Date: (March 30, 2016)
Most Hadoop Components are made out of Java. Sometimes they won't have a straightforward way of telling you how much heap they're using, or if they don't have GC logs, they might already be experiencing Full GC's. Knowing how to read JStat values is useful if, for example, a high impacting component such as Kafka is behaving weirdly.
First off, to understand how GC's work, read up on understanding how java garbage collection works.
Next is to actually get GC data. You can do this by running jstat -gc <pid>
. To get the java pid, you can run jps
on the command line to list all the pid's of the java processes.
A caveat though, you must use the user that was used to launch the java process. For example, you can see which user through the ps
command, ex. ps aux | grep kafka
Example: I want to read the jstat values of the Kafka Broker running on my machine
user $ ps aux | grep kafka
kafka 1002 0.0 0.2 2568016 17232 ?? S 7:58AM 0:00.33 java /kafka/path
# I see that the user "kafka" was used to launch this java process
user $ sudo su kafka
kafka $ jps
1002 kafka
1001 jps
kafka $ jstat -gc 1002
500.0 500.0 500.0 0.0 5000.0 5000.0 100000.0 100000.0 50000.0 2500.0 5000 500.0 500 100.500 100.500
The meaning of these values are taken from this article.
- S0C Current survivor space 0 capacity (KB)
- S1C Current survivor space 1 capacity (KB)
- S0U Survivor space 0 utilization (KB)
- S1U Survivor space 1 utilization (KB)
- EC Current eden space capacity (KB)
- EU Eden space utilization (KB)
- OC Current old space capacity (KB)
- OU Old space utilization (KB)
- PC Current permanent space capacity (KB)
- PU Permanent space utilization (KB)
- YGC Number of young generation GC Events
- YGCT Young generation garbage collection time
- FGC Number of full GC events
- FGCT Full garbage collection time
- GCT Total garbage collection time
Just add the following values:
OU + PU + EU + S0U + S1U = Total Utilization
I'm leaving the rest to the "Understanding Java Garbage Collection", but the only thing to watch out for are the following: FGC, FGCT and GCT. If they grow too quickly, somethings wrong with the Garbage Collection.