Ohio State University MPI microbenchmarks. For this case we run the following collective benchmarks:
- Allreduce
- Allgather
- Allgatherv
- Alltoall
- Alltoallv
- Performance analysis scripts:
- Results:
Setup correct modules:
module restore
module load PrgEnv-cray
module load cpe/21.09
The loaded module list when these instructions were written was:
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) craype-x86-rome 5) epcc-setup-env 9) cray-dsmml/0.2.1 13) cpe/21.09
2) libfabric/ 6) load-epcc-module 10) cray-libsci/
3) craype-network-ofi 7) PrgEnv-cray/8.1.0 11) cray-mpich/8.1.9
4) bolt/0.7 8) cce/12.0.3 12) craype/2.7.10
Download and unpack the microbenchmarks:
wget https://mvapich.cse.ohio-state.edu/download/mvapich/osu-micro-benchmarks-5.9.tar.gz
tar -xvf osu-micro-benchmarks-5.9.tar.gz
cd osu-micro-benchmarks-5.9
Compile the microbenchmarks
./configure CC=cc CXX=CC
make install