Lo nuevo de Colaborativo. La forma inteligente de agrupar redes sociales.
Creado por 8manos S.A.S, Activa MC y Contenidos El Rey.
Actualmente en fase beta
- Real-time twitter and instagram updates.
- Responsive layout.
- Minimal css and html
- Built on top of the best software available.
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Edit the included sample.env to include your local configurations and save it as .env
cp sample.env .env
- Copy de sample local confg file from
cp config/sample.local.js config/local.js
- Start the local server
foreman start
- To see how it's working, the console is pretty verbose, you can also visit the job status page at
- Redis
- MongoDB
Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute. Please submit your pull requests to make this script better.
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