This is a library that can help you update your app intelligently.library contains all kinds of functions,so that you can customize it by your requirements.
Check app version everywhere(support polling check)
Popup update dialog everywhere
Powerful customization functions ,Manual callback parse,it is useful for all kinds of verion api
Automatic downloading and automatic installing
Request read and write permissions automatically
Support customizing UI
Support forcing update
Support silent downloading
Using okhttp frame,no conflict with other http request frames
`compile 'com.allenliu.versionchecklib:library:1.8.8'`
1.customize service,service need to extend AVersionService
,override onResponses(AVersionService service, String response)
This is a callback method when request your app version api.Because of different applications have different api,you should call the method to show update dialog after verifies version code.
if (serverVersion > clientVersion) {
//input apk downloading url and update message
service.showVersionDialog(downloadUrl,title,updateMsg );
// or
2.this step is to set VersionParams
and set service name into the VersionParam,lastly start to check version.
VersionParams.Builder builder = new VersionParams.Builder()
If you only want to use download module,you should just set VersiongParams
. service
is not necessary.And you should set onlyDownload=true
and set a downloadUrl
inside the VersionParams
//downloadUrl is necessary for downlading module
.setTitle("New Update")
Attribute Nmae | Necessary | default value | explain |
requestUrl | Y/N | - | the url of version api |
service | Y/N | - | should appoint your service except for only using download module |
downloadAPKPath | N | /storage/emulated/0/AllenVersionPath/ | APK download path |
httpHeaders | N | NULL | HTTP HEADER |
pauseRequestTime | N | 1000*30 | the time between this request and next request |
requestMethod | N | GET | Http request method |
requestParams | N | NULL | http request params |
customDownloadActivityClass | N | VersionDialogActivity.class | Customize dialog's activity,No Need for default |
isForceRedownload | N | false | whether foceing downloading app even if there is cache |
isSilentDownload | N | false | the switch of silent downloading |
onlyDownload | N | false | whether only using donwloading module |
title | N | null | the title of update dialog when using downloading module |
updateMsg | N | null | the content of update dialog when using downloading module |
downloadUrl | Y for downlading module | - | the apk download address when using downloading module |
paramBundle | N | null | extra params,can use when custimization UI |
isShowDownloadingDialog | N | true | Whether showing downloading dialog |
isShowNotification | N | true | Whether showing notification when downloading |
if you want to customize dialog ui,you should create an activity that extends `VersionDialogActivity`,and set activty theme:
And you should deliver activty name into VersionParams
- call `getVersionTitle()` ,`getVersionUpdateMsg()`,`getVersionParamBundle()`methods,this params come from service
- customize `versionDialog`:
override showVersionDialog()
method ,write your code in it,and call super.dealAPK();
when positive button is clicked.
example code:
versionDialog = new BaseDialog(this,, R.layout.custom_dialog_two_layout);
TextView tvTitle = (TextView) versionDialog.findViewById(;
TextView tvMsg = (TextView) versionDialog.findViewById(;
Button btnUpdate = (Button) versionDialog.findViewById(;;
//set dismiss listener for foceing update function ,it will call dialogDismiss method when dissmiss
//you can use extra params that is deliverd from service or versionParams:title。msg,downloadurl,parambundle
Bundle bundle = getVersionParamBundle();
btnUpdate.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
,overrideshowLoadingDialog(int currentProgress)
,write your logic code in it -
,write your logic code in it -
force update function。Closing application in method of
,see demo for detail -
except for above methods,you can also add some listener
setApkDownloadListener(this); setCommitClickListener(this); setDialogDimissListener(this);
main idea is to listen
see demo for detailForceUpdate
If you want to relpaced the downloading notification icon,you should copy your icon to override icon named ic_launcher
replaced the notification name just need override the attribute of app_name
int strings.xml,there are some other attributes ,as following table:
Attribute Name | Attribute Value |
versionchecklib_confirm | Commit |
versionchecklib_cancel | Cancel |
versionchecklib_retry | Retry |
versionchecklib_download_fail_retry | dowload falied and retry? |
versionchecklib_download_finish | download successful,click to install |
versionchecklib_downloading | download successful,clcik to install downloading... |
versionchecklib_check_new_version | New Update |
versionchecklib_download_fail | download failed,click to retry |
see demo for further understanding | |
star and issue is welcomed |
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