here you can see all of my great and hard werk in one
![Image](images profile/sos-css.jpg) this is the first web I have ever made
![Image](images profile/somon.jpg) this is a game called simon a very full a brane using game
![Image](images profile/pethunt-2.jpg) this is a pet shop full of pets
![Image](images profile/pethunt.jpg) this is a pet shop full of pets
![Image](images profile/music-maker.jpg) this ia a drum kit you use it to make a drum beat
![Image](images profile/manny.jpg) this is a site all about me and the things I can do
![Image](images profile/love.jpg) this is a love calculator that i made and it is very honest
![Image](images profile/huddle.jpg) this is anothe one of the frontend mentor challanges
![Image](images profile/fyol.jpg) this is anothe one of my frontend mentor challanges that I coded
![Image](images profile/dice-to-rule.jpg) thia is a doce game I made one of the graetes site ever
[![Image](images profile/clipbard.jpg)(https://abdurahmanm2020.github.io/Clipboard/) this is one if the frontend mantor challanges
![Image](images profile/calculator.jpg) THis is a calculator that I have de
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images profile/ For more details see(https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/).
i have been coding for a very long time and I now feel as if I am ready for some more chaliges SEE MORE OF MY WERK my github. if you have a job you whant to bo done give me the money and Il give you you site
you can find me here? Check outfollow me on github and Il check in