- @sugarat/theme@0.5.4
- chore: update deps
- chore: use theme@0.5.1
- chore: use theme@0.5.0
- chore: use theme@0.4.13
- fix: utc error date
- chore: use theme@0.4.11
- chore: use vitepress@1.3.4
- chore: use theme@0.4.10
- chore: use theme@0.4.9
- chore: use theme@0.4.8
- chore: use vitepress@1.3.1
- fix: init project withBase error
- chore: use vitepress@1.3.0
- pnpm install --no-frozen-lockfile
- chore: update yaml config
- chore: update deps
- chore: update deps
- chore: update deps
- fix: deadlink error
- fix: 新建文件时间获取失败显示 NaN
- chore: update deps
- chore: update deps
- chore: add peer deps
- Updated dependencies
- vitepress-plugin-rss@0.2.4
- chore: 依赖优化
- fix: description xss error
- feat: support theme auto reload
- chore: 依赖升级
- chore: update deps
- chore: remove pnpm warn
- chore: 依赖更新
- chore: update deps
- chore: update deps
- feat: 内置 oml2d 看板娘
- feat: 依赖升级
- feat: 模板更新
- feat: up deps
- chore: up deps
- feat: rss 与 pagefind 插件升级
- chore: adapt to rc43
- feat: up deps
- feat: up deps
- update deps
- update template
- chore: up deps
- chore: uo deps
- chore: lock vue version 3.3.13
- fix: build cover error
- fix: 自动取封面图,相对路径构建后不生效的问题
- fix: 相对路径的图片无法自动识别cover
- fix: randomFriendLink Error
- update template
- fix: dead links
- feat: 更新模板
- feat(create-theme): update bun command in README and quickStart.md
- chore: 更新依赖
- chore: 更新依赖
- chore: 更新vitepress依赖
- chore: 模板内链接更新
- lock vitepress-plugin-mermaid version@2.0.13
- feat: 模板支持使用 bun
- Updated dependencies
- vitepress-plugin-rss@0.1.3
- chore: 模板更新
- feat: 简化模板配置
- feat: 主题色定制的wiki更新
- chore: update theme
- fix: setActiveLink
- feat: 支持设置 RSS 图标的 ariaLabel 同时添加默认 title
- chore: 一些列问题修复
- chore: update rc14
- chore: update theme46
- feat: 模板更新
- feat: RSS 功能优化
- feat: RSS html 内容渲染
- feat: 模板修改
- chore: update deps
- fix: 创建模板时缺少.prefix 文件
- chore: update deps
- fix: vitepress error
- chore: 模板依赖版本变更
- feat: 默认模板更新
- chore: 修改 package.json 中描述信息
- chore: add hashbang
- chore: Rename READNE.md to README.md
- feat: init create-theme