This folder contains sample sketches for running PixelMaestro on an Arduino.
- In the Arduino IDE, click Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries...
- Once the download is finished, click the Filter your search... box and enter pixelmaestro.
- Select PixelMaestro and click Install.
- After the installation is finished, click Close.
You can find example sketches demonstrating the use of PixelMaestro in the File > Examples > PixelMaestro menu.
These examples use the Adafruit NeoPixel library. Repeat steps 1-4 above, but search for adafruit neopixel single-wire instead.
- In PlatformIO, click File > Open Folder... and select this folder.
- Copy the sketch that you want to upload to the src/ folder.
- Build and upload the project to your board. PlatformIO will automatically download dependencies during the build.