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Consent Management Platform logo

Product Documentation

Table of Contents


The Dashboard contains statistics for all projects available to the logged user. For each project, the following statistics are calculated for the selected period:

Type Description
Consents The number of unique consents (regardless of the positivity of the consent).
Positivity The percentage of unique consents that are positive (not counting necessary categories).
Consents (all) Total number of consents.
Positivity (all) The percentage positivity of all consents (not including necessary categories).
Providers The number of cookie providers.
Cookies The number of cookies. The first number are cookies bound to providers, the number in brackets are cookies defined directly on the project.
Last consent Shows when the last consent was given (either positive or negative).

Dashboard page


Users are authenticated using an email and password, or by using Azure Active Directory. Users cannot register themselves to the application, they must be added by an administrator. The administrator can set a default password directly when creating a new user, or leave it blank and the user can choose own password using the "forgot password" functionality. In addition, each user has assigned their projects that they can see and manage.

The application provides only two roles - admin and manager with following privileges:

Resource/Action Manager Admin
Dashboard Manager Admin
View statistics for projects that are visible to the current user
User account Manager Admin
Edit own data, change password
Users > Users Manager Admin
View the list of users
Create or edit a user
Delete a user
Users > New password requests Manager Admin
View the list of new password requests
Settings Manager Admin
View and edit the application settings
Cookies > Categories Manager Admin
View the list of categories
Create or edit a category
Delete a category
Cookies > Providers Manager Admin
View the list of providers
Create or edit a provider
Delete a provider
Cookies > List of cookies Manager Admin
View the list of cookies
Create or edit a cookie
Delete a cookie
Cookies > Cookie suggestions Manager Admin
View the list of projects
View the list of cookie suggestions per project
Resolve cookie suggestions
Crawler > Scenario scheduling Manager Admin
View the list of scenarios
Create or edit a scenario
Crawler > Running scenarios Manager Admin
View the list and details of scenarios
Imports Manager Admin
View the list of executed imports
Run an import
Projects Manager Admin
View the list of projects that are visible by the current user
Create a project
Project > Consents Manager Admin
View the list of consents
Project > Cookie widgets Manager Admin
View the list of cookie widgets
Project > Cookies > Providers Manager Admin
View and edit project providers
Project > Cookies > Project cookies Manager Admin
View the list of project cookies
Create or edit a project cookie
Delete a project cookie
Project > Cookies > Service cookies Manager Admin
View the list of service cookies
Project > Integration Manager Admin
View and edit cookie table templates
View a cookie table integration code
Project > Edit project Manager Admin
View and edit a project
Delete a project

Edit user page



This section is used to set the languages that are used on the websites that are connected to the CMP.

The "Translation locales" field should contain a complete list of all languages. The default language is used if any record lacks a translation for the requested language.

Setting page


The cookies widget can send consents in different environments if it is configured in this way. In order to separate these environments in the list of consents, statistics and other places, it is necessary to define all the environments that are used.

If the widget has no configured environments, just leave the default environment.

Setting page


When loading cookie lists (cookie tables) into the cookie widget, it is possible to optimize requesting the CMP API using this configuration.

For production use, it is recommended to enable the "HTTP Header ETag" and "HTTP Header Cache-Control" options and set the "HTTP Header Cache-Control: max-age" field to some meaningful value, such as 3600 (1 hour).

Setting page


The application can be connected to the crawler API, which can be used to crawl the project's website and search for cookies. For this purpose, there are scenarios that can be defined after successful connection of the crawler.

Found cookies are then sent to the CMP, where an evaluation is performed to see if these cookies exist in the CMP, if they are problematic (for example, they are used on the page even though the user did not agree to them), etc.

Setting page

Authentication with Azure AD

Users can be authenticated to the CMP application using Azure Active Directory.

To do this, it is required to create an enterprise application in Azure and create a secret code for it. The application ID and the secret code (and possibly the tenant ID) must be set in the CMP configuration afterward. The value of the "Callback URI" field, on the other hand, must be set as the "Redirect URI" in the Azure enterprise application. Next, the admin and manager roles need to be created in Azure for the enterprise application.

Setting page


Cookie management is based on the fact that cookie categories and cookie providers are defined. Each provider is assigned its own cookies and the providers are then assigned to individual projects.

Cookie management diagram


The same categories of cookies (storages) that are used on the project's website should be defined in the application. At least the codes should be the same.

Be sure to mark the necessary category with the "Necessary category" flag.

The default installation will automatically create categories that are defined by Google.

Categories page


A provider could be defined as a group of cookies.

For example, if the project website uses Google Analytics, there would be a provider in the CMP called "Google Analytics" that would have cookies related to that service.

List of cookies

Although cookies are managed through individual providers, the list of all cookies can be found on this page.

Categories page

Cookie suggestions

This menu item will appear if the crawler is integrated into the application via settings. There is the list of projects for which some crawler scenario has already been successfully run. Each project also has its own detail, on which the cookie suggestions are located.

The suggestions are divided into several types:

  • New cookies
    • Cookies that were found on the website but do not exist in the CMP
    • Cookies that were found on the website, exist in the CMP, but are not assigned to the current project.
  • Problematic cookies
    • Cookies that were never found
    • Cookies that have not been found for a long time (more than 14 days).
    • Cookies that have been found on the website, but their category has not been agreed.
  • Unproblematic cookies - Cookies for which no problem has been found.
  • Ignored cookies - Cookie suggestions that have been temporarily or permanently marked as ignored.


This menu item will appear if the crawler is integrated into the application via settings. The crawler is an external application that runs standalone. For more information follow the Development Guide.

Scenario scheduling

To ensure that the crawler knows what pages to look for and how to behave on them, it needs to be provided with scenarios. In addition, each scenario must be configured when to run (crontab syntax) and which cookie categories are allowed in the scenario. Problematic cookies are then evaluated according to these categories.

Example scenario from the picture
    "options": {
        "session": {
            "transferredCookies": [
        "viewport": {
            "width": 800,
            "height": 600
        "maxRequests": 100,
        "maxConcurrency": 6,
        "maxRequestRetries": 2
    "scenes": {
        "startup": [
                "action": "runScene",
                "options": {
                    "scene": "acceptCookies"
                "action": "collectCookies",
                "options": {}
                "action": "enqueueLinks",
                "options": {
                    "scene": "navigation",
                    "baseUrl": "{{location.origin}}",
                    "selector": "#navigation",
                    "strategy": "same-domain"
        "navigation": [
                "action": "collectCookies",
                "options": {}
                "action": "enqueueLinks",
                "options": {
                    "scene": "navigation",
                    "selector": "#main",
                    "strategy": "same-domain"
        "acceptCookies": [
                "action": "click",
                "options": {
                    "selector": "#c-p-bn"
                "action": "delay",
                "options": {
                    "delay": 2000
    "entrypoint": {
        "url": "",
        "scene": "startup"

The scenario setting says that we always transfer the cc-settings cookie between requests, regardless of the browser session. It also specifies that a maximum of 100 pages will be crawled, at most 6 at a time, and if a page responds with an error code, the crawler will try to call the page twice more. The window size is set to 800x600 pixels.

The scenario then does the following:

  • Opens the page
  • Clicks on the button with ID #c-p-bn (Button to accept all cookies).
  • Collects information about all cookies from the page.
  • Finds links in the element #navigation and executes the scene navigation with them.
    • On each of these pages, cookies information is collected.
    • On each of these pages, it finds links in the element #main and starts the scene navigation with them again (recursion).

Categories page

Running scenarios

Here is the list of scenarios that are currently running or are already finished. By clicking on the detail it will display all the information about the scenario, what cookies it found, which pages it visited or screenshots it took.

There is also an option to manually run any scenario once.


Providers and cookies can be managed externally in CSV or JSON format or, for example, in an application such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Data in these formats can be imported into the application.

Here are examples of how the imported files should look like:

Cookie providers import in CSV format
facebook_login|Facebook Login|3rd_party||1|demo,test|"Platforma pro přihlášení skrze Facebook."|"Facebook login platform."
# ... more rows ...
Cookie providers import in JSON format
    "code": "facebook_login",
    "name": "Facebook login",
    "type": "3rd_party",
    "link": "",
    "active": true,
    "projects": [
    "purpose": {
      "cs": "Platforma pro přihlášení skrze Facebook.",
      "en": "Facebook login platform."
  // ... more providers ...
  • Allowed values for the field type are 1st_party and 3rd_party
  • Projects in CSV must be comma separated list
  • In CSV, each locale for purpose field must be separated column in the format purpose.<LOCALE>
Cookies import in CSV format
c_user||security_storage|facebook_login|session|1|"Facebook ID zákazníka."|"Customer\'s Facebook ID."|"mobile"
# ... more rows ...
Cookies import in JSON format
    "name": "c_user",
    "domain": "",
    "category": "security_storage",
    "provider": "facebook_login",
    "processingTime": "session",
    "active": true,
    "purpose": {
      "cs": "Facebook ID zákazníka.",
      "en": "Customer\'s Facebook ID."
    "environments": [
  // ... more cookies ...
  • The field domain can be an empty string. In this case the project domain will be used when cookies are returned via CMP API.
  • The field category must contain a category code
  • The field provider must contain a provider code
  • Allowed values for the field processingTime are "session", "persistent" or a duration string
  • The field environments must contain a list of environment codes. The code for the default environment is always "default".
  • In JSON, use en empty array for the field environments if the cookie are for all environments
  • In CSV, use an empty value for the field environments if the cookie are for all environments. If the cookie is in multiple environments, use a comma separated list e.g. default,mobile.
  • In CSV, each locale for purpose field must be separated column in the format purpose.<LOCALE>

For importing the main (1st party) provider, it is necessary that its project already exists. If the project doesn't exist, the provider will be created as a generic provider that can be assigned to any project.

So the correct procedure is to create projects first and then import the data.


After selecting a specific project, the user is moved to the context of the selected project where he can see consents, cookie widget settings and manage project cookies.


There is the list of all recorded consents. The consents are grouped according to the user identifier that the cookie widget creates and sends. After clicking on the detail, the complete consent history of the user is displayed.

Consents page

Cookie widgets

On this page are listed the settings of all cookie widgets used on the project website. The uniqueness of the cookie widget is determined by the checksum that is calculated and sent by the cookie widget itself.

Cookie widgets page

Cookies > Providers

This page allows to set the basic information about the main (1st party) provider and also to assign other providers respectively individual service providers to the project.

Cookies > Project cookies

The main (1st party) provider cookies can be managed on this page. These cookies are related only to the current project.

Cookies > Service cookies

On this page is the list of all cookies of providers that are associated with the current project. The list is readonly.


By integration is meant the ability to easily render a table with providers, alternatively with cookies, directly on the project website. For example, through a static page.

A template that fits exactly into the design of the website can be defined for each locale. The table can be displayed by copying the generated script to the website.

The templates are written in the Latte templating language and two variables can be accessed - $providers and $cookies. It is recommended leaving the creation of the templates to the developer.

Values of the provided variables exactly copy the response from the endpoint /api/v{version}/cookies/{project}. More information about the API in the Development Guide.

Integration page