Start Time: 14th December 2023, 5:30 PM IST
End Time: 15th December 2023, 5:30 PM IST
- Learn to socialize!
- Flag format: IWCON{}
Flag is in iwcon-ctf
Flag: IWCON{y0u_w3r3_h3r3_f!rst}
- code me!
- Flag format: IWCON{}
- runme.class
using online decompiler we get java code
Click to see code 💠
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
public class iwcon {
public static String get_flag() {
byte[] var0 = "YPSiRhFjpXbIfgVc]NnHoeWlJ_mOEUQT[L`^kKGMda\\Z".getBytes();
byte[] var1 = "c54h1dW2z1yVNTdfzRITS9MJMnj53ByM3Xz0D7azN9Xe".getBytes();
byte[] var2 = new byte[var1.length];
for(int var3 = 0; var3 < var1.length; ++var3) {
var2[var3] = var1[var0[var3] - 69];
return new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(var2));
public static void main(String[] var0) {
in this code we modify main function to add call to get_flag()
public static void main(String[] var0) {
Flag: IWCON{y0u_4r3_a_r3v3rs3_3ngin33r}
📣Nggragvba unpxref!
VJPBA 2023 PGS fgnegf ba 🗓14gu Qrprzore 2023, ⌚5:30 CZ VFG.
Rkpvgvat cevmrf gb or jba🎁🏆
Vs lbh unira'g lrg ertvfgrerq, ertvfgre Abj: uggcf://pgs.vjpba.yvir
ernq gur ehyrf
Flag format: IWCON{}
this is rot13 and it decodes to
Attention hackers!
IWCON 2023 CTF starts on �14th December 2023, �5:30 PM IST.
Exciting prizes to be won��
If you haven't yet registered, register Now:
read the rules
in the source code of rules page we can see this comment
this is rot13 of M0V_M3_T0_G3T_TH3_FL4G
Flag: IWCON{M0V_M3_T0_G3T_TH3_FL4G}
- Dive into the world of ChromaCrypt, a mysterious box that conceals messages within encoded color sequences. Unraveling the mapping between colors and characters to unveil the hidden message.
- Flag format: IWCON{}
This is Hexahue cipher
decoded value: HU3H3XACRYPT
- What is it trying to convey? Can you help me understand it? 💻
- Flag format: IWCON{}
This is recursive encoding Base32 > URL Encoding > Morse Code > Hex > Base64
After decoding all these encodings we get the flag
Flag: IWCON{y0u_g0t_th4t_r16h7!}
Decrypt the Hidden Message
- 🔍Howdy, Cyber Sleuths! Gather 'round for the "Crypto Starter Challenge" in the world of Codeburg. Two mysterious figures, Cipher Steve and Enigma Emily, have shared an image.Rumor has it there's more to it than meets the eye – a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.
- Your Mission: If you choose to accept, is to break through the cryptographic cloak and unveil the concealed message. It's time to play "crypto detective" and decode the secrets these mysterious figures have tucked away.
- Flag Format: iwconctf{}
- Author: Priyatham
- File: hidden.jpeg
open this file with text editor flag is in text format
Flag: iwconctf{tr3asur3_9n_7h3_95land}
- Follow the 'R'abbit in a 'Q'
- Flag format: IWCON{}
- File:
This zip file have 9 images of partial qr code, i used GIMP to organize qr code
This qr code decode to
It have this following code at line 161 <iframe src='SVdDT057WTBVXzRSM180X0czTjFVU30='>
It is Base64 encoded flag.
Flag: IWCON{Y0U_4R3_4_G3N1US}
- Am I FUNCTIONing right?
- File:
In this zip we have tons of js files, so based on my CTF experience i guessed that it would have Base64 of flag so
i did recursive grep for SVdDT05
which is Base64 of IWCON
(from flag format) 😅
grep -ira "SVdDT05" *
Here we can see the Base64 encoded flag.
Flag: IWCON{hi33d3n_in_th3_shad0ws}
- Survival of the fittest!
- Password hash:
- Hint: CVE-2022-25012
This CVE is about Argus Surveillance DVR 4.0 - Weak Password Encryption using this PoC we get the flag
Flag: IWCON{y0u_survived?}
Happy Hacking