BioPortainer Test Laboratories:
In the first scenario, use Play-with-Docker ( to configure a virtual machine containing the Docker Engine installed.
Next, use the ADD NEW INSTANCE option (Figure 1) to create the test virtual machine and type the following commands to deploy BioPortainer:
$ docker info
$ docker ps
$ docker ps
To access the BioPortainer interface the user must use a URL following the pattern: http://ip<'ip-separated-by-hifen'>-<'session_jd'>-<'port'> The and <session_jd> variables are available in the Play-with-Docker graphical interface, as shown in the Figure 2 (below). More details can be obtained at . After accessing the BioPortainer URL, user may set up his/her own password and manage the Docker Engine through the BioPortainer graphical interface.
(Figure 1)
(Figure 2)
This scenario describes the configuration of a Swarm Cluster, containing three virtual machines, configured as Managers, and two additional virtual machines, configured as Workers.
Initially, use the option Templates in Play-with Docker to create the test environment and (Figure 3), next, deploy BioPortainer, by typing the following commands:
$ docker node ls
$ docker node ps
$ docker node ps
Upon deployment of BioPortainer, user must follow the same steps described in Scenario 1 to gain access to the BioPortainer interface. Minor differences to be encountered in this frontend include a box titled “Swarm information”, as well as forms describing “services” and “Swarm”, which shall assist user in full administration of the cluster and its assigned services.
(Figure 3)
In this scenario, the Katacoda Learning Platform is used to create a test environment containing a standard Swarm installation, composed of a Manager and a preconfigured Worker. All instructions for using the test environment are available at: