All important and notable changes to the MIRFLEX projects
- Updated README with feature description and integrated model for that feature
- Chord extractor inst length defined by length of audio rather than fixed value, allowing inference of chords on full audio, as well as preventing crashes when audio is shorter than fixed length
- Add environment set up document
- Updated sample extracted tags with key values and changed location from absolute path to relative path
- Visualiser displays the features instead of the GPT generated captions for verification
- Source code for beatnet library into feature extractors. This is done because the exposed apis don't output the preds and therefore it is not possible to save the features without modifying the source code
- Modified beatnet source code functionality to expose retrieval of last prediction features
- Add functionality to save beatnet predicted features to a file
- Update config file to enable beat feature saving to file by default
- Add saved feature files for all samples to output folder
feature_extractors/key_classification: Load model file directly instead of using pkgutils and keycnn. Otherwise it becomes a requirement to install keycnn into environment as a package instead of using the source code inside our code directly feature_extractors/btc_chord_extractor: Move predictions to cpu before concatenation to support running on gpu devices as well
- Added examples of output to prompt to improve generated captions from GPT
- In btc chord extractor configs, reduce inst len to 9 as some audio files can be slightly lesser than 10 seconds (musicaps) .This will prevent chord extraction failures for shorter files.
- In main process, add tqdm progress bar for visualisation
- feature_extractor/btc_chord_extractor: Remove redundant prints and logging
- feature_extractors/key_classification: Add key classification extractor class,inference code and models
- Integrate key classification with main pipeline
- caption_generator_config.yaml: Add key classifier configs to caption generator configs
- In main process, toggle caption generation with flag, loaded from config file
- Catch any exceptions during a single caption generation error and continue for the rest of the paths
- Add simple gui to listen to snippet and read audio
- Add script to create json file required by pre-processing script, which takes in directories and puts all mp3 files into the output json
- Add fix for beatnet extractor to prevent post processing if no beats are generated
- Add samples, their post-processed snippets and their generated captions for ease of reviewing performance
Contributor(s): annabeth97c
- Add source separation code in feature extractors directory
- Create preprocessing script to allow splitting original audio into 30 second segments
- Add source separation function to preprocessing step for each 30 second segment
- Create new input json with paths to new 30 second segment files
- Modified main loop to allow choosing source from "raw", "vocals", "drums", "other", "bass" for each extractor, to allow for better tag extraction
- Configured beat extractor to use "drums"
- Configured gender extractor to use "vocals"
- Change gender extractor to classify based on threshold. If neutral, outputs inconclusive
- Add fix to beat extractor to check for too few peaks before generating repeated pattern to prevent crash
Contributor(s): annabeth97c
- Add gender classification by voice inference module
- Add gender extractor class that inherits from feuture extractor
- Add naive post-processing to output tag as "male" or "female"
- Deactivate essentia gender extractor in config file
- Maintain correct size of extractors list by appending None to the extractor list when extractor is disabled. Previously toggling an extractor to be disabled caused a crash
Contributor(s): annabeth97c
- Add chord extraction inference scripts and utils
- Create chord extractor class inheriting from feature extractor base class
- Update prompt to ask for a more summarised response regarding chords
Contributor(s): annabeth97c
- Add beatnet extractor inheriting from feature extractor base class
- Add beat detection inference module
- Add naive post processing of beat to get bpm, rhythm and repeated pattern
- Load audio within feature extractor instead of in the main process to allow different ways of loading
- Change output of get_tags in essentia extractor to be a list
Contributor(s): annabeth97c
- Create modular pipeline in for: * loading audio * calling each feature extractor to extract tags * converting extracted tags to a chat gpt prompt * storing the tags as well as generated caption in json file
- Create base class for feature extractors
- Create child classes that inherit from the feature extractor base class to implement: * essentia tag extraction * essentia voice tag extraction
- Add conda environment yaml for ease of set up
- Add readme for better documentation
- Moved audio preprocessing scripts to utility directory
- Original essentia scripts
Contributor(s): annabeth97c
- Essentia tag extraction system
- Simple preprocessing script for splitting
Contributor(s): Dapwner