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File metadata and controls

74 lines (71 loc) · 4.31 KB

Control Plane possible future work

  • Distinguish labels by using two different types (CP labels and DP labels)
    let id = id.add_label(Label::login_time(System::getCurrentTime())); //CP label
    let id = fold x in obd.proposed_labels() {
		acc.add_label(x) //x is a DP label 
	} where acc=id;

then only allow has_label, in the global policy, for CP typed labels.

  • Update the control flow: create one policy per service and not per proxy, in order to get ride of the limitation of one service per proxy Warning: For now, service denotes proxy in the control plane source code since the host (src/armour-host/src/[host|rest_api].rs) hydrates the service fields with proxy information Howto (disjunction of ideas):
    1. Create a proxy policy that pattern match according to the service name => small changes but conditionnal evaluation (DP interpreter) for each request
    2. Update the proxy infrastructure
    • add Proxy::proxy_label to the labels of a service
    • update newID in armour-control/src/ ServiceID::host_label::proxy_label::service_label
    • backpropagation policy per µservice
  • Develops the authentification strategy Status: - credentials fields (string) in OnboardingRequest, Host -- request --> CP - credentials is set to the empty string in armour-host/src/ - ControlPlane::verify_credentials -> always accept Todos: - credentials should be initialized from cmd or from a rest request (from proxy to Host) or from armour-compose file (i.e. rest request mechanisme behind) - change the dummy implementation of ControlPlane::verify_credentials in the armour-control/src/, - add arguments to define an authorisation strategy and initialize it from an external file/collection - change return type if a token should be added to the global ID (as a specific labels AuthToken::**)
  • Do some autoboxing for labels PB statement:
    • step0: an intuitive policy to constrain the topology is the following
     fn allow_rest_request(from: ID, to: ID, req: HttpRequest, payload: data) -> bool {
     	to.has_label("server") && from.has_label("client")
    however the former policy will always be evaluated to false
    • step1: partial evaluation (CP) for the client µservice
    fn allow_rest_request(req: HttpRequest, payload: data) -> bool {"server") }
     - step2: when a request arrive to µservice *client*, the policy of step1 will executed
     however the labels assigned during onboarding are only known by the control plane,
     hence the policy is always evaluated to ``false``
     Howtos (ideas and drawbacks):
     * Issuing a request to CP to check the existance of the labels => 
     	issues: latency + scalability
     * Propagating the whole sets of labels to each host => 
     	issues: scalability issue (if host has a limited memory/network bandwith compare to the ID lists), consistency issues (the list will evolved when service join and leave)
     * Having a labels cache at the host level
     	issues: consistency 
     	tips: can be prepopulated by doing a static analysis of the has_label calls		
     Solving consistency issue: same approach needed than the one to tackle the *policy propagation consistency issue* 		
  • Support multi-armour cluster talking to each other, i.e, an armour architecture with multiple CP each of them controlling one part of the system
    • Add CP label + export it ControlPlane::get_cp_ID() in the CP language
    • Questions: how to write the composition of the different onboarding/global policies + consistency issue during update
  • Use dynamic labels to enable provenance tracking and provide a language primitive to this
     	//What we can do write now, if we add the Ingress/Egress::find_label: pattern:Label -> Some(Label)
     	//For this reuse the implementation already define for ID
     	if let Some(prov) = Egress::find_label('Provenance:**') {
     		Egress::add_label(Label::concat( prov, service_global_id));
     	} else {
     		Egress::add_label(Label::concat( 'Provenance', service_global_id));
     	//Provenance specific primitive, abstracting away the previous block
     	Provenance::register(global_id) //previous block
     	Provenance::provenance()// get provenance information => List<GlobalID>, just by splitting the label and removing the Provenance:: header