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Other Syntax and Information

APickledWalrus edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

GUI Condition

This condition is whether the specified players have or don't have a GUI open. Patterns:

%players% (has|have) a gui [open]
%players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have a gui [open]


If you see this in patterns, it simply means the syntax wants a GUI.

Technical Note: The only reason it's called a "guiinventory" is because Skript does not like the name "gui"

Slot Types

armor - An armor slot in the player's inventory

container - A regular slot in the player's inventory (anything not covered by the other types)

crafting - A slot in the crafting input area

fuel - The fuel slot in a furnace inventory, or the ingredient slot in a brewing stand inventory

outside - A pseudo-slot representing the area outside the inventory window

quickbar - A slot in the hotbar

result - A result (or output) slot in a furnace or crafting inventory

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