Name | Type | Description | Notes |
author | Author | [optional] | |
body | String | Body of the story | [optional] |
categories | [Category] | Suggested categories for the story | [optional] |
charactersCount | Number | Character count of the story body | [optional] |
clusters | [Number] | An array of clusters the story is associated with | [optional] |
entities | [Entity] | An array of entities | [optional] |
hashtags | [String] | An array of suggested Story hashtags | [optional] |
id | Number | ID of the story which is a unique identification | [optional] |
industries | [Category] | An array of industries categories | [optional] |
keywords | [String] | Extracted keywords mentioned in the story title or body | [optional] |
language | String | Language of the story | [optional] |
licenseType | Number | License type of the story | [optional] |
links | StoryLinks | [optional] | |
media | [Media] | An array of extracted media such as images and videos | [optional] |
paragraphsCount | Number | Paragraph count of the story body | [optional] |
publishedAt | Date | Acquisition time of the story | [optional] |
publishedDatetime | Date | Publication time of the story, if available, otherwise time of acquisition | [optional] |
sentencesCount | Number | Sentence count of the story body | [optional] |
sentiment | Sentiments | [optional] | |
socialSharesCount | ShareCounts | [optional] | |
source | Source | [optional] | |
summary | Summary | [optional] | |
title | String | Title of the story | [optional] |
translations | StoryTranslations | [optional] | |
wordsCount | Number | Word count of the story body | [optional] |