We follow the classic tracking pipeline "tracking by detection".
The code is based on AB3DMOT and our former work DAIR-V2X. Sincere appreciation for their great contributions.
To set up the codebase environment, do the following steps:
Create conda environment (python == 3.8)
conda create -n rcoopertrk python=3.8 conda activate rcoopertrk
Install dependencies
pip install -r code/ab3dmot_plugin/requirements.txt
To setup the dataset, convert the RCopper to DAIR-V2X format using the provided dataset converter.
Setup the dataset path in codes/dataset_convertor/converter_config.py, and complete the conversion.
cd codes/dataset_converter
python rcooper2dair.py
Modify the dataset path and the name in codes/scripts/tracking.sh (First several lines).
Then, run the following scripts.
cd codes
bash scripts/tracking.sh