There are many great restruant reservation tools that exist in the world. However there is a lack in how there are preventions to stoping people from not showing up. Restruants do not share information about their customers with others. Which create a disconnected flow of information.
This noshow prevention API will allow reservation system to use our APIs to check if users have made reservations in the past and if they showed up on time. Restrant owners can make the decision to allow or disallow their booking based on history.
Initially, I only thought restrants were the only customers of this. However, anywhere there are reservation that occur, such as hospitals, event places (ex rock climbing, bowling), can use this tool to have an accurate expected time of arrival based on past experiences.
takes in phone number with area code returns json object with reservation_id, recent reservation history
if customer does not exist, will create a new customer object
takes in reservation_id
returns confirmation of report
takes in customer_phone number
returns customer_id
customer_id : uuid
customer_phone : string
customer_name : string
rsvp_history : rsvp_histroy
rsvp_histroy_id : uuid
customer_id : uuid
created_time : timestamp
no_show : boolean
If a user got a new phone and the previous user had a bad history, the history can be cleared by contacting customer support.