The v-card site allows users to create their own card and share it with their colleagues at work or outside work, by registering after entering the data and verifying its validity, the user moves to his control panel and here he makes his first card and after making the card he is converted to display the card and through the link Of the card, anyone can access any identification data for this person without registering on the site, and the user can manufacture an unlimited number of cards, and the main goal on which the site was built was to convert paper identification cards into digital identification cards, saving money and the trouble of printing and carrying cards.
- User Register,Login and Logout
- Create,Update and delete the card profile
- show the user vcard
- updating and deleting user account
- many profiles user can create
- Admin dashboard taht enable him to show all users and their accounts
Client: AdminLTE dashboard,bootstrap
Server: php,MYSql Server,laravel9
For support ,email