An efficient simulator for exact Wright-Fisher diffusion and diffusion bridge paths, accounting for a wide class of selective regimes (genic, diploid and arbitrary polynomial selection), and the presence/absence of mutation. Please consult the UserManual.pdf for all details with regards to installing dependencies, installing the program, and calling it from within python.
EWF requires the following:
- g++ compiler
- boost library (
- python and pip
- CMake
- pybind11
To install, run the following instructions in terminal at the root directory of EWF:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
cd ..
pip install .
Calling in python
Once installed, you can call EWF from python by including
import EWF_pybind
at the start of your python script. Please see the scripts in the examples
directory for more details and use cases.
If you come across any bugs, or have any queries/comments/suggestions please do get in touch using the email address!