... based on Nick Dodson's ethjs implementation
This application utilizes Metamask to obtain wallet addresses, the LoopBack framework for API composition and can be easily orchestrated and deployed using LunchBadger.
- Install the Metamask Chrome plugin
- Register for an account on LunchBadger
git clone git@github.com:AdChain/tictactoe-loopback.git
npm install
npm start
- sign into Metamask to make sure your Ethereum account address is exposed
- open two browser windows to http://localhost:3000
- check the option to play single player and begin game as player 1
- play with yourself 😛
sign into LunchBadger
open another browser window or tab and go to https://app.lunchbadger.com
click the Cog icon to access settings and note:
- the git url
- the app url
cd to tictactoe-loopback git directory
git remote add lunchbadger [_YOUR GIT URL_]
git push lunchbadger master:master
confirm notification dialogue appears on the LunchBadger canvas to reload
verify Canvas has rendered the tic-tac-toe microservices
click the Disk save icon on LunchBadger to sync all metadata in the Canvas
run tictactoe remotely - using [YOUR APP URL]