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Releases: Adyen/adyen-ios


21 Dec 15:11
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This release is not compatible with Xcode 15
Please consider updating to 4.11.1 or newer


  • BACS Direct Debit is now supported through a native flow.
  • Add allowPreselectedPaymentView property to the Drop-in that allows skipping preselected stored payment method view step.


07 Dec 14:23
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This release is not compatible with Xcode 15
Please consider updating to 4.11.1 or newer


  • On Drop-in, the allowsSkippingPaymentList flag lets you skip the screen with the list of payment methods, if there is only one payment method available to the shopper. For example, if card is the only available payment method, the shopper will be taken directly to the card details input screen.
  • On Drop-in, you can now customize the screen with the Apple Pay button using DropInComponent.Style.applePay.


We've added support for the following card networks in Apple Pay:

  • MADA (mada) in the Middle East.
  • Cartes Bancaires (cartesBancaires) in France.

See the networks we currently support.


  • Card brand detection for dual-branded cards is now based on the first 11 digits of the card number.


15 Nov 14:21
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  • The encrypted token returned by CardEncryptor.Card.encryptedToToken() now also encodes the generationDate timestamp.


10 Nov 13:21
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This release is not compatible with Xcode 15
Please consider updating to 4.11.1 or newer


  • You can now pre-fill shopper information for card payments. You can pre-fill the cardholder name, billing address, postal code and social security number, by injecting it when creating the component.
  • For dual-branded cards issued in Europe, the Card Component now renders both brands, and allows the cardholder to choose the brand they want to pay with.
  • On Drop-in, you can now allow shoppers to remove stored cards. Implement StoredPaymentMethodsDelegate and set
    DropInComponent.Configuration.paymentMethodsList.allowDisablingStoredPaymentMethods to true.
  • For the Card Component UI, once the card brand is detected, the supported card brand logos become more transparent to make them less prominent.


  • Shoppers can no longer enter invalid characters in the checkout form.
  • Fixed an issue with the Drop-in slide-in animation.


10 Nov 11:29
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  • You can now use CardEncryptor.Card.encryptedToToken() to encrypt all card details as a single token.


  • Upgraded the 3D Secure 2 SDK version to v2.2.4..
  • The CardDetails object now contains the version of the 3D Secure SDK in threeDS2SDKVersion.


13 Oct 14:16
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This release is not compatible with Xcode 15
Please consider updating to 4.11.1 or newer


  • Doku, Affirm, MB WAY and Japanese convenience store payments now support pre-filling the shopper information in the payment form. You can pre-fill shopper information by injecting it when creating the component.
  • Added translations for the warning text the shopper sees when they enter a card brand you don't support.
  • For shoppers who don't have cards set up on Apple Pay, use allowOnboarding to either:
    • Allow shoppers to set up Apple Pay by going through the Apple Pay onboarding.
    • Not show Apple Pay in the checkout form.


  • The Boleto Component now allows shoppers to edit the pre-filled billing address.


  • Fixed an issue with form views freezing when updating the layout.


13 Oct 14:26
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  • Fixed an issue where turning on both Reduce motion and Prefer cross-fade transitions accessibility settings caused the card component fields to disappear.
  • Drop-in and Component now compile for Any iOS Device when using Xcode 13.


29 Sep 11:48
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This release is not compatible with Xcode 15
Please consider updating to 4.11.1 or newer


  • New supported payment method: Multibanco.
  • The Card Component now allows you to accept credit card payments in installments using InstallmentConfiguration.
  • Shoppers can now dismiss pickers using the new Done button.


  • If you're using Objective-C, we renamed TextField to ADYTextField to avoid naming conflicts.


  • The Encryption Component now uses JSON Web Encryption (JWE) with RSA OAEP 256 and AES CBC 256 with HMAC SHA 512. You don't need to make any changes to your integration.
  • The Card Component now shows an error message to the shopper if the card brand they're using is not supported.


  • Fixed a UI bug where only part of the Pay button was visible.
  • Fixed an issue with socialSecurityNumber where setting it to show would still hide the field based on the card's BIN.


06 Sep 11:12
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This release is not compatible with Xcode 15
Please consider updating to 4.11.1 or newer


  • New supported payment methods: Affirm, OXXO.
  • The Card Component now has support for:
    • Korean card payments through KCP.
    • Brazillian card payments that require the social security number.
    • UK addresses.
  • Shoppers can now add vouchers to Apple Wallet.
  • Get the last 4 digits of the entered card number using didSubmit(lastFour:component:).


  • If a shopper enters card data and then closes the payment screen, the component now clears the values for improved security.
  • The Card Component now runs validation on optional CVC fields if the shopper enters a value.
  • Disabled Luhn checks for private label cards (also known as white label cards), because the check fails even if the card number is valid.
  • The card number field now has a numeric keypad for input.
  • The Boleto Component has improved validation for social security numbers.
  • There are smoother transitions between Drop-in screens.
  • Redesigned the Drop-in UI for iPad so that it's responsive to screen size and feels native to the iPad.
  • Redesigned the UI for voucher payment methods to make it easy for shoppers to find the call to action.
  • Added a file for the demo projects.
  • Updated the 3D Secure SDK to v2.2.3.
  • Moved the networking layer into a separate framework as a dependency.


  • You can now use CocoaPods on M1 Mac devices.
  • Fixed a bug where card brand logos were not showing up if the shopper deleted the initial card number and entered a value again.
  • Single digit house numbers no longer fail validation.


30 Jun 12:33
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This release is not compatible with Xcode 15
Please consider updating to 4.11.1 or newer


  • Improves forms to show system auto completion suggestions.


  • Adds Arabic as a supported language.
  • Adds support for RTL layout.
  • Adds native support for gift card payments through GiftCardComponent.
  • Adds support for partial payments through the GiftCardComponent.
  • Adds support for Boleto payment method through the BoletoComponent.
  • Adds support for pre filling forms using DropInComponent.Configuration.shopper of type PrefilledShopperInformation.
  • Adds didOpenExternalApplication(component:) call back to DropInComponentDelegate to notify you about redirects to an external app.
  • Adds cardComponentDelegate property to DropInComponent.
  • For certain card types, the CVC field will be marked as optional. The CardComponent performs a BIN lookup call which uses the card number to try and identify the corresponding card type and whether the CVC is required or not.


  • Fixes a bug where browserinfo wasn't properly added to the PaymentComponentData object.
  • Fixes a bug in how redirect component parses the redirect query parameters.


  • Combines clientKey and environment into APIContext that needs to be injected into every component.
  • Renames PaymentMethodsConfiguration to DropInComponent.Configuration.
  • Renames CardConfiguration to CardComponent.Configuration.
  • Renames ApplePayConfiguration to AppleComponent.Configuration.
  • Groupes all action components' styles into ActionComponentStyle.