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Simple Mass Attach Items

AdamWaldie edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 4 revisions

Associated Files: MissionScripts\Logistics\LogiHelpers\massAttachItems.sqf

This script attaches multiple objects to a second object.

Setting Up in Eden;

  • Place the vehicle or object you want to attach to all other items.
  • Place a Game Logic down as close as possible to the object. This can be found near the same menu as Modules.
  • Place any objects you wish to attach.
  • If you are using a vehicle as your primary object and any of your objects should be resting on the floor, then raise them about a foot, to allow for the drop of the vehicle's suspension once the game has been initialised.
  • Select all the objects that will be attached, right-click and synchronise them to the Game Logic.
  • In the init of the vehicle, paste the example below, and alter it to suit your needs.


  • _targetObject - the variable name of the vehicle/object you wish to attach the synchronised objects to.

Example call:

In vehicle init:

[variableNameOfObjectToAttachOthersTo] call Waldo_fnc_MassAttachRelative;

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