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Running Time Prediction and Dynamic Algorithm Termination for Branch-and-Bound-based Neural Network Verification

This is the accompanying repository to the paper:

Dynamic Algorithm Termination for Branch-and-Bound-based Neural Network Verification, Konstantin Kaulen, Matthias König, Holger H. Hoos. To appear in Proceedings of the 39th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-25).

Abstract: With the rising use of neural networks across various application domains, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that they do not exhibit dangerous or undesired behaviour. In light of this, several neural network robustness verification algorithms have been developed, among which methods based on Branch and Bound (BaB) constitute the current state of the art. However, these algorithms still require immense computational resources. In this work, we seek to reduce this cost by leveraging running time prediction techniques, thereby allowing for more efficient resource allocation and use. Towards this end, we present a novel method that dynamically predicts whether a verification instance can be solved in the remaining time budget available to the verification algorithm. We introduce features describing BaB-based verification instances and use these to construct running time, and more specifically, timeout prediction models. We leverage these models to terminate runs on instances early in the verification process that would otherwise result in a timeout. Overall, using our method, we were able to reduce the total running time by 64% on average compared to the standard verification procedure, while certifying a comparable number of instances.


If you want to cite this work, we kindly ask you to do so using the following BibTex entry:

    author = {Kaulen, Konstantin and K{\"o}nig, Matthias and Hoos, Holger H},
    title = "Dynamic Algorithm Termination for Branch-and-Bound-based Neural Network Verification",
    booktitle = "To appear in Proceedings of the 39th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-25)",
    year = "2025",
    pages = "1--9"


The repository includes the following modules:

  • experiments: Includes scripts and configuration files to rerun the experiments provided in the paper. The configuration files will be explained in more detail later.
  • src: The actual source code used to train running time prediction models and to evaluate them in application scenarios such as predicting running times using regression models or prematurely terminating unsolvable instances. The src module contains the following submodules:
    • eval: Code to evaluate experiment results using several metrics.
    • parsers Code to obtain feature values by parsing log files of the examined verification tools.
    • running_time_prediction: Code to evaluate our feature's capabilities in the context of running time regression and timeout prediction (both with a fixed and continuous feature collection phase)
    • util Several helpful functions and constants, e.g. to load or merge log files. Additionally, it includes a module that creates visualisations of obtained results, e.g. Scatter- or ECDF-Plots.

Getting Started

Perform the following steps in a terminal. We give instructions for UNIX-based systems, but the procedure is very similar on Windows. All steps assume a present installation of Python 3.11.

First, setup the dependencies:

  1. Create venv by running python3 -m venv ./venv and activate it (source ./venv/bin/activate)
  2. Install needed dependencies
    1. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Now, you can run the experiments from the paper and the appendix (see below) based on pre-parsed features. If you want to parse the features based on the original log files, please proceed as follows.

Download the log files obtained by running the verification systems on the respective benchmarks. We use those files to extract the instance features.

wget -O

ATTENTION: The current implementation does only check for the file name requested and returns the saved features when the log file does not exist. Once a log file is found, the current saved features get overwritten, which is important to keep in mind when changing out log files.

Reproduction of Results

Main Paper

You can reproduce all experiment results presented in the main paper by executing python3

After successful termination of the script, you should find the folder results_dynamic_algorithm_termination under ./results

These folders include plots (Scatter Plots, ECDF Plots, Confusion Matrices) as well as metrics per fold and average metrics in metrics.json (in case of different thresholds metrics_thresh_{thresh}.json.

Finally, you can create the tables displayed in the paper by running python3 Notice, that the results folder must be filled already before creating the corresponding tables. After the script ran successfully, you find the folder tables populated with csv files corresponding to the tables of the paper.

The mapping of the created .csv files to the tables in the paper is as follows:

  • benchmark_overview.csv - Table 1
  • table_timeouts_continuous_feature_collection_0.99.csv - Table 2
  • table_timeout_termination_0.99.csv - Table 3


Please run the running time regression experiments, the experiment for different choices of $\theta$ and the Shapley Value study by executing python3

The plots corresponding to Figures 3,4 and 5 can be found under results/shapley_value_study/shapley_values_aggregated_{verifier}.png. The plots in Figure 5 are saved under results/results_running_time_regression/{BENCHMARK}/{VERIFIER}/scatter_plot.pdf.

Then execute to create the tables in the Appendix:

  • table_timeout_termination_{0.5,0.9}.csv - Appendix, Table 2
  • table_running_time_regression.csv - Appendix, Table 3

Finally, to create the plots in Figure 2 of the Appendix, please execute The resulting plots can then be found in results/resu.ts/continuous_timeout_classification/theta_distribution_{VERIFIER}.pdf. Be aware, that this script runs the experiments for every $\theta$ between 0.5 and 1 with a step size of 0.01, so it is quite resource intensive.

Feature Ablation

Please run to conduct the feature ablation study. After that, you will find the results of the study in ./results/feature_ablation/feature_ablation_continuous_classification. There are separate tables per verifier and benchmark, showing the effects the exclusion of one feature has in comparison to the baseline, where all features are used to make predictions. Those tables are named feature_ablation_{verifier}_{benchmark}.csv. In addition, the tables named feature_ablation_average_{verifier}.csv hold the results aggregated as averages over all benchmarks for each verifier. Notice though, that this aggregation is not ultimately conclusive, since several features are more important on some benchmarks than on others. This nuance often get lost when looking at the average importance.

Experiment Configurations

If you want to run your own experiments using the presented approach, you can add your own configuration in experiments/running_time_prediction/ and then run the respective experiment by calling run_running_time_regression_experiments_from_config or run_timeout_classification_experiments_from_config respectively. The different possibilities for adjusting the experiments will now be explained in more detail:

Dynamic Algorithm Termination

    # Path that holds logs of verification runs including features
    "VERIFICATION_LOGS_PATH": "./verification_logs/",
    # name of log files of the respective verifiers
    # the program expects a folder structure of VERIFICATION_LOGS_PATH/{experiment_name}/ABCROWN_LOG_NAME for example
    "ABCROWN_LOG_NAME": "abCROWN.log",
    # path to store results to
    "RESULTS_PATH": "./results/results_dynamic_algorithm_termination",
    # subfolders from VERIFICATION_LOGS_PATH to run experiments for. If empty array, run experiment for all found subfolders.
    # if the predictions should be done dynamically ("ADAPTIVE") or give an int to perform classification only once 
    # at a fixed point in time
    # in the paper, we only present results for the dynamic termination
    # parameter t_{freq} of the main paper; refers to the frequency of checkpoints at which classification is performed
    # parameter t_cutoff in the paper; maximum running time
    "MAX_RUNNING_TIME": 600,
    # change if predictions should be made incomplete results (i.e. instances solved during feature collection)
    # parameter \theta of the main paper; confidence thresholds that must be exceeded s.t. a positive example is labeled as such
    # Number of processes to spawn for running the experiment
    "NUM_WORKERS": 10,
    # fixed random state in fold creation and for random forest. This leads to reproducibility of results, change if you like to!
    "RANDOM_STATE": 42,
    # Additional Info for each experiment, i.e. neuron count, no_classes and adjusted feature_collection cutoffs (first_classification_at).
    # the default value for no. classes is 10 and the default value for first_classification_at is FEATURE_COLLECTION_CUTOFF (see above)
        "MNIST_6_100": {
            "neuron_count": 510,
        "MNIST_9_100": {
            "neuron_count": 810
        "MNIST_CONV_BIG": {
            "neuron_count": 48064
        "MNIST_CONV_SMALL": {
            "neuron_count": 3604
        "CIFAR_RESNET_2B": {
            "neuron_count": 6244
        "OVAL21": {
            "neuron_count": 6244
        "MARABOU": {
            "neuron_count": 2568
        "SRI_RESNET_A": {
            "neuron_count": 9316
        "TINY_IMAGENET": {
            "neuron_count": 172296,
            "no_classes": 200
        "CIFAR_100": {
            "neuron_count": 55460,
            "no_classes": 100
        "VIT": {
            "neuron_count": 2760,

Running Time Regression

    # Path that holds logs of verification runs including features
    "VERIFICATION_LOGS_PATH": "./verification_logs/",
    # name of log files of the respective verifiers
    # the program expects a folder structure of VERIFICATION_LOGS_PATH/{experiment_name}/ABCROWN_LOG_NAME for example
    "ABCROWN_LOG_NAME": "abCROWN.log",
    # path to store results to
    "RESULTS_PATH": "./results/results_running_time_regression",
    # subfolders from VERIFICATION_LOGS_PATH to run experiments for. If empty array, run experiment for all found subfolders.
    # point in time to stop feature collection to predict running times
    # maximum running time
    "MAX_RUNNING_TIME": 600,
    # change if predictions should be made for timeouts and incomplete results (i.e. instances solved during feature collection)
    # fixed random state in fold creation and for random forsest. This leads to reproducibility of results, change if you like to!
    "RANDOM_STATE": 42,
    # Additional Info for each experiment, i.e. neuron count, no_classes and adjusted feature_collection cutoffs (first_classification_at).
    # the default value for no. classes is 10 and the default value for first_classification_at is FEATURE_COLLECTION_CUTOFF (see above)
        "MNIST_6_100": {
            "neuron_count": 510,
        "MNIST_9_100": {
            "neuron_count": 810
        "MNIST_CONV_BIG": {
            "neuron_count": 48064
        "MNIST_CONV_SMALL": {
            "neuron_count": 3604
        "CIFAR_RESNET_2B": {
            "neuron_count": 6244
        "OVAL21": {
            "neuron_count": 6244
        "MARABOU": {
            "neuron_count": 2568
        "SRI_RESNET_A": {
            "neuron_count": 9316
        "TINY_IMAGENET": {
            "neuron_count": 172296,
            "no_classes": 200
        "CIFAR_100": {
            "neuron_count": 55460,
            "no_classes": 100
        "VIT": {
            "neuron_count": 2760,