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Seo Jeong Shin edited this page Mar 27, 2019 · 9 revisions
Field Required Type Description
variant_occurrence_id Yes integer A unique identifier for each variant occurrence event
procedure_occurrence_id Yes integer A foreign key identifier to the Procedure_occurrence table for the procedure used to obtain the specimen
specimen_id Yes integer Tumor specimen ID
reference_specimen_id No integer ID of the normal specimen related to the tumor specimen
target_gene1_id No varchar(50) A foreign key identifier to the Target_gene table for which the variant information is recorded
target_gene2_id No varchar(50) A foreign key identifier to the Target_gene table for which the variant information is recorded when a translocation variant occurs
reference_sequence No varchar(50) Transcript ID based on a protein-coding RNA (mRNA) made up of the accession number and version number
rs_id No varchar(50) dbSNP reference ID (rsID) maintained by NCBI
reference_allele No varchar(255) Reference allele sequence (e.g., A)
alternate_allele No varchar(255) Variant allele sequence (e.g., C)
hgvs_c No varchar(MAX) Nomenclature for the sequence variant at the DNA level
hgvs_p No varchar(MAX) Nomenclature for the sequence variant at the protein level
variant_read_depth No integer Variant depth divided by read depth
variant_exon_number No integer Exon number in which the variant occurred
variant_allele_frequency No float Frequency of allele that occurred variation 
copy_number No integer Copy number value for CNV data
cnv_locus No varchar(50) Locus information for CNV
fusion_breakpoint No integer sequential position that fusion variant occurred
fusion_supporting_reads No integer Supporting read count of fusion
sequence_alteration No varchar(255) Structural variant type
variant_feature No varchar(255) Functional variant type
genotype No varchar(50) Allele state
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