Canvas is a widget that helps us drawing free-style shapes. To use the widget, we need to enable the canvas feature.
iced = { version = "0.13.1", features = ["canvas"] }
We use Canvas::new to obtain the canvas widget.
This function accepts a Program trait.
We can create a struct (say, MyProgram
) to implement this trait.
impl<Message> Program<Message> for MyProgram {
type State = ();
fn draw(
_state: &Self::State,
renderer: &Renderer,
_theme: &Theme,
bounds: Rectangle,
_cursor: mouse::Cursor,
) -> Vec<Geometry> {
// ...
There is a generic data type Message
when we implement the Program trait.
This helps us adapting to our Message in Sandbox.
The associated type State is not used in our example, so we set it to ()
The key of Program is the draw method. In the method, we define what shapes we are going to draw. We use Frame as a pen to draw shapes. For example, we use the fill_rectangle method of Frame to draw a filled rectangle. Or we can stroke and fill any Path. Finally, we use the into_geometry method of Frame to return the Geometry as required by the draw method.
use iced::{
canvas::{Frame, Geometry, Path, Program, Stroke},
column, Canvas,
Color, Element, Length, Point, Rectangle, Renderer, Theme, Vector,
fn main() -> iced::Result {
iced::application("drawing shapes", MyApp::update, MyApp::view).run()
struct MyApp {
_state: String,
impl Default for MyApp {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum Message {
impl MyApp {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
_state: String::new(),
fn update(&mut self, _message: Message) {
fn view(&self) -> Element<Message> {
"A Canvas",
// Struct for canvas
struct MyProgram;
impl<Message> Program<Message> for MyProgram {
type State = ();
// Required method
fn draw(
_state: &Self::State,
renderer: &Renderer,
_theme: &Theme,
bounds: Rectangle,
_cursor: Cursor,
) -> Vec<Geometry> {
let mut frame = Frame::new(renderer, bounds.size());
frame.fill_rectangle(Point::ORIGIN, bounds.size(), Color::from_rgb(0.0, 0.2, 0.4));
&Path::circle(, frame.width().min(frame.height()) / 4.0),
Color::from_rgb(0.6, 0.8, 1.0),
// Draws the stroke of the given Path on the Frame with the provided style.
// Note: the stroke won't scale with screen zoom. + Vector::new(-250.0, 100.0), + Vector::new(250.0, -100.0),
Stroke {
style: Color::WHITE.into(),
width: 50.0,
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