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Innocent Bystander edited this page Aug 2, 2015 · 4 revisions

Requires plugin: forwarding

  • Will forward a message from one conversation to any number of other conversations.
  • Forwarded messages will have the name of the person who sent the message appended to the beginning of the message


Basic configuration example for config.json:

  "conversations": {
    "CONV_ID_1": {
      "forwarding_enabled": true,
      "forward_to": [ "CONV_ID_2" ]

The above configuration activates forwarding in a conversation and forwards all messages from CONV_ID_1 to CONV_ID_2.

You can add as many conversation ids as you wish into the forward_to key e.g.

"forward_to": [ "CONV_ID_2", "CONV_ID_3", "CONV_ID_4" ]

Forwarding can be activated globally - this is not recommended!

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