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Call for Papers |
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This workshop will discuss challenges and approaches to solutions in automotive software engineering. Contributions from all areas of software development for automobiles, commercial vehicles and their infrastructure are welcome. Examples of topics are:
- Architectures, interfaces and technologies for vehicle networking
- Architectures and methods for the development of driver assistance and automated driving functions
- Apps in the vehicle
- Big Data for intelligent vehicles
- Development processes for in-vehicle software
- Standardised software components, as well as construction kits for the development of innovative applications
- Variant and configuration management
- Evolution and updating of software in operation
- Quality assurance and analysis of functional and non-functional properties
- Safety aspects (security and safety)
- Behavioural adaptation based on the environmental context, e.g. of the vehicle or the driver
- Multimodal human-vehicle interaction
- E-mobility
- Basic software and system services
The submission for the workshop (6-12 pages) is made via the conference management system EasyChair at the following link.
Important dates (all AoE)
Submission deadline: October 27, 2023 November 15, 2023 (extended)
Notifications: November 17, 2023 December 1, 2023 (extended)
Final version: December 1, 2023 December 14, 2023 (extended)
Submissions can be made in English or German, whereas English is preferred.
Furthermore, the GI LNI Format Templates (1-column A4 format) must be followed. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the programme committee. Accepted submissions will be published in the SE 2024 workshop proceedings. For accepted submissions, at least one of the authors is expected to register for the workshop.
In case of queries or problems, please contact by mail: ase2024@easychair.org
The CfP is also available as a PDF document.