Developed in collaboration with Alias Robotics.
A threat model is a structured representation of all the information that affects the security of a robot in a particular application. Threat modeling allows capturing, organizing, and analyzing all of this information while enabling informed decision-making about application security risks. In addition to producing a model, threat modeling allows to identify, enumerate and prioritize structural vulnerabilities – all from a hypothetical attacker’s point of view.
When applied to robotics, the ultimate purpose of threat modeling is to provide manufacturers, integrators and end-users with a systematic analysis of the probable attacker’s profile, the most likely attack vectors, and the assets most desired by an attacker. Typically, threat models answers the following questions:
- Where are the high-value assets?
- Where am I most vulnerable to attack?
- What are the most relevant threats? and
- Is there an attack vector that might go unnoticed?
The sections below cover the threat model analysis of our MARA robot.
- Agenda
- References
The application considered in this section is a MARA modular robot operating on an industrial environment while performing a pick & place activity. MARA is the first robot to run ROS 2 natively. It is an industrial-grade collaborative robotic arm which runs ROS 2.0 on each joint, end-effector, external sensor or even on its industrial controller. Throughout the H-ROS communication bus, MARA empowers new possibilities and applications in the professional landscape of robotics. It offers millisecond-level distributed bounded latencies or submicrosecond-level synchronization capabilities.
Built out of individual modules that natively run on ROS 2, MARA can be physically extended in a seamless manner. However, this also moves towards more networked robots and production environments which brings new challenges, especially in terms of security and safety.
The robot considered is a MARA, a 6 Degrees of Freedom (6DoF) modular and collaborative robotic arm with 3 kg of payload and repeatibility below 0.1 mm. The robot can reach angular speeds up to 90º/second and has a reach of 656 mm. The robot contains a variety of sensors on each joint and can be controlled from any industrial controller that supports ROS 2 and uses the HRIM information model. Each of the modules contains the H-ROS communication bus for robots enabled by the H-ROS SoM, which delivers real-time, security and safety capabilities for ROS 2 at the module level.
No information is provided about how ROS 2 nodes are distributed on each module. Each joint offers the following ROS 2 API capabilities as described in their documentation (MARA joint):
model allows to control the position, velocity or/and effort (generated from models/actuator/servo/topics/goal.xml, see HRIM for more).StateRotaryServo.msg
publishes the status of the motor.Power.msg
publishes the power consumption.Status.msg
informs about the resources that are consumed, SpecsCommunication.msg and StateCommunication.msg that are created to inform about communication aspects.StateCommunication.msg
is a custom message which reports the state of the device network.
publishes the general identity of the component.Simulation3D.srv
.msg that sends the device 3D model and related information.SpecsCommunication.srv
is a custom message which reports the specs of the device network.SpecsRotaryServo.srv
is a custom message which reports the main features of the device.EnableDisable.srv
disables or enables the servo motor.ClearFault.srv
sends a request to clear any fault in the servo motor.Stop.srv
requests to stop any ongoing movement.OpenCloseBrake.srv
opens or closes the servo motor brake.
allows to move the joint using a trajectory msg.
Such API gets translated into the following abstractions:
Topic | Name |
goal | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/goal_axis1 |
goal | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/goal_axis2 |
state | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/state_axis1 |
state | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/state_axis2 |
Service | Name |
specs | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/specs |
enable servo | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/enable |
disable servo | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/disable |
clear fault | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/clear_fault |
stop | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/stop_axis1 |
stop | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/stop_axis2 |
close brake | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/close_brake_axis1 |
close brake | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/close_brake_axis2 |
open brake | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/open_brake_axis1 |
open brake | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/open_brake_axis2 |
Action | Name |
goal joint trajectory | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/trajectory_axis1 |
goal joint trajectory | /hrim_actuator_rotaryservo_XXXXXXXXXXXX/trajectory_axis2 |
Parameters | Name |
ecat_interface | Ethercat interface |
reduction_ratio | Factor to calculate the position of the motor |
position_factor | Factor to calculate the position of the motor |
torque_factor | Factor to calculate the torque of the motor |
count_zeros_axis1 | Axis 1 absolute value of the encoder for the zero position |
count_zeros_axis2 | Axis 2 absolute value of the encoder for the zero position |
enable_logging | Enable/Disable logging |
axis1_min_position | Axis 1 minimun position in radians |
axis1_max_position | Axis 1 maximun position in radians |
axis1_max_velocity | Axis 1 maximun velocity in radians/s |
axis1_max_acceleration | Axis 1 maximun acceleration in radians/s^2 |
axis2_min_position | Axis 2 minimun position in radians |
axis2_max_position | Axis 2 maximun position in radians |
axis2_max_velocity | Axis 2 maximun velocity in radians/s |
axis2_max_acceleration | Axis 2 maximun acceleration in radians/s^2 |
The controller used in the application is a ROS 2-enabled industrial PC, specifically, an ORC. This PC also features the H-ROS communication bus for robots which commands MARA in a deterministic manner. This controller makes direct use of the aforementioned communication abstractions (topics, services and actions).
This section aims for describing the components and specifications within the MARA robot environment. Below the different aspects of the robot are listed and detailed in Hardware, Software and Network. The external actors and Data assests are described independently.
- 1x MARA modular robot is a modular manipulator, ROS 2 enabled robot for industrial automation purposes.
- Robot modules
- 3 x Han's Robot Modular Joints: 2 DoF electrical motors that include precise encoders and an electro-mechanical breaking system for safety purposes. Available in a variety of different torque and size combinations, going from 2.8 kg to 17 kg weight and from 9.4 Nm to 156 Nm rated torque.
- Mechanical connector: H-ROS connector A
- Power input: 48 Vdc
- Communication: H-ROS robot communication bus
- Link layer: 2 x Gigabit (1 Gbps) TSN Ethernet network interface
- Middleware: Data Distribution Service (DDS)
- On-board computation: Dual core ARM® Cortex-A9
- Operating System: Real-Time Linux
- ROS 2.0 version: Crystal Clemmys
- Information model: HRIM Coliza
- Security:
- DDS crypto, authentication and access control plugins
- 1 x Robotiq Modular Grippers: ROS 2 enabled industrial end-of-arm-tooling.
- Mechanical connector: H-ROS connector A
- Power input: 48 Vdc
- Communication: H-ROS robot communication bus
- Link layer: 2 x Gigabit (1 Gbps) TSN Ethernet network interface
- Middleware: Data Distribution Service (DDS)
- On-board computation: Dual core ARM® Cortex-A9
- Operating System: Real-Time Linux
- ROS 2.0 version: Crystal Clemmys
- Information model: HRIM Coliza
- Security:
- DDS crypto, authentication and access control plugins
- 3 x Han's Robot Modular Joints: 2 DoF electrical motors that include precise encoders and an electro-mechanical breaking system for safety purposes. Available in a variety of different torque and size combinations, going from 2.8 kg to 17 kg weight and from 9.4 Nm to 156 Nm rated torque.
- Robot modules
- 1 x Industrial PC: ORC include:
- CPU: Intel i7 @ 3.70GHz (6 cores)
- RAM: Physical 16 GB DDR4 2133 MHz
- Storage: 256 GB M.2 SSD interface PCIExpress 3.0
- Communication: H-ROS robot communication bus
- Link layer: 2 x Gigabit (1 Gbps) TSN Ethernet network interface
- Middleware: Data Distribution Service (DDS)
- Operating System: Real-Time Linux
- ROS 2.0 version: Crystal Clemmys
- Information model: HRIM Coliza
- Security:
- DDS crypto, authentication and access control plugins
- 1 x Update Server: OTA
- Virtual Machine running on AWS EC2
- Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
- Software: Mender OTA server
- Virtual Machine running on AWS EC2
- Ethernet time sensitive (TSN) internal network: Interconnection of modular joints in the MARA Robot is performed over a daisy chained Ethernet TSN channel. Each module acts as a switch, forming the internal network of the robot.
- Manufacturer (Acutronic Robotics) corporate private network: A secure corporate wide-area network, that spans multiple cities. Only authenticated user with suitable credentials can connect to the network, and good security practices like password rotation are in place. This network is used to develop and deploy updates in the robotic systems. Managed by the original manufacturer.
- End-user corporate private network: A secure corporate wide-area network, that spans multiple cities. Only authenticated user with suitable credentials can connect to the network, and good security practices like password rotation are in place.
- Cloud network: A VPC network residing in a public cloud platform, containing multiple servers. The network follows good security practices, like implementation of security applicances, user password rotation and multi-factor authentication. Only allowed users can access the network. The OTA service is open to the internet. Uses of the cloud network:
- Manufacturer (Acutronic Robotics) uploads OTA artifacts from their
Manufacturer corporate private network
to the Cloud Network. - Robotic Systems on the
End-user corporate private network
fetch those artifacts from the Cloud Network. - Robotic Systems on the
End-user corporate private network
send telemetry data for predictive maintenance to Cloud Network.
- Manufacturer (Acutronic Robotics) uploads OTA artifacts from their
In this section all the processes running on robotic system in scope are detailed.
- Onboard Modular Joints
this node is in charge of controlling the motors inside the H-ROS SoM. This nodes exposes some services, actions and topics described below. This node publishes joint states and joint velocities, it provides a topic for servoing the modular joint and an action that will be waiting for a trajectory.hros_servomotor_hans_generic_node
a node which contains several generic services and topics with information about the modular joint, such aspower
measurement readings: voltage and current,status
about the H-ROS SoM like cpu load or network stats, specifications aboutcommunication
, theURDF
or even the mesh file of the modular joint.- Mender (OTA client) runs inside the H-ROS SoM. When an update is launched, the client downloads this version and it gets installed and available when the device is rebooted.
- Onboard Modular Gripper: Undisclosed.
- Onboard Industrial PC:
- MoveIt! motion planning framework.
- Manufacturing process control applications.
- Robot teleoperatiopn utilities.
- ROS1/ROS2 bridges: These bridges are needed to be able to run MoveIT! which is not yet ported to ROS 2.0. Right now there is an effort in the community to port this tool to ROS 2.0.
In this section all the relevant third party software dependencies used within the different components among the scope of this threat model are listed.
- Linux OS / Kernel
- ROS 2 core libraries
- H-ROS core libraries and packages
- ROS 2 system dependencies as defined by rosdep:
- RMW implementation: In the H-ROS API there is the chance for selecting the DDS implementation.
- The threat model describes attacks with the security enabled and disabled. If the security is enabled, the security plugins are assumed to be configured and enabled.
See Mara ROS 2 Tutorials to find more details about software dependencies.
All the actors interacting with the robotic system are here gathered.
- End users
- Robotics user: Interacts with the robot for performing work labour tasks.
- Robotics operator: Performs maintainance tasks on the robot. Integrates the robot with the industrial network.
- Robotics researcher: Develops new applications and algorithms for the robot.
- Manufacturer
- Robotics engineer: Develops new updates and features for the robot itself. Performs in-site robot setup and maintainance tasks.
In this section all the assets storing information within the system are displayed.
- ROS 2 network (topic, actions, services information)
- Private Data
- Logging messages
- Restricted Data
- Robot Speed and Orientation. Some understanding of the current robot task may be reconstructed from those messages.
- Logging messages
- Private Data
- Configuration and status data of hardware.
- Modules (joints and gripper)
- ROS logs on each module. Private data, metrics and configuration information that could lead to GDPR issues or disclosure of current robot tasks.
- Module embedded software (drivers, operating system, configuration, etc.)
- Secret data. Intellectual Property (IP) theft is a critical issue here.
- Credentials. CI/CD, enterprise assets, SROS certificates.
- ORC Industrial PC
- Public information. Motion planning algorithms for driving the robot (MoveIt! motion planning framework).
- Configuration data. Private information with safety implications. Includes configuration for managing the robot.
- Programmed routines. Private information with safety implications.
- Credentials. CI/CD, enterprise assets, SROS certificates.
- CI/CD and OTA subsystem
- Configuration data.
- Credentials
- Firmware files and source code. Intellectual property, both end-user and manufacturer.
- Robot Data
- System and ROS logs are stored on each joint module's filesystem.
- Robot system is subject to physical attacks (physically removing the disk from the robot to read its data).
- Cloud Data
- Different versions of the software are stored on the OTA server.
- Secret Management
- DDS / ROS Topics
- If SROS is enabled, private keys are stored on the local filesystem of each module.
- Mender OTA
- Mender OTA client certificates are stored on the robot file system.
- DDS / ROS Topics
As described above, the application considered is a MARA modular robot operating on an industrial environment while performing a pick & place
activity.For this use case all possible external actor have been included. The actions they can perform on the robotic system have been limited to the following ones:
End-Users: From the End-user perspective, the functions considered are the ones needed for a factory line to work. Among this functions, there are the ones keeping the robot working and being productive.
On an industrial environment, this group of external actors are the ones making use of the robot on their facilities.
Robotics Researcher: Development, Testing and Validation
- A research engineer develops a pick and place task with the robot. They may:
- Restart the robot
- Restart the ROS graph
- Physically interact with the robot
- Receive software updates from OTA
- Check for updates
- Configure ORC control funtionalities
- A research engineer develops a pick and place task with the robot. They may:
Robotic User: Collaborative tasks
- Start the robot
- Control the robot
- Work alongside the robot
Robotics Operator: Automation of industrial tasks
- An industrial operator uses the robot in a factory. They may:
- Start the robot
- Control the robot
- Configure the robot
- Include the robot into the industrial network
- Check for updates
- Configure and interacts with the ORC
- An industrial operator uses the robot in a factory. They may:
Manufacturer: From the manufacturer perspective, the application considered is the development of the MARA robotic platform, using an automated system for deployment of updates, following a CI/CD system.
These are the actors who create and maintain the robotic system itself.
- Robotics Engineer: Development, Testing and Validation
- Development of new functionality and improvements for the MARA robot.
- Develop new software for the H-ROS SoM
- Update OS and system libraries
- Update ROS2 subsystem and control nodes
- Deployment of new updates to the robots and management of the fleet
- In-Place robot maintenance
- Development of new functionality and improvements for the MARA robot.
- Robotics Engineer: Development, Testing and Validation
The following section outlines the possible entry points an attacker could use as attack vectors to render the MARA vulnerable.
- Physical Channels
- Exposed debug ports.
- Internal field bus.
- Hidden development test points.
- Communication Channels
- DDS / ROS 2 Topics
- Topics can be listened or written to by any actor:
- Connected to a network where DDS packets are routed to.
- Have necessary permissions (read / write) if SROS is enabled.
- When SROS is enabled, attackers may try to compromise the CA authority or the private keys to generate or intercept private keys as well as emitting malicious certificates to allow spoofing.
- Topics can be listened or written to by any actor:
- H-ROS API access is possible to anyone on the same LAN or WAN (if port forwarding is enabled).
- When authentication (in the H-ROS API) is enabled, attackers may try to vulnerate it.
- Mender OTA
- Updates are pushed from the server.
- Updates could be intercepted and modified before reaching the robot.
- DDS / ROS 2 Topics
- Deployed Software
- ROS nodes running on hardware are compiled by the manufacturer and deployed directly. An attacker may tamper the software running in the hardware by compromising the OTA services.
- An attacker compromising the developer workstation could introduce a vulnerability in a binary which would then be deployed to the robot.
- MoveIt! motion planning library may contain exploitable vulnerabilities.
The following content will apply the threat model to an industrial robot on its environment. The objective on this threat analysis is to identify the attack vectors for the MARA robotic platform. Those attack vectors will be identified and clasified depending on the risk and services implied. On the next sections MARA's components and risks will be detailed thoroughly using the threat model above, based on STRIDE and DREAD.
The diagram below illustrates MARA's application with different trust zones (trust boundaries showed with dashed green lines). The number and scope of trust zones is depending on the infrastructure behind.
Diagram Source
(edited with
The trust zones ilustrated above are the following:
- Firmware Updates: This zone is where the manufacturer develops the different firmware versions for each robot.
- OTA System: This zone is where the firmwares are stored for the robots to download.
- MARA Robot: All the robots' componentents and internal comunications are gathered in this zone.
- Industrial PC (ORC): The industrial PC itself is been considered a zone itself because it manages the software the end-user develops and sends it to the robot.
- Software control: This zone is where the end user develops software for the robot where the tasks to be performed are defined.
Each generic threat described in the main threat table can be instantiated on the MARA.
This table indicates which of MARA's particular assets and entry points are impacted by each threat. A check sign (✓) means impacted while a cross sign (✘) means not impacted. The "SROS Enabled?" column explicitly states out whether using SROS would mitigate the threat or not. A check sign (✓) means that the threat could be exploited while SROS is enabled while a cross sign (✘) means that the threat requires SROS to be disabled to be applicable.
Threat | MARA Assets | Entry Points | SROS Enabled? | Attack | Mitigation | Mitigation Result (redesign / transfer / avoid / accept) | Additional Notes / Open Questions | |||||||
Human Assets | Robot App. | ROS 2 API (DDS) | Manufacturer CI/CD | End-user CI/CD | H-ROS API | OTA | Physical | |||||||
Embedded / Software / Communication / Inter-Component Communication | ||||||||||||||
An attacker spoofs a software component identity. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | Without SROS any node may have any name so spoofing is trivial. |
Mitigating risk requires implementation of SROS on MARA. | No verification of components. An attacker could connect a fake joint directly. Direct access to the system is granted. (No NAC) | |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker deploys a malicious node which is not enabling DDS Security Extension and spoofs the joy_node forcing the robot to stop. |
Risk is mitigated | |||
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | An attacker steals node credentials and spoofs the joint node forcing the robot to stop. |
Mitigation risk requires additional work. |
An attacker intercepts and alters a message. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | Without SROS an attacker can modify `/goal_axis` or `trajectory_axis` messages sent through a network connection to e.g. stop the robot. |
Risk is reduced if SROS is used. | ||
An attacker writes to a communication channel without authorization. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | Without SROS, any node can publish to any topic. |
An attacker listens to a communication channel without authorization. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | Without SROS: any node can listen to any topic. |
Risk is reduced if SROS is used. | ||
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | DDS participants are enumerated and [fingerprinted][aztarna] to look for potential vulnerabilities. |
Risk is mitigated if DDS-Security is configured appropriately. | |||
An attacker prevents a communication channel from being usable. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | Without SROS: any node can ""spam"" any other component. |
Risk may be reduced when using SROS. | ||
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | A node can ""spam"" another node it is allowed to communicate with. |
Mitigating risk requires additional work. | How to enforce when nodes are malicious? Observe and kill? | ||
Embedded / Software / Communication / Remote Application Interface | ||||||||||||||
An attacker gains unauthenticated access to the remote application interface. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker connects to the H-ROS API in an unauthenticated way. Reads robot configuration and alters configuration values. |
Risk is mitigated. | ||
An attacker could eavesdrop communications to the Robot’s remote application interface. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker executes a MitM attack, eavesdropping all unencrypted communications and commands sent to the API. | Encrypt the communications through the usage of HTTPS. | Risk is mitigated. | ||
An attacker could alter data sent to the Robot’s remote application interface. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker could execute a MitM attack and alter commands being sent to the API. | Encrypt the communications through the usage of HTTPS. | Risk is mitigated. | ||
Embedded / Software / OS & Kernel | ||||||||||||||
An attacker compromises the real-time clock to disrupt the kernel RT scheduling guarantees. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘/✓ | A malicious actor attempts to write a compromised kernel to /boot |
Risk is mitigated. | ||
An attacker compromises the OS or kernel to alter robot data. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘/✓ | A malicious actor attempts to write a compromised kernel to /boot |
Risk is mitigated. | ||
An attacker compromises the OS or kernel to eavesdrop on robot data. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘/✓ | A malicious actor attempts to write a compromised kernel to /boot |
Risk is mitigated. | ||
Embedded / Software / Component-Oriented Architecture | ||||||||||||||
A node accidentally writes incorrect data to a communication channel. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | A node writes random or invalid values to the /goal_axis topics. |
Need to expand DDS IDL or RMW for mitigating the risk. | ||
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | A node could to write out of physical bounds values to the `/goal_axis` or `/trajectory_axis` topics, causing damage to the robot. |
Risk is mitigated when applying limits on actuator drivers. | |||
An attacker deploys a malicious node on the robot. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘/✓ | An attacker deploys a malicious node to the robot. This node performs dangerous movements that compromise safety. The node attempts to perform physical or logical damage to the modules. |
An attacker can prevent a component running on the robot from executing normally. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘/✓ | A malicious node running on the robot starts sending kill requests to other nodes in the system, disrupting the normal behaviour of the robot. | Having the abiliy to shutdown/kill nodes through API request supposes a problem on the ROS implementation. Deprecation of the function should be considered. Node restarting policie should be applied. | Deprecation of the shutdown API call needs to be considered. | ||
Embedded / Software / Configuration Management | ||||||||||||||
An attacker modifies configuration values without authorization. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | Node parameters are freely modifiable by any DDS domain participant. | ||||
An attacker accesses configuration values without authorization. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | Node parameters values can be read by any DDS domain participant. | ||||
A user accidentally misconfigures the robot. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | Node parameters values can be modified by anyone to any value. | ||||
Embedded / Software / Data Storage (File System) | ||||||||||||||
An attacker modifies the robot file system by physically acessing it. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘/✓ | An attacker modifies the filesystem data within the robot | Enable filesystem encryption with LUKS or dm-crypt, storing keys on TPM device. | Risk is mitigated. | ||
An attacker eavesdrops on the robot file system by physically accessing it. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘/✓ | An attacker physically accesses the memory chip to eavesdrop credentials, logs or sensitive data. | Enable filesystem encryption with LUKS or dm-crypt, storing keys on TPM device. | Risk is mitigated. | ||
An attacker saturates the robot disk with data. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | A malicious node writes random data that fills the robot disk. | Enable disk quotas on the system. Enable sandboxing of the processes. Separate disk into multiple partitions, sending non trivial data to temporary directories. | Risk is partially mitigated. Disk cleanup routines and log rotation should also be implemented. | ||
Embedded / Software / Logs | ||||||||||||||
An attacker exfiltrates log data to a remote server. | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker compromising the OTA server could request device log data and eavesdrop sensitive information. | Enable RBAC on the OTA server, limit access to sensitive functions. | Risk is mitigated. | ||
Embedded / Hardware / Sensors | ||||||||||||||
An attacker spoofs a robot sensor (by e.g. replacing the sensor itself or manipulating the bus). | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘/✓ | An attacker could physically tamper the readings from the sensors. | Add noise or out-of-bounds reading detection mechanism on the robot, causing to discard the readings or raise an alert to the user. Add detection of sensor disconnections. | Risk is mitigated. | ||
Embedded / Hardware / Actuators | ||||||||||||||
An attacker spoofs a robot actuator. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker could insert a counterfeit modular joint in the robot, compromising the whole system (e.g. a modified gripper). |
Risk is mitigated. | Additional evaluation should be performed. Authenticating nodes via certificates would require shipping the nodes with client certificates, and the validated manufacturers would require a subordinate CA to sign their modules.(Kinda DRM-ish) | |
An attacker modifies the command sent to the robot actuators. (intercept & retransmit) | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker intercepts the communication channel traffic. The command is altered an retransmitted to the target joint. |
Risk is mitigated. | ||
Embedded / Hardware / Communications | ||||||||||||||
An attacker connects to an exposed debug port. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker could connect to an exposed debug port and gain control over the robot through the execution of arbitrary commands. |
Risk is mitigated. | ||
An attacker connects to an internal communication bus. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker could connect to an internal communication bus to send arbitrary data or eavesdrop communication between different components of the robot. |
Risk is mitigated. | ||
Remote / Software Deployment | ||||||||||||||
An attacker spoofs the deployment service. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker spoofs the update deployment server and serves malicious content to the devices. |
Risk is mitigated. | ||
An attacker modifies the binaries sent by the deployment service. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker intercepts the communication to the deployment server and serves malicious content to the devices. |
Risk is mitigated. | ||
An attacker intercepts the binaries sent by the depoyment service. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker intercepts the update communication and stores the binary sent to the devices, gaining access to intellectual property. |
Risk is mitigated. | ||
An attacker prevents the robot and the deployment service from communicating. | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘/✓ | An attacker blocks the robots update process. |
Risk is partially mitigated. |
In an atempt to analyze the different possible attacks before even happening, attack trees are created. This diagrams speculate about the possible attacks against the system in order to be able to counter them. Threats can be organized in the following attack trees. Attacks are ordered starting from the physical attack vector, continuing with network based attacks, and finishing with the support infrastructure for the robot.
The following attack tree describes the possible paths to be followed by an attacker for compromising the system.
The next diagram shows the infrastructure affected on a possible attack based on a compromise of a physical communication port.
The following attack tree describes the possible paths to be followed by an attacker for physically compromising the system.
The following diagram shows the infrastructure affected on a possible attack based on exploitation of the ROS2 API.
The following attack tree describes the possible paths to be followed by an attacker for compromising the system.
The diagram below shows the infrastructure affected on a possible attack against MARA's H-ROS API.
The following attack tree describes the possible paths to be followed by an attacker for compromising the system.
The following diagram shows the infrastructure affected on a possible attack against the manufacturer code repository, showing its potential implications and consequences.
- Setup a MARA with the exact software described in the Components MARA section of this document.
- Penetration Testing
- Attacks described in the spreadsheet should be implemented. For instance,
a malicious
could be implemented to try to disrupt the robot operations. - Once the vulnerability has been exploited, the exploit should be released to the community so that the results can be reproduced.
- Whether the attack has been successful or not, this document should be updated accordingly.
- If the attack was successful, a mitigation strategy should be implemented. It can either be done through improving ROS 2 core packages or it can be a platform-specific solution. In the second case, the mitigation will serve as an example to publish best practices for the development of secure robotic applications.
- For trainning purposes, an online playground (RCTF) exists to challenge roboticists to learn and discover robot vulnerabilities.
- For an overall evaluation of the robots' security measures, the Robot Security Framework (RSF) will be used. This validation has to be don e after the assessment is completed in order to have a realistic results.
- Attacks described in the spreadsheet should be implemented. For instance,
a malicious
Due to the iterative nature of this process, the results shown on this section may differ depending on the threat model's version.
The results here presented are a summary of the discoveries made during the Acutronic Robotics' MARA assessment. Prior to the assessment, in order to be time-effective, a threat analysis was done over the system and the most likely attack vectors were identified.
Based on the threat model performed over MARA, an assessment has been performed in order to discover the vulnerabilities within. The content below is directly related to that threat model using all the attack vectors identified as starting points for the exercise.
This Security Assessment Report for Acutronic Robotics’ MARA components has been performed by Alias Robotics S.L. The targeted system for the assessment is the H-ROS powered MARA. H-ROS, the Hardware Robot Operating System, is a collection of hardware and software specifications and implementations that allows creating modular and distributed robot parts. H-ROS heavily relies on the use of ROS 2 as a robotic development framework.
This document presents an overview of the results obtained in the assessment. In it, we introduce a report focused on identifying security issues or vulnerabilities detected during the exercise.
This assessment has evaluated the security measures present in the H-ROS SoM components. The evaluation has been done through a vulnerability and risk assessment, and the following sections are a summary of the findings.
The vulnerabilities are rated on a severity scale according to the guidelines stated in the Robot Vulnerability Scoring System (RVSS), resulting in a score between 0 and 10, according to the severity of the vulnerability. The RVSS follows the same principles as the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), yet adding aspects related to robotics systems that are required to capture the complexity of robot vulnerabilities. Every evaluated aspect is defined in a vector, having its weight at the final score.
All assessment findings from the MARA are classified by technical severity. The following list explains how Alias Robotics rates vulnerabilities by their severity.
- Critical: Scores between 9 and 10
- High: Scores between 7 and 8.9
- Medium: Scores between 4 and 6.9
- Low: Scores between 0.1 and 3.9
- Informational: Scores 0.0
In the course of a first funded vulnerability assessment, 2 critical, 6 high , 13 medium and 6 low vulnerabilities have been found. The ones fixed by Acutronic Robotics are disclosed below using the following format:
Name | Name of the vulnerability |
ID | Vulnerability identifier |
RVSS Score | Rating assigned according to the Robot Vulnerability Scoring System (RVSS), based on the severity of the vulnerability |
Scoring Vector | Vector showing the different aspects that have defined the final score |
Description | Information about the nature of the vulnerability |
Remediation Status | Status of the remediation, with evidences and date (Active, Fixed) |
Name | H-ROS API vulnerable to DoS attacks |
ID | Vuln-07 |
RVSS Score | 7.5 |
Scoring Vector | RVSS:1.0/AV:RN/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/Y:Z/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H/H:N |
Description | The H-ROS API does not use any mechanism for limiting the requests that a user is able to perform in a determined set of time. This can lead to DoS attacks or premature wearing of the device. |
Remediation Status | ✓ |
Name | Insufficient limitation of hardware boundaries. |
ID | Vuln-02 |
RVSS Score | 6.8 |
Scoring Vector | RVSS:1.0/AV:IN/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/Y:Z/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:H/H:E |
Description | Actuator drivers do not correctly limit the movement boundaries, being able to execute commands above the physical capabilities of the actuator. |
Remediation Status | ✓ |
Name | ROS 2 Goal topic vulnerable to DoS attacks. |
ID | Vuln-13 |
RVSS Score | 5.5 |
Scoring Vector | RVSS:1.0/AV:IN/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/Y:Z/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H/H:U |
Description | The ROS 2 nodes that control the motor fail when a big number of messages are sent in a small span of time. The application crashes and is not able to recover from failure, causing a DoS. This is probably caused by memory leaks, bugs or log storage. |
Remediation Status | ✓ |
Name | ROS 2 Trajectory topic vulnerable to DoS |
ID | Vuln-14 |
RVSS Score | 5.5 |
Scoring Vector | RVSS:1.0/AV:IN/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/Y:Z/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H/H:N |
Description | Trajectory messages sent to the `/trajectory` topic of the H-ROS SoM cause an unrecoverable failure on the ROS node that can only be fixed by a system restart. |
Remediation Status | ✓ |
Name | OTA OpenSSH Linux distribution version disclosure |
ID | Vuln-20 |
RVSS Score | 5.3 |
Scoring Vector | RVSS:1.0/AV:RN/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/Y:Z/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N/H:N |
Description | The OpenSSH server discloses the distribution name (Ubuntu) being used in the server in the connection headers, providing additional information to attackers. |
Remediation Status | ✓ |
Name | OTA OpenSSH version vulnerable to user enumeration attacks |
ID | Vuln-21 |
RVSS Score | 5.3 |
Scoring Vector | RVSS:1.0/AV:RN/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/Y:Z/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N/H:N |
Description | TThe OpenSSH server version 7.6p1 is vulnerable to user enumeration attacks by timing. |
Remediation Status | ✓ |
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