The yellow Norton by Seymantech
cards has 1 year subscription for upto 3
devices. The user has to navigate to
and register an account
(if they don't have). After that they can enter the product key obtained by
scratching off the back of the card.
The card says valid through 12/31/17, but works
After setting up the online account, the user has to open the Play Store (or App
Store app, in case of iPhone), and search for "Norton Mobile
Security". Install the app Norton Mobile
, open the app, go to the menu (top
left corner for Android), and tap on "Sign in". Enter the sign in details that
you just created in the Norton webstie. You can get more detailed info about
this in Download and install Norton Mobile
The website can track which devices have the subscription, and possible can monitor. There is significant lag in figuring out that a device has been added to the account. Next TODO: What informaion the admin of the account can learn from other phones.