog: deleting a blog image caused a SQL error.
- Core: upgraded the YUI-compressor to 2.4.7, see
- Core: javascript error fixed when no href is provided in the share widget.
- Core: fixed confirmation-dialog, wasn't closing when the cancel-button was clicked.
- Tools: frontend and backend globals were not deleted when running prepare_for_reinstall.
- Core: fixed an issue with items that used .live().
- Pages: fixed an issue with dynamically added elements using .data().
- Locale: refactored importXML method to also be used by installer (rather than 2 separate "different yet the same" functions).
- Extensions: add cronjobs info to info.xml, informational al well as for checking whether all cronjobs are set.
- Core: upgraded Highcharts to 2.1.8.
- Core: major improvements (code-styling, spelling, performance, ...) for JS, credits to Thomas.
- Core: upgraded jQuery to 1.7
- Installer: when the form in step 6 (where the actual install happens) is submitted the button will be replaced with a spinner to indicate the installer is running.
- Analytics: added a warning when trying to link a profile when no profile was selected.
- Blog: when there are 2 or more categories with at least one item in it, the category will be added in the breadcrumb.
- Editing tags wasn't working because of an error in the SQL-statement in the FAQ-module.
- Missing label, as reported on
- Pages: closing the dialog did not discard the content correctly.
- Core: autocomplete on tags wasn't working due the change of the AJAX-calls.
- Core: Upgraded TinyMCE to 3.4.7
- Core: TinyMCE now includes all languages that are possible in the interface-language-drop-down.
- Core: the keys when asking for a locale item now get camelcased so you can add enum values f.e. when using them in a data grid.
- Form builder: made it possible to add multiple receivers.
- Pages: added a widget that shows the subpages as blocks with their title and meta description.
- Core: when requesting the meta-navigation while there are no items an exceptions was thrown, mentioned by Niels on
- Core: when editing non-active languages the files parsed through javascript.php were using the default language, as pointed out by Simon on
- Core: fix default module, action, language in JS - was messed up on dashboard.
- Core: fix issue in template compiler; nested iterations where child ends in name of parent, did not work.
- Core: removed the guessing of the library path in the installer. When Spoon can't be located a textfield will be shown wherein you can enter the path to Spoon.
- Core: fixed issue when displaying empty pages without blocks linked.
- ContentBlocks: fixed a database exception when deleting content blocks.
- Extensions: fixed typo, as mentioned on by Bart.
- Extensions: editing a template without default-data was triggering a notices, as mentioned by Bart on
- Extensions: confirm-messages through pure Javascript don't support sprintf through the template-engine, see
- Extensions: ignore hidden files when validating the uploaded zip-files, see
- Form builder: when a field isn't required, but should be validated as an e-mail address it was forced to be filled in.
- Form builder: the language wasn't saved correctly into the extras after editing a form, so it was shown for all languages, as mentioned by Simon on
- Location: invalid item was used in the template, and the JS should only be executed after jQuery is loaded, as mentioned by Floris on
- Pages: class name for sitemap was wrong.
- Pages: navigation now contains valid depth-key in template.
- Tags: inline editing wasn't working anymore due the new way of using AJAX.
- Tools: improved whitespace-check in codesniffer.
- Faq: fixed collation of table faq_feedback.
- Core: completely re-invented the blocks system; it's now position-driven.
- Core: introduce the concept of positions that can contain an arbitrary number of blocks.
- Pages: merged tabs "Content" & "Template" to present a more straightforward UI.
- Pages: added ability to order blocks on a page.
- Pages: created fallback-system for blocks that were assigned to no-longer-existing positions.
- Pages: added the possibility to show/hide a block.
- Pages: edit HTML content in TinyMCE in a dialog.
- Core: updated installer.
- Core: updated template creation in backend.
- Core: updated theme Triton to be position-based.
- Pages: added the possibility to either completely overwrite or re-use existing blocks when updating a template.
- Core: removed has_extra and extra_ids from pages database and replaced it with joins resulting in the same result but based upon real data (rather than just relying on the existing scripts.)
- Installer: added 'getTemplateId' function to easily fetch a template id.
- Installer: added 'warnings' to warn for less optimal systems but allow installation anyway.
- Installer: added improved test for mod_rewrite (will produce warning if not enabled.)
- Installer: refactored code: every step now double checks all previous steps and redirects back on error.
- Core: updated folder structure to prevent installation issues with folders needing to be outside the document root.
- Core: removed "markup" folder, this is now available at
- Core: allow for non-standard characters to be used in urls.
- Core: validate slugs that are being added with javascript whilst typing the title using meta-class.
- Core: updated default favicon.
- Pages: updated pages getNavigation; the 'includeChildren' parameter was useless.
- Core: refactored javascript ajax-calls.
- Installer: refactored installation of dashboard widgets.
- Analytics: dashboard widgets are now added for all users upon installation.
- Profiles: refactored action names to better represent their purpose.
- Extensions: uploaded modules can be installed.
- Extensions: uploaded themes can be installed.
- Extensions: it is now possible to install modules via ZIP upload in the CMS.
- Extensions: it is now possible to install themes via ZIP upload in the CMS.
- Core: the active state of modules has been stripped. This is no longer useful.
- Core: new coding standards have been applied.
- Locale: added translations for Chinese (by Millie Lin -
- Locale: added translations for French (by Matthias Budde - & Jeremy Swinnen -
- Locale: added translations for German (by Philipp Kruft -
- Locale: added translations for Hungarian (by Bota David -
- Locale: added translations for Italian (by NebuLab -
- Locale: added translations for Russian (by Медведев Илья -
- Locale: added partial translations for Turkish (by Serkan Yildiz -!/GeekOfWeb)
- Locale: added partial translations for Polish (by Pawel Frankowski - & Konrad Confue Przydział -
- Blog: the blog module now standard has an image field.
- Locale: make it possible to browse translations for all modules at once.
- Mailmotor: email address can't be edited; change code to reflect this.
- Core: Facebook open Graph-tags will now be parsed when an app OR admin-id is configured.
- Core: added a share-widget, see
- Content Blocks: some backend functions didn't take into account the current working language.
- Content Blocks: exclude invalid templates.
- Installer: some very specific Apache-version will prepend the Apache-variables with REDIRECT_.
- Pages: when adding more then 1 module to a page you will get a nice error message instead of a PHP error.
- Core: removed empty method.
- Core: detect if .htaccess is available and mod_rewrite enabled in the installer.
- Core: when adding a file field it is now possible to easily show a label with the available extensions.
- Core: Made the parent_id available in the template.
- Core: Upgraded TinyMCE to 3.4.6
- Core: Made the Facebook integration work with the signed requests.
- Core: re-added some missing locale into the image-manager, see:
- Core: fixed some errors in the api-methods for blog.
- Core: fixed a bug where updating a page template tried to input data in a non-existing database column.
- Core: fixed a typo in the dutch disclaimer, see:
- Search: IP address is no longer shown in statistics.
- Core: Improved config to let TinyMCE cleanup Internet Explorer HTML.
- Search: Search won't show the 404 page anymore, see:
- Groups: when no bundled actions were available a PHP notice was thrown.
- Dashboard: validate if a position is already taken.
- Pages: sort sequences after checking its existence.
- Core: Upgraded jQuery to 1.6.4.
- Core: When an image/file field is added in the backend the max_upload_size is added as a help-message, see:
- Core: Added an api-method to remove an apple-device token.
- Core: Emails are now send base64 encoded. This to prevent that line breaks, which are added when the max text line length is reached, corrupt the content.
- Blog: Added an api-method to grab a single comment.
- Blog: When calling blog.comments.UpdateStatus you can pass multiple ids by separating them with a ,.
- Tags: Overview is now sorted alphabetically.
- Blog: Fixed a bug in the blog module where it called an non-existing FrontendTag-function.
- Core: TinyMCE link-list is now sorted according the pages-tree, as requested by Frederik (
- Core: Mails from form builder will contain the site title instead of Fork CMS.
- Core: Updated the schema.
- Blog: deleting a draft no longer triggers an error.
- Blog: fix deletion of category: check for blog-posts in category did not check blog status.
- Groups: permission management now works correctly in Chrome.
- Install triggered an error "Headers already sent".
- Core: Upgraded TinyMCE to 3.4.5 - fixed Opera issues with editor.
- Core: Updated JS utils.urlise to better reflect the SpoonFilter::urlise (. should also convert to dash)
- Core: Shorter GA-tracking code
- Facebook-class: fixed oAuth-calls.
- Autoloader was replacing too much, when using the module name inside an action (eg: mass_files_action in the module files).
- Core: upgraded jQuery to 1.6.3.
- Core: added two method (getDate & getTime) as BackendDataGrid-functions, as requested by Frederik (see:
- Core: backend navigation is now dynamically generated. Module installers can set their navigation tree.
- Core: improved default-filtering in locale. From now on frontend and all types are default.
- Core: return id of inserted mail.
- Pages: sitemap page will now also display child pages.
- Location: it is now possible to use multi-line content inside the marker.
- Core: overwriting javascript-files in a theme now works fine.
- Core: upgraded jQueryUI to 1.8.16.
- Api: when the response isn't an array notices where thrown.
- Locale: analyse now correctly handles dynamic translations.
- Core: local file inclusion check was not MS Windows-proof, fixed now.
- Core: the metaCustom was never parsed.
- Pages: when there are no footer-pages an notice was triggered (as reported on
- Pages: When moving a page the correct page is now checked for allow_children
- Core: added a modifier to camelcase strings.
- Core: when adding new default blocks to an existing template, update all corresponding pages that have no content in those blocks to the new default.
- Core: when Akismet can't tell us if a comment is spam, we mark it as an item in moderation.
- Core: added functionality to set a callback after an item is saved with inline editing.
- Pages: internal redirect can have children from now on.
- Pages: added an experimental copy-action.
- Locale: highlight empty items in the overview.
- Core: template custom was not being parsed inside blocks.
- Core: upgraded jQueryUI to 1.8.15.
- Core: added a way to read a cookie through JS.
- Core: Upgraded TinyMCE to 3.4.4
- Search: search page was installed twice.
- Core: when in debug-mode the confirmation for leaving the page is disabled.
- Core: the check that decided to show the confirmation-message wasn't handling empty strings very well.
- Core: fixed some JS-errors
- Core: added utils.string.html5(), when you pass a HTML5-chunk it will be converted so IE will render it correctly (based on innerShiv).
- Blog: Tags are now correctly fetched and displayed.
- Blog: Comments-action was broken due an invalid call on $this in a static method.
- Installer: Setting the library-path was using an array instead of the first item in that array.
- Core: Items marked as direct action won't show up in page-title, breadcrumb, meta, ...
- Core: Better handling of meta-information. Each item will be unique, Some new methods are introduced (addLink, addMetaData, addMetaDescription, addMetaKeywords, addOpenGraphData), they replace: setMeta*.
- Core: Added an SEO-item in the advanced-settings-section. For now only noodp and noydir are implemented.
- Core: Added advanced SEO-settings in the SEO-tab (index,follow).
- Core: Added a setting to use no-follow on links inside user-comments.
- Core: If Google Analytics is available, all outgoing links will be tracked by event-tracking.
- Core: When Google Analytics is linked, and the tracking-code isn't found in the header/footer-HTML it will be added.
- Core: Event logging now uses absolute paths to prevent usage of undefined constants.
- Installer: Installer now uses
to check if a folder is writable, see - Spoon: On rare occasions iconv would trow an error that it can't convert strings.
- Core: js.php could be misused.
- Pages: Don't show hidden extras in the widget- and block-drop-downs.
- Pages: hidden modules_extras don't get shown in the template anymore.
- Pages: when editing a page with a external redirect there was an error because of the disabled field, fixed the JS, as reported on
- Core: Removed code to initialize the session, this is just useless and prevents caching-proxies to work by default.
- Core: upgraded TinyMCE to
- Core: Pub/sub-system, see:
- Core: Facebook doesn't provide an API-key anymore, so code is altered to reflect this.
- Core: siteHTMLFooter should be append after the JS-files.
- Core: implemented social-tracking for GA, will only be executed if Google Analytics is used, and facebook or twitter are integrated.
- Core: upgraded jQuery to 1.6.2 and jQueryUI to 1.8.14.
- Blog: blogger import script now downloads the images correctly.
- ContentBlocks: template wasn't selected when editing the block.
- Profiles: added profiles module to handle on-site (frontend) profiles.
- Groups: added groups module to handle backend user privileges.
- Locale: added quick-edit.
- Core: extras (blocks or widgets) now simulate their own scope concerning templates.
- Core: no more language if there is just one language enabled.
- Core: handling of meta/links tags is now down through code, therefor you can overrule existing values.
- Core: removed deprecated methods.
- Form builder: fix jquery error causing form builder to malfunction
- Proper implementation of .prop().
- Analyse-action was using invalid arguments for SpoonFilter::toCamelCase().
- Core: when the meta fields are disabled we don't have any values in the POST. When an error occurs in the other fields of the form the meta-fields would be cleared. As reported on
- Pages: moving pages for a non-active language failed, as reported on
- Core: Upgraded to jQuery 1.6.1
- Core: Upgraded to jQuery UI 1.8.13
- Core: Upgraded TinyMCE to 3.4.2
- Bugfix: inline editing for blog-categories wasn't working anymore, as reported on
- Bugfix: when an error was thrown while inline editing, the element wasn't destroyed.
- Bugfix: title of blogpost had inline-editing enabled while this isn't implemented.
- Bugfix: options aren't visible elements for webkit-browsers. So submitting the first parent-form was failing in mass-actions.
- Bugfix: improve "incomplete" (autocomplete) searching for multiple words (only the last word should be considered incomplete.)
- Bugfix: removed empty widgets, as reported on
- Bugfix: hover-event wasn't unbind correctly when sorting the widgets was done.
- Bugfix: importing addresses into the mailmotor was borked, as reported on
- Bugfix: focusFirst was focusing on an element on hidden tabs, as reported on
- Bugfix: click on tab wasn't working decent in IE, as reported on
- Bugfix: page-revisions were interfering with blog-revisions, as reported on
- Bugfix: theme-css is now loaded again into TinyMCE.
- Bugfix: only remove language from query string when we have multiple languages.
- Bugfix: backend interface language was not set according to our installer selection.
- Bugfix: added the correct anchor on the blog comment-form, fixes:
- Bugfix: create category dialog in blog-module wasn't working when there weren't no categories, as reported on
- Bugfix: date fields weren't populated with the date that was set, as reported on
- Core: when using date fields with till, from, range set, it will be validated according the type.
- Core: changed theme's folder layout to match codebase folder layout - folder 'layout/' should be included in theme;.
- Core: changed addJavascript function to addJS (consistency with addCSS + less typing.)
- Core: added class FrontendTheme with functions pertaining to themes. Bundled functionality to fetch a file's theme path to this class.
- Core: added template modifier 'getPath', to fetch the desired path to a file (theme file if available, core file otherwise.)
- Core: no more need to enter absolute path to core or theme template in an include (still possible though); template compiler will use theme file if available, core file otherwise.
- Core: removed scratch theme. Triton is now the default theme.
- Core: templates are now linked to a theme.
- Core: only show templates belonging to a specific selected theme.
- Core: theme switch will automatically link pages to templates of the new theme.
- Core: when a new template with less blocks is selected for a page, the redundant blocks' content will be kept.
- Core: blocks data does not get lost when switching template/theme.
- Core: content blocks can now be linked to a content block-template.
- Core: locales analyse-tool will check only the active modules from now on.
- Core: added a jQuery-plugin to implement a passwordGenerator.
- Core: added the possibility to add attachments to the frontend/backend mailers.
- Core: when calling *Form::getTemplateExample() an example that reflect the correct markup for that application will be returned.
- Core: default jQuery-theme is now Aristo (see:
- Core: made date picker-stuff available in the frontend.
- Core: made it possible to change the amount of blocks for templates that are in use. When blocks are removed, the content will no longer be shown; when blocks are added, the defaults will be pushed to the existing pages.
- Blog: creating categories can now be done without leaving the add/edit screen.
- Blog: changes to improve the usability: no more default category, users are forced to select a category if there are multiple categories.
- Blog: when filtered on a category and clicked on link to add a post the category will be prefilled.
- Blog: in the drop-down to filter on a category the count is now included.
- Blog: when canceling adding a new category the previous selected one will be reselected, as reported on
- Pages: Redirecting to child pages (if there is no content) will now use 301-code.
- Pages: implemented drafts, similar to Blog.
- Pages: when changing templates the textual-content isn't deleted anymore.
- Locale: you can now import/export locale from/to xml. The installers also use xmls.
- Locale: export for missing locale.
- Locale: remove deprecated insertLocale function.
- Locale: created an incredibly nasty hotfix for some deprecated PHP functionality.
- Mailmotor: added extra validation (reported on
- Mailmotor: added extra validation for adding address(es).
- Mailmotor: adding multiple addresses now uses the multipleTextbox-functionality.
- Installer: refactored pages installation.
- Installer: split up step languages & modules into 2 steps; moved db step behind those.
- Installer: ask for backend interface languages separate from frontend languages.
- IE-stylesheets aren't loaded by default, this is the task of the slices (as requested/indicated by Yoni)
- Force forms to use UTF-8
- Blog categories now use the meta-object
- Cronjobs can now be triggered from the CLI, as requested on
- Core: improvements for number formatting
- Tools: scripts are now using find
- Bugfix: Disabled the image-managers context-menu because there are still issues (according to the TinyMCE developers :s)
- Bugfix: $_GET-parameters were double urldecode, as reported on
- Bugfix: navigation used to give notices with hidden/excluded pages
- Bugfix: autoloader path to FrontendBaseAjaxAction was incorrect
- Bugfix: setting a language for an ajax-call on non-multi-language sites wat a bit * ehm * fubar
- Bugfix: when deleting a content_block, the HTML-field for the block should be set to an empty string (thx to Frederik Heyninck)
- Core: renamed addCSSFile to addCSS, to reflect the backend (thx to Frederik Heyninck)
- Bugfix: loading of classes in getWarnings should use SpoonFilter::toCamelCase instead of ucfirst (thx to Frederik Heyninck)
- Pages: added the getForTags-method
- Core: added JS to enable placeholder-behaviour in browsers that doesn't support placeholders
- Core: made it possible for cronjobs to use BackendMailer
- Core: made it possible to use setColumnConfirm on other columns that haven't a link as value
- Core: made it possible to highlight elements via a GET parameter
- Bugfix: tagBox and multipleTextbox now work as intended when typing the splitchar
- Bugfix: multipleTextbox no longer blocks the form submit in specific cases
- Bugfix: widgets now also use theme templates (if available)
- Core: using data-attribute instead of rel
- Blog: reimplemented drafts
- Bugfix: recalculate num_comments so the new revision has the correct count
- Core: fixed a lot of code to reflect the styleguide
- Testimonials: made the module language-dependant (as it should be)
- Bugfix: SpoonFileCSV was triggering a warning when no exclude-columns were provided
- Core: backendMailer will remove tags from the subject
- Core: added the password generator into the frontend
- Bugfix: selecting a template in teh mailmotor wasn't working in IE, as reported on
- Bugfix: non-existing items were included in the getAll-method
- Core: non-absolute urls are replaced when using Backend/Frontend-mailer
- Bugfix: multipleSelectbox is now working as it was intended
- Core: it is now possible to tell the code not to add a timestamp on the url for CSS/JS
- Bugfix: changing the working language was redirecting to dashboard instead of the module, as reported on
- Bugfix: editing a tag was calling an non existing method
- Content blocks: make sure you add an extra column "extra_id"
- Bugfix: Blog was using the revision-id instead of the id for retrieving tags
- Core: Facebook should be add in the footer instead of the header because Facebook sucks
- Core: improvement for pagination (should fix
- Blog: it is now possible to remove all spam at once
- Pages: extra validation, so home can't have any blocks
- Pages: improvement for changing extras, as requested on
- Bugfix: mailmotor was reporting empty groups when adding a newsletter, as reported on
- Bugfix: minifying the CSS files should replace path to images, as reported on
- Core: dashboard can now be customized by the user
- Tools: added a script to generate statistics for the codebase
- Core: isCached now always returns false when SPOON_DEBUG is true
- FormBuilder: added the form builder module.
- Mailmotor: now works with CampaignMonitor API v3
- Mailmotor: reworked settings; You can now unlink accounts and choose an existing client to link with.
- Mailmotor: thanks to the reworked import functionality in the CM API v3, the address-import should go a lot faster.
- Mailmotor: you can now pick your own default groups after importing data of an existing client.
- Core: Integrated Facebook in the frontend, when an Facebook-app is configured, a facebook-instance will be available in the reference (Spoon::getObjectReference('facebook')). When the user has granted the correct permission you will be able to communicate with Facebook as that user.
- Bugfix: changing a page template to a template with more blocks caused an exception.
- Pages: use the new Triton theme when installing a new Fork with example data.
- Pages: hidden pages don't have the view-button anymore, as requested on
- Bugfix: Meta-navigation subpages not shown in backend, as reported on
- Dashboard: Fixed issue with dashboard that wasn't scalling anymore, as reported on
- When FB-admin-ids are given, the facebook-statistics-tag is added on all pages
- Added .gitignore files again
- Upgraded jQuery and jQuery UI to latest version
- Upgrades Spoon to reflect the latest changes on their repo (extra methods in SpoonLocale)
- Core: added a modifier to format a string as currency (frontend)
- Core: added a modifier to format a string as a float (backend)
- Blog: when the rss_image.png exists in your theme, it will automatically be used in your rss feed.
- moved the code for default RSS-image into FrontendRSS
- Pages: added sorting for extras in drop-downs
- Bugfix: extras weren't populated when the template was changed
- Bugfix: URL was changed when moved if the page was an direct sub-action as reported in
- Bugfix: contact module has no backend, so no button should appear in the pages-module, as reported on
- Core: password strength-meter should report passwords with less then 4 characters as weak, as reported on
- Core: added a script that enables us to restore the directory/file-structure like Fork wasn't installed before
- Tags: added a tag cloud-widget
- Core: added an extra modifier to grab page related info (getpageinfo)
- Bugfix: mass checkbox and mass drop-down behaviour now function as intended
- Bugfix: z-index of modal and resize-handle, as reported in
- Mailmotor: corrected some labels
- Mailmotor: added a warning if the module isn't linked (so preview won't trigger a 404)
- Bugfix: FrontendRSS now handles an encoded RSS title as intended
- Core: added some labels
- Core: added an new modifier "formatfloat"
- Contact: added author in the subject of the mails, so spam can be detected without checking the email, and won't mess up threads
- Tags: fixed some todo's, fixed some stupid code, wrote markup that can be used in a real life project for the default template
- Locale: Implemented some remarks on Locale-module, see
- Styled analyze function of locale module
- Added docs page on installing
- Core: added a modifier to strip the tags from a string (frontend)
- Bugfix: FrontendRSS, special chars should de decoded (thx to Unrated)
- Blog: added a method to get related
- Bugfix: fixed the config of the file- and image-manager so they can handle symlinks. (and deployment)
- TinyMCE now get a TinyActive class when active. Fixed Fork tinyMCE skin bugs including wide scrollbar. (always wrap a tinyMCE in
<div class="options">
or<div class="optionsRTE">
- added correct .gitignore-files and ignored .git
- fixed some stuff so app is ready for deployment with Capistrano
- added a script to minify stuff from backend (and put in correct folder)
- core: files with extension jpeg are allowed from now on in TinyMCE image-manager.
- core: installer required javascript to be enabled, so added a check.
- core: installer will clear previous cached data
- core: database-port is now configurable
- core: minor improvements for user-interface.
- core: improved BackendMailer
- core: fixed some labels
- core: when a template used by the mailer exist in the theme it will overrule the default
- core: Better styling for drag/drop tables + added success message after reorder
- core: upgraded CSSToInlineStyles to the latest version
- core: added a method to build a backend URL from the frontend
- blog: fixed installer (comments, rights, ...)
- blog: added a feed on each article with the comments for that article
- blog: added a feed with all comments (on all articles)
- blog: added notification on new comments (settings in backend)
- pages: Made it possible to move stuff from tree into an empty meta-navigation
- mailmotor: preview is now sent with BackendMailer.
- mailmotor: utf8 instead of latin1.
- mailmotor: synced TinyMCE "look and feel" from core
- bugfix: tinyMCE stripped the embed-tag
- bugfix: comment_count on blog articles ignored the archived/draft status
- bugfix: spam comments couldn't be removed.
- bugfix: generating an URL for a block didn't passed the language in the recursive part.
- bugfix: correct detection of sitemap-page
- bugfix: fixed some calls to BackendPagesModel::buildCache() (language should be passed)
- bugfix: deleting a blog post resulted in an error.
- bugfix: pages disappear when moving in separate pages
- bugfix: when deleting a blog-category blogpost were not moved into the default category
- bugfix: CURLOPT_xxx options should be integer/constants instead of strings
- bugfix: limited index length for table modules_settings to overcome SQL error 'Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes'
- bugfix: date picker days of week are now correct
- bugfix: fixed UTF-8 issue in contact-module, remember we're using UTF-8, so mails should have teh correct meta-tag
- bugfix: fixed issue with addURLParameters-method, which fucked up URLs with a hash in them.
- bugfix: fixed comment-count on overview.
- bugfix: when a module was linked, and the block was changed, you couldn't select module again.