- Show correct course name in downloaded modules
- Loading assignments for certain courses
- File separators of exported modules
- Updated to version 2024.3 of IntelliJ.
- Small bug fixes.
- Module exporting: Students can now export modules for submission.
- Module importing: Users can import multiple module zip files simultaneously. This feature helps assistants in grading and allows students to test their zips.
- Hid point counter from feedback assignments.
- Removed submission IDs from the assignment tree.
- Improved enrollment detection.
- Added token invalidation detection: The plugin now prompts users to re-enter their token if it is invalid (i.e., a new one was generated, or it got revoked).
- Increased network timeout to prevent module downloads from stopping on slower connections
- Resolved issues for external users and importing IDE settings.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Complete UI overhaul
- Rewrite of the plugin from Java to Kotlin