Added rollback functionality.
This included a mixture of internal refactoring and simpification of the public API, mostly to reduce the surface area and allow more with less. So this is a breaking change.
s are now TaskDefinition
s and the logic
to handle the apply & unapply events are now all
done with a single function. TaskDefinition are
defined like this:
task_def = %Kira.TaskDefinition{
name: :task_a,
dependencies: [:task_b, :task_c],
dispatcher: fn (:task_a, event) ->
case event do
{:apply, _, %{:task_b => b, :task_c => c}} ->
{:ok, b + c}
{:apply_error, n, _} ->
{:retry, false}
_ ->
This API change might be superficial, but it's a lot noisy than the previous API. I'm also under the impression I'm the only user of the library so yolo.
Renamed a few internal modules
- Branch -> TaskDefinition
- BranchState -> Task
- The running field is now moved to Progress as the pid_cache field.
- Made the module more DRY.
- Updated referrences to Branch & BranchState.
Progress now tracks the name associated with a pid, instead of runtime state. This makes alot of sense as the pid cache (formerly the running field) was always together with progress.
- Updated dialzyer version.
- Improved documentation, and hide internal modules from the documentation so when you view the docs you don't get overwhelmed with a bunch of useless info related to the internal implementation.
- Base functionality, varying degrees of correctness