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Example Project: Zero-shot Event Classification

We included an example data science project that works out of the box. The project implements a very simple zero-shot classifier that can classify texts only based on short descriptions of classes rather than examples.

New environment

To use or work on this project, we first want to create a project-specific Python environment, let's call it zsc.

We like to use Anaconda/Miniconda but feel free to use other options:

# Create new environment
conda create -n zsc python=3.8
# Activate new environment
conda activate zsc


Run make dev

This will install the dependencies in requirements.txt and the aylien_zs_classifier library in development mode.

Currently we also need install model-serving:

git clone
pip install ./model-serving

Using the library

Using the aylien_zs_classifier library, you can create and use a zero-shot text classifier:

from aylien_zs_classifier.classifier import ZeroShotClassifier
from aylien_zs_classifier.vector_store import NaiveVectorStore
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from pprint import pprint

model = SentenceTransformer("paraphrase-mpnet-base-v2", device="cpu")
classifier = ZeroShotClassifier(model=model, vector_store=NaiveVectorStore())

labels = ["fire", "water", "wind"]
descriptions = ["fire", "water", "wind"]
classifier.add_labels(labels, descriptions)

snippets = ["flame", "ocean", "hurricane"]
predictions = classifier.predict(snippets, output_scores=True)

""" output looks like this:
[[('fire', 0.7852495908737183),
  ('wind', 0.31472715735435486),
  ('water', 0.25439903140068054)],
 [('water', 0.5859522819519043),
  ('wind', 0.3676087260246277),
  ('fire', 0.22406277060508728)],
 [('wind', 0.48003238439559937),
  ('water', 0.2777974009513855),
  ('fire', 0.2622990310192108)]]

Using the service

We also include a service to expose this library via a REST API. Use make run to get the service running locally. You can now create and interact with a classifier via post requests:

Endpoint Request Format Explanation
/add {"label": "<label>", "description": "<description>"} Adding a new label
/classify At minimum: {"text": "<text>"}
Optional settings: {"text": "<text>", "threshold": 0.1, "topk": 10}
Classify a text snippet
/remove {"label": "<label>"} Remove a label
/reset (no data) Delete all labels

You can check if the service is working by running make example-request-add and make-request-classify.

We also put together some more examples for interacting with the service: examples/

Docker image

Deployment will be easy once you have a working Docker image! We can containerize our service by creating a Docker image:

# create Docker image
make build

# run container locally
docker run -p 8000:8000 -e --rm -it zs-classifier:0.1


Check out the demo for this project here where you can create and interact with a classifier on a UI.