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83 lines (49 loc) · 3.21 KB

File metadata and controls

83 lines (49 loc) · 3.21 KB


Let's practice some git!

Important Note

Commit often. Commiting often is a great way of keeping yourself organized and writing good commit messages will save you tons of time down the road. It is an essential skill to work on a development team.

Some Background

You are the ColorMaster. You know your colors better than anybody else in the world. As the ColorMaster it's your job to keep the colors straight! You've been camping for the past nine months, far, far away from your directories, and while you were been gone, someone has wreaked havoc on your filesystem. Colors have been de-sorted, mis-sorted, and entire directories are missing! Luckily, you can fix this.

Here's what the folder structure looks like

  |       |        |       |
green   purple    red    unsorted


Make a commit after each step!

1. Modifying Files

In each of the folders named after a color (ex. purple) there are some files. Somebody has erased the descriptions of each object! Change into each color directory and open each file to fill in the names of each object.

a. Fill in the blank in plum.txt in the purple directory

b. Fill in the blank tree.txt in green directory

2. Creating Directories and Files

 Follow the directions for each of the tasks below

a. Create a yellow directory

b. In your purple directory, create a file called:

    > grape.txt

   in this file insert the text:

    > I'm a grape!

b. In your red directory, create a file called

    > firetruck.txt

   in firetruck.txt file insert this firetruck:

    >      _,..=xxxxxxxxxxxx,
    >     /L_Y.-"""""""""`,--n.
    >     .--'[=======]|L]J: []\
    >     |/ _ ''_ " " ||[ -_ 4 |
    >     '-(_)-(_)----'v'-(_)--'

   and the text:

    > I'm a firetruck!

3. Moving Files Around

a. Change into your unsorted directory. Inside, you'll see a few items that have been removed from their folders. Go ahead and move them into their correct folders.
    * hint: remember the command to list all of the files in a directory? Maybe whoever did this added a '.' before a file to hide it in the unsorted folder.

b. Once you've finished with the above task, take a look in the red folder at
>    apple.txt

Your ColorMaster eyes notice that this is no red apple, it's GREEN! move it to the correct folder.

4. Removing Files

a. As you gaze upon your glorious work, colors gleaming under the blueish light of your computer screen at 4:00 in the morning, you notice some intruders. A few .html files are lurking in the filesystem; the vandal must have littered them there. Use your knowledge of the command line to get rid of them.

   * hint: If you remember, there is a way to remove multiple .html files from a folder at once.

5. Push Code

Now that you've cleaned everything up, make sure you have committed all your work and push your work up to your github repository.

6. Open Pull Request

Open a pull request against the original GA repository, this is how you will submit your homework (or on the job submit your code)