Entrance, Escalate, Assimilate, Individualize, Exit, Calm, Solve, Coagula
usage: python3 8and6.py 258
or any number of your choosing, I just went with 258 because its 6+(6^2)+(6^3)
While 8and6.py will be useful in checking for patterns of master numbers regarding the values up to your choosing, 9.py is useful for knowing the values of your choosing.
usage: Python3 9.py 258
with 49.py you'll be able to use a string as such
usage:python3 49.py "my dick"
with Divine.py you'll be able to convert the string back to the number it was equated out to be, which is important in divine numbers according to a book I found on Conjuring https://archive.org/details/magiciansownbook00arno/page/202/mode/2up?view=theater uses strings instead of numbers
usage: python3 Divine.py "conjure"
8&6B49.py and 5.py require no explanation.
Its pretty interesting how x*reversenum(x)/x = x+reversenum(x)-x. Likewise reversenum(x)*x/reversenum(x) = reversenum(x)+x-reversenum(x)
12 * 21 / 12 = 12 + 21 -12
With Baphomet.py you'll be able to convert a string to a number, and then it will put together a matrix map of equations leading up to that number. While the final series on 6 in not echoing back whether it is for self, consciousness, time or space, through the repeated usage of the backwards ae, ɘa.
usage: python3 Baphomet.py Baphomet
Run question.py, copy down what it spits out, and paste it into Baphomet.py
I got this PMC number https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8844676/ The Government Willingly admits that there are anti antibodies that cause the vaccine to kill people.