A Demonic Graph Synthesizer for Worst Case Performance. For more information, plase see our report, slides, and demo.sh
contains the pipeline procedure from synthesizing to scaling and the concrete calls we make to generate data.core.rkt
contains procedures use incremental solving to synthesize graphsscaler.rkt
contains utilities for scaling a gadget to a larger graphgraphgen.rkt
contains graph representation and symmetry breaking techniqueshelper.rkt
contains some helper function and auxiliary symbolic data structurealgorithms/
contains concrete implementations of target algorithms (SPFAs)
python3 -m pip install cyaron
generates data that utilize Shortest Path Tree based graphsrandom_graph.py
generates graphs based on randomization; it guarantees that all nodes are connected and reachable from each otherdag.py
generates the graph that utilize the property of a DAG (linked list approach)cyaron_hack.py
uses cyaron to generates graph that can hack SPFA based on empirical experiments.
- Configure the gadget size and the final size of the graph, the prefix of name of data file to store.
;;; Sample Calls
;;; Generate 4 files in data directory:
;;; - test-sager-demo-spfa-vis-10000-A
;;; - test-sager-demo-spfa-vis-10000-B
;;; - test-sager-demo-spfa-vis-100000-A
;;; - test-sager-demo-spfa-vis-100000-B
;;; where A / B stands for the Connect by Entry Nodes and Connect by Exit Nodes
;;; the target algorithm to hack is SPFA with out heuristics
;;; the scaled graph contain 10000 nodes and 100000 nodes
(let ([prefix (make-string-prefix "data/test-sager-demo-spfa-vis-")])
(map prefix (list "10000" "100000")) ;; Name of files
spfa-vis ;; Target Algorithm
(list '() '()) ;; Manually constructed Gadgets (with human insights)
(list 10000 100000) ;; Size of scaled graphs
4 30)) ;; Size of Synthesized Gadget and Searching Bound
See more example in sager.rkt
- run
racket sager.rkt
Place the cpp implementation in ./algorithms
the run
make <filename>
make test pattern=<pattern> program=<program>
The pattern is a regular expression. For all files whose name can be matched by the regex, the script will feed them to the selected program once a time.
make test pattern="*sager*spfa-vis*" program="spfa-vis"
will run spfa-vis
with all the pre-generated data that target at SPFA with no heuristics.
- Dijkstra