diff --git a/docs/UserGuide.md b/docs/UserGuide.md
index ecb771652f1..ebed5559dd6 100644
--- a/docs/UserGuide.md
+++ b/docs/UserGuide.md
@@ -404,143 +404,6 @@ edit INDEX/ID [--name NAME] [--id ID] [--phone PHONE] [--email EMAIL] [--url URL
| `edit google --phone 8124!@#$` | `--phone` has an [invalid parameter](appendix-a--acceptable-values-for-parameters) |
-### Searching contacts - `find`
Organization Recruiter
-:trophy: How to find organizations and recruiters by name or id Beginner
-##### Format
-find KEYWORD/ID...
-* This will return any Organization or Recruiter that contains the given keywords.
-##### Valid examples
-| Command | Reason |
-| `find jo` | Finds Contacts and Applications whose **KEYWORD/ID** contains the [substring](#Glossary) "jo". |
-| `find 1231` | Finds Contacts and Applications whose **KEYWORD/ID** contains the substring "1231". |
-| `find alex david` | Finds Contacts and Applications whose **KEYWORD/ID** contains the substring "alex" or "david". |
-##### Rules
-* The search is case-insensitive. e.g `hans` will match `Hans`
-* The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. `Hans Bo` will match `Bo Hans`
-* You can match partial keywords. e.g. searching for `ha` will match with `hamburger`.
-* Partial IDs can match the entire ID. e.g. searching for `1234` will match with `id_12345`.
-* Persons matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. `OR` search)
- e.g. `Hans Bo` will return `Hans Gruber`, `Bo Yang`
-* Can match with multiple ids `12345 id_51231` will match with `id_12345` and `id_51231`
-### Listing data - `list`
-Organization Recruiter Job Application
-:trophy: How to list organizations and recruiters in Jobby by conditions Intermediate
-##### Format
-list [--org / --rec / --toapply]
-* Supplying `--org` lists only Organizations while supplying `--rec` lists only Recruiters. Specifying neither will list all contacts.
-* Supplying `--toapply` lists Organizations you have not applied to.
-##### Valid examples
-* `list`
-* `list --org`
-* `list --rec`
-* `list --toapply`
-### Sorting data - `sort`
-Organization Recruiter Job Application
-:trophy: How to sort contacts and job applications in Jobby Intermediate
-##### Format
-sort --FLAG_TO_SORT [--ascending / --descending]
-This sorts contacts or job applications by the specified field.
-##### Supported fields (only 1 may be provided)
-###### Fields for Contacts
-* `--address` - The address of the Contact. Will sort alphabetically.
-* `--email` - The email address of the Contact. Will sort alphabetically.
-* `--id` - The identification string of the Contact. Will sort alphabetically.
-* `--name` - The name of the Contact. Will sort alphabetically.
-* `--phone` - The phone number of the Contact. Will sort alphabetically.
-* `--url` - The web address of the Contact. Will sort alphabetically.
-###### Fields for Job Applications
-* `--by` - The deadline of the Job Application. Will sort chronologically.
-* `--stage` - The stage of the Job Application. Will sort by stage order.
-* `--stale` - The time of last update of the Job Application. Will sort chronologically.
-* `--status` - The status of the Job Application. Will sort by status order.
-* `--title` - The title of the Job Application. Will sort alphabetically.
-###### Resetting the sort order
-* `--none` - Will reset the sorting order of Contacts and Job Applications.
-###### Changing the sort order
-* `--ascending` - The specified flag will sort in ascending order.
-* `--descending` - The specified flag will sort in descending order.
-If neither `--ascending` or `--descending` are provided, the list will be sorted in ascending order by default.
-Neither `--ascending` nor `--descending` may be specified if the flag is `--none`.
-`sort` will work even if no Contacts or Job Applications exist.
-##### Sample demonstration
-##### Valid examples
-* `sort --title --ascending`
-* `sort --url`
-* `sort --stale --descending`
-* `sort --none`
-##### Invalid examples
-* `sort` _No flag provided._
-* `sort --organization` _Invalid flag._
-* `sort --none --ascending` _Flags `--none` and `--ascending` both specified._
-### Reminding about deadlines - `remind`
-Job Application
-:trophy: How to get reminders of deadlines in Jobby Intermediate
-Reminds the user of upcoming deadlines for job applications.
-##### Format
-remind --earliest / --latest
-* Specifying `--earliest` will list the application deadlines in order of urgency, from earliest to latest.
-* Specifying `--latest` will list the application deadlines in order of reverse urgency, from latest to earliest.
-##### Sample demonstration
-* To see your application deadlines from the earliest to latest, use the command `remind --earliest`.
-##### Valid examples
-* `remind --earliest`
-* `remind --latest`
### Applying to organizations - `apply`
Job Application
@@ -645,6 +508,165 @@ delete --application INDEX
| `delete --application 0` | Invalid index, as index starts from 1. |
+### Listing data - `list`
+Organization Recruiter Job Application
+:trophy: How to list organizations and recruiters in Jobby by conditions Intermediate
+##### Format
+list [--org / --rec / --toapply]
+Lists all contacts. If you provide a parameter, the contacts listed will be only those that fit the given parameter.
+* Supplying `--org` lists only Organizations while supplying `--rec` lists only Recruiters. Specifying neither will list all contacts.
+* Supplying `--toapply` lists Organizations you have not applied to.
+##### Valid examples
+| Command | Reason |
+| `list` | List all **contacts**. |
+| `list --org` | List all **organization contacts**. |
+| `list --rec` | List all **recruiter contacts**. |
+| `list --toapply` | List all **organization contacts** that have not been applied to. |
+### Searching contacts - `find`
+Organization Recruiter
+:trophy: How to find organizations and recruiters by name or id Beginner
+##### Format
+find KEYWORD/ID...
+* This will return any Organization or Recruiter that contains the given keywords.
+##### Valid examples
+| Command | Reason |
+| `find jo` | Finds Contacts and Applications whose **KEYWORD/ID** contains the [substring](#Glossary) "jo". |
+| `find 1231` | Finds Contacts and Applications whose **KEYWORD/ID** contains the substring "1231". |
+| `find alex david` | Finds Contacts and Applications whose **KEYWORD/ID** contains the substring "alex" or "david". |
+##### Rules
+* The search is case-insensitive. e.g `hans` will match `Hans`
+* The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. `Hans Bo` will match `Bo Hans`
+* You can match partial keywords. e.g. searching for `ha` will match with `hamburger`.
+* Partial IDs can match the entire ID. e.g. searching for `1234` will match with `id_12345`.
+* Persons matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. `OR` search)
+ e.g. `Hans Bo` will return `Hans Gruber`, `Bo Yang`
+* Can match with multiple ids `12345 id_51231` will match with `id_12345` and `id_51231`
+### Sorting data - `sort`
+Organization Recruiter Job Application
+:trophy: How to sort contacts and job applications in Jobby Intermediate
+##### Format
+sort --FLAG_TO_SORT [--ascending / --descending]
+Sorts contacts or job applications for you by the specified flag.
+`--FLAG_TO_SORT` represents a parameter of the contact or job application (i.e. `--phone` represents the phone number of a contact).
+##### Supported primary parameters (only 1 may be provided)
+###### Fields for Contacts
+* `--address` - Will sort alphabetically.
+* `--email` - Will sort alphabetically.
+* `--id` - Will sort alphabetically.
+* `--name` - Will sort alphabetically.
+* `--phone` - Will sort alphabetically.
+* `--url` - Will sort alphabetically.
+###### Fields for Job Applications
+* `--by` - Will sort chronologically.
+* `--stage` - Will sort by stage order.
+* `--stale` - Will sort chronologically.
+* `--status` - Will sort by status order.
+* `--title` - Will sort alphabetically.
+###### Resetting the sort order
+* `--none` - Will reset the sorting order of Contacts and Job Applications.
+##### Supported secondary parameters
+###### Changing the sort order
+* `--ascending` - The specified flag will sort in ascending order.
+* `--descending` - The specified flag will sort in descending order.
+* If neither `--ascending` or `--descending` are provided, the list will be sorted in ascending order by default.
+* Neither `--ascending` nor `--descending` may be specified if the flag is `--none`.
+* Sorting will work even if no Contacts or Job Applications exist. In that case, nothing will happen.
+##### Sample demonstration
+* To order your Job Applications by order of earliest deadline, you can use the command `sort --by`.
+* In the Application Details section of Jobby, you should see your Job Applications now ordered by most urgent deadline.
+##### Valid examples
+| Command | Reason |
+| `sort --title --ascending` | Sort **job applications** by title, in ascending alphabetical order. |
+| `sort --url` | Sort **contacts** by url, in the default order - ascending alphabetical. |
+| `sort --stale --descending` | Sort **job applications** by last updated time, in reverse chronological order, from most recent to least. |
+| `sort --none` | Reset the sorting order of **contacts** and **job applications**. |
+##### Invalid examples
+| Command | Reason |
+| `sort` | No field provided. |
+| `sort --org` | Invalid field. |
+| `sort --none --descending` | `--none` and `--descending` both specified. |
+| `sort --title --name` | More than 1 field specified. |
+### Reminding about deadlines - `remind`
+Job Application
+:trophy: How to get reminders of deadlines in Jobby Intermediate
+##### Format
+remind --earliest / --latest
+Reminds you of upcoming deadlines for job applications.
+##### Sample demonstration
+* To see your application deadlines from the earliest to latest, use the command `remind --earliest`.
+##### Valid examples
+| Command | Reason |
+| `remind --earliest` | List the application deadlines in order of urgency, from earliest to latest. |
+| `remind --latest` | List the application deadlines in order of reverse urgency, from latest to earliest. |
+##### Invalid examples
+| Command | Reason |
+| `remind` | No urgency level specified. |
## Command Summary
diff --git a/docs/images/sort_deadline.png b/docs/images/sort_deadline.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1876f919282
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/sort_deadline.png differ