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GitLab Web Hook Sink

Innocent Bystander edited this page Aug 17, 2015 · 1 revision

The GitLab-compatible sink will post push messages into a Hangout

configuring and starting the sink

  1. Generate a .pem file for SSL/TLS. This is a mandatory step as the sink will refuse to start without SSL/TLS. A self-signed certificate will do:

  2. Open the bot's config.json file and modify the jsonrpc key as follows:

    "jsonrpc": [
        "module": "sinks.gitlab.simplepush.webhookReceiver",
        "certfile": "<location of .pem file>",
        "port": <port number>
  3. (Re-)start the bot

configuring gitlab

  1. Determine which group hangout you want to receive GitLab events. In that hangout, execute /bot whereami - the bot will message the id for that specific hangout. Record the conversation id.

  2. In your GitLab instance, access Project Settings > Web Hooks

  3. Select which project events you want to be notified of and specify this URL:

    https://<your bot ip/domain name>:<port number>/<conversation id>/
  4. After entering the above, Add Web Hook, then test the hook.

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